
Agency Based Discussion => 123RF => Topic started by: Peiling on November 09, 2007, 11:05

Title: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: Peiling on November 09, 2007, 11:05
123RF seem to have some changes made to its interface. It is currently donw. Cant seem to go anywhere? What's up? ???
Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: Pixart on November 09, 2007, 11:27
It didn't look like that this morning!  Looks good though.

Question - on my home page it says "for as little as CAD $.25". 

I haven't been there long enough to cash out yet, don't they pay in $U.S. ? 

Maybe it says buy in "CAD" because their system knows I'm in Canada?
Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: sam100 on November 09, 2007, 11:33
Better layout... but...

I can't seem to find my downloads on a daily basis, not for subscriptions, not for credit sales.  Being a number freak i like to keep detailed spreadsheets of my sales.
Only thing i find is my monthly earnings.


Ps : on the inlog page there is the quoate "absolutely free images"...
IMO this is a misinterpretation of the free pictures section, and would/could encourage donwloaders to use them in any way they like....
They are free to download, but use is restricted to term of use...they should mention this also.
Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: sharply_done on November 09, 2007, 11:57
I can't see stats or upload ... looks like the submit sub-domain isn't working.

Way to go, 123RF developers.
Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: sharpshot on November 09, 2007, 12:26
I clicked on "photographers" and logged in and all my earnings details are there.
Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: scrappinstacy on November 09, 2007, 13:00
I tried seeing my earnings and 3 times got re-routed to the sign on screen.  Then I went to history (which showed) and then clicked earnings and could finally see my stats which look correct.  However, I also couldn't find a link to show what pictures had been downloaded per day :(
Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: madelaide on November 09, 2007, 15:51
Me too, found the earnings, not the downloaded images.  :(


If you go to the forum, you have the old-style site and from there you can go to the new images downloaded page.   ;D

Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: hatman12 on November 09, 2007, 17:35
I have to say that I don't really see why 123RF felt the need to change the site again - I thought the existing design was good, simple and fast.  This seems to me like change for change sake.

The existing site worked well.  Now I cannot see any link for images downloaded, and when I tried to post about this in their forum the 'post reply' links wouldn't work.

I'd rather have seen 123RF invest this money in increased marketing and customer generation.
Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: vonkara on November 09, 2007, 17:48
Do I make a mistake by uploading 2 other batch there today? Maybe I can comfort myself by saying I can download my pictures there if my computer crash and all my backups, for free...Whit the eventuality that someone, download this pictures someday.
Title: Re: 123RF Revamp and Down???
Post by: pr2is on November 12, 2007, 01:35
There is a link My Images Downloaded now in the menu. Looks like all the functionality is restored