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Messages - Boians Cho Joo Young

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VideoBlocks / Re: can i upload photos to storyblocks right now?
« on: September 27, 2017, 05:44 »
The answer I received by email

[Subject: RE: How the Contributor Portal Works]
SEP 25, 2017  |  03:16PM EDT
Brian Muller replied:
Hello Joo Young,

Thanks for your interest in contributing! At the moment, were only accepting applications in order to submit images on the Storyblocks marketplace.

If your account is approved for uploading, our team will reach out to notify you and enable your account to upload photos, vectors and illustrations. Please be patient with us as we review your application! Applicants portfolios are reviewed individually and this may take a few weeks. However, you can upload video to our video marketplace at any time!

If there is anything I can do to assist, please let me know.

Guess it depends on how many you're selling of the same stuff. If it's hundreds or thousands, then it's pretty unlikely. If it's more in the 'tens' rather than the hundreds then it might be possible.

I am currently negotiating with Getty Images for damages for unauthorized sale.
Gettyimages, Istockphoto, Thinkstock. Sold for two years without permission.
The number of images sold without permission is 901 Cut.

Getty Images claims to have sold zero for two years.

By '901 cut', do you mean they've had 901 sales? How do you know this, unless I'm mistaken, there aren't sales stats on the item pages?

" The number of images sold without permission is 901 Cut."  The number of my content that I sold unauthorized on Getty Images. The number of works, not the number of sales.

Guess it depends on how many you're selling of the same stuff. If it's hundreds or thousands, then it's pretty unlikely. If it's more in the 'tens' rather than the hundreds then it might be possible.

I am currently negotiating with Getty Images for damages for unauthorized sale.
Gettyimages, Istockphoto, Thinkstock. Sold for two years without permission.
The number of images sold without permission is 901 Cut.

Getty Images claims to have sold zero for two years.

An official answer to Getty Images has arrived.

"Pavalan" is the answer that 3D content 901 Cut was not sold at all for 690 days.
Getty Images, Istockphoto, Thinkstock. Three sites are lied to say that they did not sell one.

Does it make sense to say that there was no sale for two years?
I want to hear the opinions of the artists.

[ Getty Images Official Response August 08, 2013 13:08]
Dear Sir,
I work in Getty Images legal department.
Mr Hong has informed us that you discovered that someone has stolen your content and provided it to iStock. As soon as we became aware of this, we removed this content from our website. We have also stopped working with him, so he has been banned from our iStock website.
Please note that we have checked our records, and no client had obtained a license for this content while it was on the iStock website, so this person did not earn any money with your content on our website.
We hope that this reassures you and solve the problem,
Please also note that Getty Images Korea does not have access to the content we put on iStock. There are completely different companies.
Should you have any further queries, please contact me directly.
Kind regards,

Irne Roberts | Director, Corporate Counsel
p: +442032272280
Getty Images   

Company Information
Getty Images (UK) Limited
101, Bayham Street, London, NW1 0AG, UK
Registered in England and Wales, Registered Number: 03728660

5 3D content 901 Cut Unauthorized sale Gettyimages, Istockphoto, Thinkstock.
보이안스 3D 콘텐츠 901컷 게티이미지, 아이스톡포토, 싱크스톡 불법 무단 판매.

Hello, I'm Boians Cho Joo Young. provide content to Stock photo from October 2012 to October 2016.
The person named "Pavalan" uploaded the content on September 12, 2015 without permission and is selling it until now. At the same time as me, "Pavalan" sold my content without my permission. This is a serious problem.

May, 2017 in Korea Getty Images International and Imaging. Co., Ltd, a joint venture with Getty Images Korea Co., Ltd was established.
We are going to protest the issue on the Getty Images Korea Co., Ltd.

안녕하세요 보이안스 조주영입니다.
보이안스 리뉴얼을 마치고 새로운 마음으로 다시 시작하려 했더니 이제는 게티이미지와 계열사에서 무단으로 판매를 하고 있더군요. 보이안스(Boians)에서는 아이스톡포토에 2012년 10월~2016년 10월까지 콘텐츠를 공급하였습니다. 'Pavalan' 라는 사람이 2015년 9월 12일부터 현재까지 무단으로 콘텐츠를 업로드하여 판매하고 있습니다. 제가 작가로 활동하던 시기에도 'Pavalan' 내 콘텐츠를 판매했다는 것으로 이는 아이스톡포토의 작가 시스템 자체의 심각한 문제입니다.

2017년 05월 게티이미지 본사(Getty Images Internatiomal)와 다우그룹 계열사인 (주)이매진스(구 멀티비츠이미지)의 합작 법인인 (주)게티이미지코리아가 개설되었으므로 한국지사에 직접 항의하도록 하겠습니다.

보이안스의 저작물인 3D 콘텐츠 901컷을 2015년 9월 12일부터 현재까지 게티이미지, 아이스톡포토, 싱크스톡 3개의 사이트에서 무단 판매하고 있음을 고지 드리며. 이는 저작권법 제125조 및 136조에 의거 민형사 상의 불이익이 있을 수 있음을 뜻합니다.

모든 무단 판매 이미지에 대한 증거 자료의 확보는 마친 상황이며, 귀사의 공식 의견을 이메일로 요청하였습니다. 보이안스(Boians)의 요구 사항을 'Pavalan'에 대한 개인 정보와 판매 내역에 대한 적절한 손해배상입니다. 당사자 간의 합의를 볼 의사는 있지만 구체적인 합의조건에 이견이 있는 경우에는 한국저작권위원회의 저작권 분쟁조정제도를 이용할 수 있습니다. 그러나, 합의 및 조정으로 해결되지 않는다면 결국은 별도의 법적 구제수단을 선택해야 합니다. 물론 당사자 간의 합의는 필수 절차가 아니므로 생략하고 바로 법적 대응을 할 수도 있습니다.

아이스톡포토 (Istockphoto, Credit: pavalan)

싱크스톡 (Thinkstock, Credit: pavalan, Collection: iStock)|pavalan/f=CPIHVX/s=DateSubmitted

게티이미지 (Getty Images, Credit: pavalan, Collection: iStock)

(주)게티이미지코리아(Getty Images Korea Co., Ltd.)

(주)이매진스(구 멀티비츠이미지, Imaging. Co., Ltd.)

게티이미지 무단 판매 캡처 증거. ( Unauthorized sale evidence.)

아이스톡포토 무단 판매 캡처 증거. ( Unauthorized sale evidence.)

싱크스톡 무단 판매 캡처 증거. ( Unauthorized sale evidence.)

무단 사용에 대한 게티 이미지 정책 (Getty Images policy on unauthorized use)

Button pressed incorrectly. Where is the delete button?

Fotolia is owned by Adobe. Adobe was founded in Silicon valley and I believe their headquarters are still there. So I am not sure why the OP is saying they are a foreign company. I am sure they sell worldwide, tho.
So that's a foreign company to me and to someone who lives in Korea, and indeed, most of the world's population. The fact that they sell internationally is irrelevant to that.

However, I agree with Sean, Angela and you: I've never heard of pay-outs for image theft from any micro.
You might have a good legal case to be paid, but it would cost you a lot more to hire an international lawyer (meaning "a lawyer qualified in International Law"), or indeed a USian lawyer, than you'd be likely to get.

International lawyers are often used to refer to lawyers who are responsible for international affairs, but they are not strictly international lawyers.

[Attorney qualification]
1. By Country: The method used throughout the country with the attorney's license.
  Ex) Korea, United Kingdom, Japan,

2. State and Commonwealth: In the United States, each state is licensed.

3. There is no qualification as an 'international' lawyer because the law varies from country to country. "It is a good idea to mark a lawyer qualified in a particular country, such as" American lawyer "or" Japanese lawyer. "

4. In the case of Fotolia, we have a Korean Business Division and we are doing sales and advertising consultation with Korean employees in Korea. In this case, I think it is reasonable to see the lawsuits in Korea.

국제변호사는 주로 국제적인 업무를 담당하는 변호사를 지칭하는 용어로 사용되나, 엄밀하게 국제변호사란 자격은 없습니다. 변호사 자격은 국가(대한민국, 영국)별, 또는 주별(미국)로 주어지기 때문입니다.

나라마다 법이 다르기 때문에 '국제' 변호사라는 자격은 있을 수 없습니다. '미국변호사', '일본변호사'처럼 특정 국가에서 자격을 딴 변호사라고 표기해야 맞습니다.

포토리아의 경우에는 한국 사업부가 있으며, 한국인 직원과 한국에서 판매 및 광고 상담등의 업무를 하고 있습니다. 이 경우 소송 주체국을 한국으로 보는 것이 타당하다 생각 합니다.

It sounds like someone uploaded your content to A/F without holding copyright.  When notified, A/F deleted the account.

So, what's the problem?

Prior to the acquisition of Adobe by Fotolia, on March 23, 2013, our business unit was recruited. Adobe Systems Incorporated acquired Fotolia on December 11, 2014 for $ 800 million.

Fotolia Korean Business Division recruitment. (포토리아 한국 사업부 모집요강.)

It is a company that recruits and advertises its employees in Korea with its business division. Korea is a company that makes money through the rental of copyrighted goods, so it is possible to apply Korean copyright law.

Lim Hyejin(임혜진), Fotolia Korea General Director(포토리아 코리아 총괄 디렉터)

Boians is not currently a Fotolia store artist.
Unauthorized selling of other artists' works is a violation of Korean copyright law.
Infringement of copyright law in Korea: 5 years imprisonment or penalty of 50 million won or less.
한국에서 저작권법 권리의 침해시: 5년 이하의 징역형 또는 5천만원 이하의 벌금형 입니다.

[Criminal Revenue Control Act and confiscation of criminal proceeds]
On December 19, 2008, the Ministry of Justice of Korea announced the Law on Regulating Crime Revenue in order to strengthen the protection of copyright law. According to the amendment law, the crime of author's property rights or copyright infringement of the program is included in the "serious crime" of the criminal profit control law, and it is strengthened so that it can confiscate or collect all the income generated through infringement in addition to the imprisonment or the fine.

[범죄수익규제법과 범죄 수익의 몰수]
2008년 12월 19일 한국 법무부에서는 저작권법의 보호를 강화하기 위해 범죄수익규제 법을 공표하였습니다. 법의 개정 법에 따르면 저작재산권 또는 프로그램 저작권 침해 범죄를 범죄수익규제 법의 중대 범죄에 포함시켜서 징역형이나 벌금형에 덧붙여 침해를 통하여 발생한 수익에 대해서도 전액 몰수하거나 추징할 수 있도록 강화되었습니다.

[Fotolia Korea, 포토리아 코리아]



Naver Blog (포토리아 코리아 공식 블로그)


Adobe Stock/Fotolia avoids responsibility for illegal sales of 856 cuts of Boians 3D content.

Hello! Im Boians Cho Joo Young.

The official answer to the illegal sale of the copyright property of 856 cuts of Boians 3D content of Fotolia have come in 14 days . Since Fotolia is a foreign company that has entered Korea , I sent a protest about Korean. Boians have been providing content with Fotolia for the past six years . It is currently in the state of withdrawal.

Adobe Stock / Fotolias official position is sighing. The heart of this case is that Adobe Stock / Fotolia sold Boians 856 Cuts of copyrighted material without permission. I have not received an apology, nor have I been promised financial damages.

Adobe Stock / Fotolia is currently generating revenue from selling copyrighted products, A company that is responsible for the protection and management of copyright works. If you sell unauthorized use of authorship rights of others, and you are not responsible for apologies and damages, on what basis will your company sell the images to customers?

(Fotolia Korea Official answer. May 17, 2017. 14:50)


우선, 작가님의 저작권을 침해한것으로 말씀하신 Pavaluca 판매자에 대한 콘텐츠는 더이상 판매되지 않도록 조취되었음을 알려드립니다.

더불어, 작가님께서 Fotolia 에서 판매하셨던 콘텐츠들은 Fotolia 에서만 독점적으로 판매하였던것이 아니었던 것으로 확인되며, 다른 경로를 통하여 콘텐츠가 도용되었을 수 있습니다. 작가님의 콘텐츠가 Fotolia 를 통하여 유출되었다고 볼 수 있는 근거가 없으며, 당사의 해당 콘텐츠 도용에 대한 책임이 없습니다.


Adobe Stock/Fotolia 팀 드림.

(Translate Korean into English)

Good morning.

First of all, I want to let you know that the content for the Pavaluca sellers that you mentioned infringing on your copyright is no longer sold.

In addition, the content that you have sold on Fotolia has not been sold exclusively on Fotolia, and your content may have been compromised through other channels. There is no reason to believe that your content has been leaked through Fotolia, and we are not responsible for theft of that content.

Thank you.

Adobe Stock / Fotolia Team Dream.

(Contents of case in time)

1. Pavaluca uploaded an illegal copy of Boians 3D content 856 cuts from,

2. Adobe Stock / Fotolia has sold Boians content without permission.

3. Adobe Stock / Fotolia is a foreign company that sells in Korea. Boians damage content Total price: KRW 25,680,000 (VAT not included), CD 22 pieces Contents Total price: KRW 4,600,000 won (VAT not included)

4. Despite the unauthorized sale of Adobe Stock / Fotolia, Boians was not monopolistic in the past and has avoided content liability because it may have been leaked by other means. The essence of the matter is the unauthorized sale of the two companies without permission.

5. Adobe Stock / Fotolia deletes Pavalucas account and is not legally liable.,

6. Adobe Stock / Fotolia has not officially apologized to Boians.

7. Adobe Stock / Fotolia did not provide Boians with any information about a person named Pavaluca.

8. Adobe Stock / Fotolia did not disclose the sale of Pavaluca to Boians.

9. Adobe Stock / Fotolia has not promised Boians any financial compensation for damages.

someone steal 800 of your images

Hi. Photoboxer Thank You.
We will send you copyright infringement emails to Adobe.

[May 3, 2017 Message sent to Fotolia]

Dear. fotolia

I'm is Boians Cho Joo Young.
856 of my 3D content is being sold by someone else.
This is a serious copyright infringement.
Please send me your official position.

Autor: Pavaluca

It is an answer from Korea fotolia in 14 days.

First of all, I want to let you know that the content for the Pavaluca sellers that you mentioned infringing on your copyright is no longer sold.

In addition, the content that you have sold on Fotolia has not been sold exclusively on Fotolia, and your content may have been compromised through other channels. There is no reason to believe that your content has been leaked through Fotolia, and we are not responsible for theft of that content.

1. Is it legal to sell illegally and not be responsible?
2. Fotolia has not officially apologized.
3. You did not disclose sales details for Pavaluca sales.
4. I have not received any compensation for any damages.

[Fotolia 회신 17.05.17 14:50]

우선, 작가님의 저작권을 침해한것으로 말씀하신 Pavaluca 판매자에 대한 콘텐츠는 더이상 판매되지 않도록 조취되었음을 알려드립니다.

더불어, 작가님께서 Fotolia 에서 판매하셨던 콘텐츠들은 Fotolia 에서만 독점적으로 판매하였던것이 아니었던 것으로 확인되며, 다른 경로를 통하여 콘텐츠가 도용되었을 수 있습니다. 작가님의 콘텐츠가 Fotolia 를 통하여 유출되었다고 볼 수 있는 근거가 없으며, 당사의 해당 콘텐츠 도용에 대한 책임이 없습니다.


Adobe Stock/Fotolia 팀 드림.

someone steal 800 of your images

Hi. Photoboxer Thank You.
We will send you copyright infringement emails to Adobe.

[May 3, 2017 Message sent to Fotolia]

Dear. fotolia

I'm is Boians Cho Joo Young.
856 of my 3D content is being sold by someone else.
This is a serious copyright infringement.
Please send me your official position.

Autor: Pavaluca

Dreamstime politics are quite ridiculous on this. Photo's don't sell very well (on Shutterstock and elsewhere they sell really good), so I also want to close my account, also because there is a 100 dollars to be sold before I get paid. Means I'm competing on my own uploads elsewhere, where I get paid every month. Close the account!

I have applied for withdrawal from 20 months ago. I still can not leave.

I deleted the Dreamtime image.
Online files 0 (zero)
I still can not leave.

Why does Dreamtime not let me leave?
Dreamtime repeats the message 20 months ago.
I  erased the all image. I really want to leave.
Earnings balance:$81.00

I have been distributing content among 160 Selling Partner Companie in 47 countries for 10 years . The 159 image sales partners made it easy to delete content and delete accounts . Only the last Dreamtime remaining cannot be withdrawn.

My analysis of microstock vendors is the server script and the discount war. In economics terms zombie economy.

My conclusion for this industry is exclusive sales through personal sites. August 2015 I started the exclusive sale and received 8 hacking attacks.  I am currently working on the ninth renewal, and I am trying to create new content all the time.

[Dreamtime Message]

Hello Boians,
Your balance is below $100. As we explained in our previous message, your balance needs to exceed $100 in order for us to effectuate payment. Please se our correspondence below.

Best regards,
Carmen Pietraru
QA&Support - Dreamstime


[Dreamtime Previous Message]

Thank you for contacting Dreamstime.
You can disable all files uploaded more than six months ago at any time. You are allowed to disable 30% of files uploaded in the recent six months. 70% must be kept online for six months from their approval date and you can disable each of your remaining 70% after the six months pass. To shorten this period, we recommend you check the date of the last approval and start disabling the most recently approved ones. This way, depending on the size of your portfolio, you can reduce the waiting time to 2 or 3 months.

All files will remain in our offline database until all liabilities concerning them are cleared off. Once files are disabled, nobody but you and admin. members is able to view/access them. The disabled images are usually deleted from our offline database as well 12 months after their disable date. The account closure details can be found in our Terms and Conditions

To disable the files, please go to your Management Area, Online files , edit the images and see the disabling button the image details page.
Once you no longer have any images online, we can block it so that it is not visible online and we can also effectuate last payment if your balance is $100 minimum. Please keep in mind that we do not make any exception from the account closure rules specified above.

Best regards,
Carmen Pietraru
QA&Support - Dreamstime

You need to follow their instructions. They will NOT just close your account.  You have to disable your images. You can disable all images over 6 months old.  You can also disable 30% of the files that are less than 6 months old.  The remaining have to stay up until their 6-month period being online has passed.  Then, after the final 6 months, you have to do in and disable the remaining files.  Once that is done you can close your account.  They make it very difficult to leave on purpose, but their site, their rules.  I looked at your port and some drawings are still active. This means you personally still have work to do on your end in order to close your account for good.

I want to leave. What should I do?

I can not understand your point of view.
I am the author of the content. Protected by copyright laws around the world.It is currently sold exclusively on I can not understand your words. Copyright laws around the world are not the jurisdiction of the sales company.

HI. I'm Boians Cho Joo Young.
It has passed 20 months now. (Day 601)
Dreamtime still does not delete my account.
Please teach me how.

Dreamtime my account

enquiry number: 45764416 (Dreamstime 2015.09.04 21:30)

Thank you for contacting Dreamstime.
You can disable all files approved more than six months ago at any time. You are allowed to disable 30% of files approved in the recent six months, however 70% must be kept online for six months from their approval date. You can disable each of your remaining 70% after the six months pass.
To disable files, please go to My Account/Online files: , edit the images. On the following page scroll down and click the trashcan button to delete the image.
Once you no longer have images online, you can suspend the account from the public site from My Account/Edit Profile button.
There must be at least $100 USD in the earnings for the payment system to accept a payment request through your account here:
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Kind regards,

Selling Stock Direct / 20% Sale Event
« on: June 22, 2016, 23:40 »
Hi, I'm Boians Cho Joo Young.
A self-sales service was restarted.

1. Place: The coupon can be used only in
2. Sale period: Save 20% on until July 22th.
3. Discount type: Cart % Discount.
4. Usage limit: Unlimited available for sale period.
5. How to use: Discount Coupon code is putting in place Apply Coupon.
6. Payments: PayPal Express Checkout, Amazon Payment

How to use coupon code

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Boians Self Selling site open.
« on: November 18, 2015, 06:56 »
Boians Self-selling site failed.

1. Shop options: WordPress + WooCommerce (Variable Product Downloadable site)
2. Production Period: 2015, July 1~ November 2 (5 Restoration work)
3. Upload 12,000 items

[Cause of Failure]

1. 'A2 Hosting' Unlimited capacity and unlimited hosting was a lie.
    Current account and delete all data standstill.

2. WordPress + WooCommerce Slow Problems
   1) Starting with 5000 products registered a very slow site issues.
   2) WooCommerce site, sometimes transients cause bloat. (Must remove daily)
3. WooCommerce Variable Product
   1) Recognize the goods one by one product options
   2) Three options products 1,000 -> 3,000 pieces perception, slowness.

WordPress + WooCommerce Approximately SKU 5,000 products suitable for shopping malls.
More than Sku 5,000 Product, slowness site. Administrator pages 20 to 30 seconds or more.

I have failed this project. There are currently looking for a reliable hosting company.

Joomla, drupal, Magento
To select one of the three ask for referrals?

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Finding the best self hosting setup
« on: September 16, 2015, 20:32 »
I am searching for the best setup for self hosting in the EU.

- stability
- Best available independence
- legal certainty / Vat Solution
- Regular updates
- Free as far as possible

After my previous research meets the following setup the requirements best:

1. Wordpress
2. WooCommerce
3. WooCommerce EU VAT Compliance Plug in

Next, I want the whole test with XAMPP offline on desktop PC.
Does anyone have this setup running or other good alternatives?

1. Taxes can be set for each country from PayPal.

2. Wordpress

3. WooCommerce

4. Woocommerce CSV Import(Free Plug-ins)

5. Download Product CSV Auto Link (add-on)
"Woocommerce CSV import downloadable, external, grouped products"
->single site  12.50 EUR

6. Downloadable Products
- File Download Method -> Force Downloads
- Access Restriction -> Grant access to downloadable products after payment.

7. Downloadable Products Delivery
- Checkout Page Download
- Your Email Download

8. Payment via PayPal
- Your email and password enter payment (Paypal subscription customers)
- For Paypal payments can be passed to the payment to your credit card or debit card. (Paypal non-subscription customers)

Why do you wish to delete all files? Exclusive?

The exclusive sale through the my site.
The previously A2 hosting of the current server.
Server Location: Asia (Singapore)

That's what you signed up for when you joined. It hasn't changed since the beginning. What is your question - how do I delete all my images and close my account? You have to wait 60 days and in the meantime you can disable 30% of your files. Since some of your newer images might be in buyer's lightboxes this gives them 60 (2 months) days to purchase them before they are gone. Some big buyers work on monthly schedules. They answered you with the terms and conditions that have been posted on the site since day one. You might not like it but you should have read the terms when you joined. I neither agree or disagree with how they operate but I knew the terms when I signed up.

1. Joined: October 26, 2010
2. Uploaded files:6,517

The file must be deleted one by one.
This is so counter-productive behavior.

3. "123rf, canstockphoto, depositphotos, fotolia, cliparto, cutcaster, vectorstock, colourbox, pixta"
There was no restriction to withdraw accounts. 

4. dreamstime Content Delete
"Uploads" Click->"Edit" Click -> Trash icon Click-> delete
->"Uploads" Click->"Edit" Click -> Trash icon Click-> delete
Endless loop. :'(

21 Tell us the complete withdrawal method.

[Email reply]

Thank you for contacting Dreamstime.
You can disable all files approved more than six months ago at any time. You are allowed to disable 30% of files approved in the recent six months, however 70% must be kept online for six months from their approval date. You can disable each of your remaining 70% after the six months pass.
To disable files, please go to My Account/Online files: , edit the images. On the following page scroll down and click the trashcan button to delete the image.
Once you no longer have images online, you can suspend the account from the public site from My Account/Edit Profile button.
There must be at least $100 USD in the earnings for the payment system to accept a payment request through your account here:
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns."

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Boians Self Selling site open.
« on: July 31, 2015, 06:49 »
Your vector work is great and I wish you good luck with the site.

I'd be tempted to put the prices up (maybe double at least).

As Jo says, your biggest difficulty is finding buyers, being visible.
You need to put in lots of work attracting many people to your site.

Good luck!  :)

Smilla Thanks for your nice advice! Have a nice day:)

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Boians Self Selling site open.
« on: July 31, 2015, 04:27 »
You are a talented man, but you really have to brush-up your English. Google translator makes you sound awkward.

Sorry, it feeds with Google Translator :)
Not good at English.

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Boians Self Selling site open.
« on: July 31, 2015, 02:48 »
Sean Locke Photography:  Thank you.

etudiante_rapide: Primary language is English, Korean secondary explanation.

Hongover:  Thank you.

Jo Ann Snover: Thank you, good word. Must let the more worried about the price part.

Selling Stock Direct / Boians Self Selling site open.
« on: July 30, 2015, 19:40 »
Hello, I am a designer Boians Cho Joo Young.
Self sales site was opened today.

2005 year, Korea Macro Stock Photo Agency began to sell through an agency.
2010 year, Start selling through the microstock agency.
The results fell into 1/10 of the revenues 6 years ago.

Many are struggling with sales issues. I made self-selling site.
Currently the Boians content 42,000Cut released in Korea.
The site was produced in English translated content 7,500Cut.
I see with the self-selling All the rest of the content is a challenge.

The biggest worry now is the price.
Current character $ 5 (USD), icons and symbols are introduced into $ 1 (USD).
I do not know the price in an appropriate content.
I would appreciate your comments about the right price.

[Sites Information]
① wordpress + woocommerce Selling Shop
② Payment via PayPal
③ Direct Bank Transfer
④ Payoneer Preparing...

[Differentiated strategies]
① Original Vector Files Offer (AI or EPS)
② 3D images provide a transparent PNG.

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