Agency Based Discussion >

Alamy no watermark


There's no watermark on Alamy previews any more. Opens the way for "poor" bloggers for free blog size images.
Not good - especially when you're selling RM.

oh you're right ! On search, photos don't have watermark and are a size that images can be use ... worrying now !

Alamy puts blog size images out there and it's easy to take screenshots, and they say:

"We can’t chase unauthorised uses on your behalf if your image…

Has been used in a personal (non commercial) blog or on an individual’s social media platform."

I'm really surprised MORE people aren't concerned.

Uncle Pete:

--- Quote from: ravens on February 13, 2019, 03:28 ---Alamy puts blog size images out there and it's easy to take screenshots, and they say:

"We can’t chase unauthorised uses on your behalf if your image…

Has been used in a personal (non commercial) blog or on an individual’s social media platform."

I'm really surprised MORE people aren't concerned.

--- End quote ---

Simple ignoring our interests and I agree with you.


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