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Messages - ferdinand

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 "negative sales" ..........same here

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock "Contributor Fund"
« on: December 11, 2023, 14:13 »
how to contact SS? Contact us - on my home page dosen t work...

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: January 14, 2019, 17:09 »
I tried to sign up (get started) but I was stopeted because my fotolia password does not have "uper case latin charachters " what to do in this situation?!!
Just and idea, may be try changing fotolia's password first?

if I understend well - my adobe and fotolia password doesn t have to bi the same one - so when i will be asked "am I fotolia contributer" only then I have to use my fotolia password - question is, will there be a condition for "uper case latin charachters " - am i right?

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: January 13, 2019, 06:34 »
I  still didn t   sync my ft  account with adobe - should I go to "get started" or to "sign in" on adobe site

@ferdinand follow the instructions to sync found here: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/contributor-fotolia.html


If you do not have an Adobe ID then click "Get Started" to set one up and sync. If you have an existing Adobe ID then click "I already have an Adobe ID" to sync it with Fotolia.

simple question  - "get started" or to "sign in" on adobe site - i still don t uderstand

If you do not have an Adobe ID then click "Get Started" to set one up and sync. If you have an existing Adobe ID then click "I already have an Adobe ID" to sync it with Fotolia.

I tried to sign up (get started) but I was stopeted because my fotolia password does not have "uper case latin charachters " what to do in this situation?!!

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: January 03, 2019, 14:00 »
I  still didn t   sync my ft  account with adobe - should I go to "get started" or to "sign in" on adobe site

@ferdinand follow the instructions to sync found here: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/contributor-fotolia.html


simple question  - "get started" or to "sign in" on adobe site - i still don t uderstand

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: January 03, 2019, 06:47 »
I  still didn t   sync my ft  account with adobe - should I go to "get started" or to "sign in" on adobe site

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: November 05, 2018, 14:11 »
fotolia didn t send 1042-s  tax form to contributors - so we used tool statistics with withholding tax  amount for each year (plus cradits earned in us) - to get back our money from iris - is this "tool statistic" available on AS - if not - will AS start to send us 1042 tax form  for each year like ALL other stock sites

Adobe Stock / Re: Update your 2014 tax form
« on: January 02, 2018, 14:00 »
 I tried to update my tax form from january 2015 ( w 8 ben) - but it shows that my today updated form is in  status "this tax form has been replaced" - and my form from 2015 is still active

Adobe Stock / Re: Update your 2014 tax form
« on: December 20, 2017, 12:37 »
Hi Mat,

Adobe/Fotolia does not sand 1042-s tax forms - will it be possible in future - because I can not get back (without this 1042s form) my withholding (30%) money - to be returned by usa tax  authorities...

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS Dashboard Fix
« on: December 14, 2017, 07:30 »
 sod sails does not show on world map?!

Adobe Stock / Re: Disastrous performance of FT/AS in November
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:59 »
What has Thanksgiving to do with this? It is a US and Canadian celebration, how can that affect EU buyers and contributors. There is a big world out there.

I have no Thanksgiving images and my sales are just a bit down from last month but we still have a few days.
Also, I have 68.66% US sales (in commission). For a better comparison, we should have access to the number of downloads too for those US sales not just the credits (without counting them one by one).

Like you said, the US market makes up nearly 70% of your sales. On some days, the US market makes up over 90% of my sales. If the biggest market is on holiday, it would only make sense if the sales are down from the previous month.

A lot "US sales" here, too (whatever that means)
Here is the trend of my US earning percentage for the past few years:

You would be pissed if you were paying 30% withholding tax.

I am pissed - no way that my 90% of sales are from us - something is wrong - and they take 30% of 90% of my sales - before AS I had 10% us sales - what happened with no us sales - something is deeply wrong here!!!!..... and unlike other  agencies, they don t send tax forms

Adobe Stock / Re: Disastrous performance of FT/AS in November
« on: November 25, 2017, 03:59 »
same here 90% us sales (-30% tax) - before AS it was 10% us sales - and I m on eu fotolia - strange?!!! - and sales a down...

IS earned more then SS - for the first time in 8 years

Envato / Re: account deleted ? Not yet
« on: August 08, 2017, 08:54 »
envato wanted to keep my whole portfolio of 5000 photos - and asked me to sign up to elements - and on elements downloud is unlimited  for 40 $ subscription - which is insane!!! - I didn t sing up to elements - and they deleted my portfolio

General Stock Discussion / Re: SHUTTERSTOCK RUDE LANGUAGE?
« on: June 13, 2017, 02:25 »
so, if my son starts to make photos - he cant open account on same pc -  ip address as mine - is it correct?

I got the mail but no credit were added  :(

Same here ???

same here too

PhotoDune / Re: What a "nice" surprise
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:00 »
I had about 3200 images there and they want to keep 629 for Elements.  I have not seen my Photodune port shrink one iota and do not have any images in Elements yet.  I have no flipping clue what is happening.  Still making sales on PD, though.

so you singed in to elements?! - .......- they wanted my entire portfolio - more then 4500 photos - for practically free downlouds on elements - if they wanted a few hundreds maybe I would except it - and my sales on pd were pathetic - i don t understand them ...

PhotoDune / Re: What a "nice" surprise
« on: May 03, 2017, 05:15 »
I did not want to sing in to envato elements - and todey pd deleted my portfolio -although they said they like my work and they will keep all my photos

Should that say....

"They said they like my work and they will keep all my photos, but I did not want to sing up to envato elements - so today they deleted my portfolio."

It's just the way you've worded it, it sounds like they've deleted all your photos from your portfolio, but they're going to hold on to them anyway... and just do whatever they want with them.

yes - it should say what you have written

PhotoDune / Re: What a "nice" surprise
« on: May 03, 2017, 00:04 »
 I did not want to sing in to envato elements - and todey pd deleted my portfolio -although they said they like my work and they will keep all my photos 

PhotoDune / Re: What a "nice" surprise
« on: April 07, 2017, 05:14 »
 a month ago they said they will keep my portfolio - now they say that I have to become part of envato elements or they will close my account on photo dune - until 12 od april - I don t know what to do?!

Envato / Re: account deleted ? Not yet
« on: March 20, 2017, 07:10 »
 they said 1 month ago that  they like my portfolio on photodune and  they will keep it - although my sales there are pathetic - and what about this envato elements site - I don t understand what they want me to do - and there is no uploud link on pd - chaos !

 yes - I m starting to like this new look - but still - main problem - put world map on top - and it will be more or less - fine

Shutterstock.com / Re: **BAM** NEW DASHBOARD ACTIVE
« on: February 09, 2017, 11:57 »
world map is too small - and should be on a top of a page together with amount earnerd

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock - New earning table design
« on: February 09, 2017, 11:36 »
 world map is to small on new dashboard - and everything else is bad - but this thing whit wm is worst - good is that we can read exact location

General - Top Sites / Re: Fotolia no sales
« on: February 03, 2017, 02:09 »
in last few months 80% of my sales are from usa (tax 30%) and before it was only 10 % of usa sales - and I m on eu fotolia

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