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How to monetise "shithole"?


Is anyone uploading or working on images or video to illustrate "shithole"?

This bookshop is...

I should have thought of that. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/rubbish-collapse-kills-17-in-mozambique/ar-BBJl5sG?OCID=ansmsnnews11 Rubbish collapse kills 17 in Mozambique but we can't tell the truth it's not correct to be honest. Tip for newbees watch the news, make hot topics.

There's probably more piles of rubbish in the US than there is in Mozambique... and I'm pretty sure some of them fall over from time to time. The only difference is, people don't (as far as I know) live next to giant piles of rubbish in the US. Health regulations and what have you.

But still... just because some people choose to live next to a pile of rubbish, probably through necessity, doesn't automatically mean that they live in a shithole country.


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