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Author Topic: Is it the end of 123rf  (Read 24550 times)

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« on: January 30, 2020, 07:12 »
Having contributed to 123RF for 10 years, they have consistently cut the commission rates, while at the same time proclaiming that sales will go up, this of course is absolute rubbish.

In the last couple of years my sales have been going one way and that is down, as well as getting 4 or 5 returns sales every month, no other site does this.

Have the buyers on this site been getting a rough deal as well and will we about to see the collapse of 123RF.

« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2020, 08:33 »
I hope so, they have no reason to exist. They don't offer anything new to the market, they have proven to be greedy and desperate, their review times are infinitely long (or don't review at all unless you ask them to) and their sales have fallen off a cliff.

I say get rid of it, weed out the bad players in the game.

« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2020, 10:15 »
I have stopped uploading photos this month to 123, I will leave my portfolio there but from this month I will ignore this agency, an outdated website, eternal review times and just $ 5 / month with more than 20k images ... in a couple of days I will talk in my blog about it in the monthly summary!

« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2020, 10:36 »
Hopefully they go down and all other sites like this that have cut commissions dont have sales and treat contributers as rubbish
Good riddance


« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2020, 11:04 »
It is not the end of 123RF, it is the end of microstock.

« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2020, 11:59 »
If a horse was as lame as 123rf they'd shoot it and put it out of its misery  :'(

« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2020, 12:19 »
It is not the end of 123RF, it is the end of microstock.
I keep hearing this ever since I started 10 years ago. I don't think so, not that agencies aren't consistently trying to shoot themselves in the foot

« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2020, 12:34 »
One thing is sure, that's not the beginning anymore...

« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2020, 13:51 »
One thing is sure, that's not the beginning anymore...

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Winston Churchill  ;D

Though in 123rf's case.....  ;D
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 13:59 by Bad Robot »

« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2020, 13:58 »
It is not the end of 123RF, it is the end of microstock.

THIS ^^^ and if you haven't figured that out within the last 3-5 years you're in "that river over in Egypt".

Naysayers told us back in 2008 that the wave was going to crash, but some of us killed it during those years and made a really nice living.  At this point, there is no point in pissing in the wind, or beating a dead horse.  Microstock will only be a fond memory for me now.  From what I earn from my dwindling returns, at least it still helps to pay for some of our bills, after taxes.  At its prime, I used to earn 7-8x what I earn now on my 10,000 image portfolio.  I'm sure I'm not the only one.

« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2020, 14:57 »
I've been gone for 2 years and don't miss it one bit.

« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2020, 15:02 »
123RF was a decent earner for me , but last two years, well, not anymore...
About $60/$90 month...with about 4500 images...
I stopped uploading some month ago, maybe i'll try to upload some of my new contents and see what happens :)

« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2020, 15:52 »
A few years ago Inmagine group, which is the parent company of 123RF, bought the pixlr online photoshop like editor app. Nobody knew what for, it turns out that what they liked was the '500 million users and over 130 million app downloads' that pixlr might have. Now they're trying to build a Freepik style marketplace connected to pixlr. https://market.pixlr.com/ I'm pretty sure that's what they see the future in and probably most of 123rf's staff is working on kickstarting that new site. So I doubt they care too much about 123rf anymore, and that could also explain the infinitely long review times and basically all that there is.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2020, 16:07 »
In my case, earning $3.51 on 4845 assets for January is concerning.

« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2020, 16:48 »
It looks like I'm the winner here... January $6.19 with just 950 images  ;D

« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2020, 17:01 »
average $ 79 each month. 948 a year. Upload every second month and all at once.
All my pictures have saved exif keywords and titles. Work takes 20 seconds for select files and upload. Get a coffee and finish the uploads.
Simply earned extra money. Do not understand the account closers. I like 123rf even i hate they cut commissions.

On the other hand, I no longer upload anything to istock. These 0.00003 amounts are outrageous. Annoy me every time I read the name istock.

« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2020, 03:30 »
Made more on 123 than SS this month, didn't think I'd ever say that. SS is dead to me.

« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2020, 16:16 »
Had a sale for 15 cents today, one step closer to removing my portfolio, haven't uploaded anything there for years, just not worth it.

« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2020, 09:53 »
$29,11 in januari with 3161 photo's. Not ever that bad if I read other earnings.
 Two video's have been waiting for 2 years to review.

« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2020, 10:41 »
A few years ago Inmagine group, which is the parent company of 123RF, bought the pixlr online photoshop like editor app. Nobody knew what for, it turns out that what they liked was the '500 million users and over 130 million app downloads' that pixlr might have. Now they're trying to build a Freepik style marketplace connected to pixlr. https://market.pixlr.com/ I'm pretty sure that's what they see the future in and probably most of 123rf's staff is working on kickstarting that new site. So I doubt they care too much about 123rf anymore, and that could also explain the infinitely long review times and basically all that there is.
Luckily, they will never provide an earnings closely compared to FP, so it's just a waste of funds. Nobody will contribute there for cheap, if overall reward will not be overwhelming.

By the way, after the last ratings cut on 123RF I lost 30-50% of earnings. After last summer promo campaign I raised my level, but did not raise the income, which is weird and suspicious.
I think, 123RF is already dead. We just have a couple of years to scratch the bottom for the last coins. Shame, I remember the time, when it was my number 2.

« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2020, 13:37 »
Haven't been checking in on 123 lately, figuring it's on the ropes and not worth worrying about.  But I just looked in on my feb earnings and I'm doing $20-$30 a day which is about the same as 2019, so maybe it's leveling out?


  • Eat, Sleep, Keyword. Repeat

« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2020, 15:25 »
I still like them because I earn over $50 a month. Things are getting so bad at SS and AS that it helps my income to have a bit extra. DT is really going downhill for me though.

« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2020, 07:38 »
I still like them because I earn over $50 a month. Things are getting so bad at SS and AS that it helps my income to have a bit extra. DT is really going downhill for me though.

Agreed.  Dreamstime is the real tragic story in microstock.  I remember regularly getting 50-60 downloads a day at my peak there.  Now it's more like 5-6.  But at least the RPD is good.  My few daily downloads are often in the $2-$10 range.


« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2020, 23:08 »
123 is a joke and next to go for me. DT is becoming a Joke also and Probably next to go. I have Pleaded with them to make the payout at $50.00 Not 100 and zero response from them. really sad.

« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2020, 23:30 »
123 is performing avg here. I will not say end for 123rf is anywhere near.

« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2020, 00:09 »
I'm not with 123rf - but I'm just wondering which agencies will be left after this plague finally runs its course.

I'm seeing many SS images in the New York Times these days, which would be encouraging except it means they are turning to micro instead of hiring photographers (a tough job for the young and brave in this pandemic) - but disturbing that more and more outfits that could pay full freight turn to microstock sites - Maybe a crashing worldwide economy will actually help micros since even established entities may have a hard time affording anything else? Wouldn't that be ironic?

A small RM agency I was with in the UK is closing June 1 after 15 years, and I think this pandemic will be the final nail in the coffin for many agencies - micro, midstock or macro - that have just been squeaking by.

« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2020, 18:51 »
Maybe my sells are different but 123 has been good in sells for me during the Communist Chinese Virus outbreak. In fact all of my sites have done well in this pandemic with the exception of the last report from Istock. Istock was very low. If anything I am guessing people will buy more images as the virus continues. It is kind of like my family, we now order groceries from Amazon delivery.  So I see more sells as people are on their computes more than ever as they stay at home. 

« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2020, 04:00 »
123 is performing avg here. I will not say end for 123rf is anywhere near.
Theres much worse sites out there for earnings for me it took a nose dive 2 years or so and is now bumping along at a low level.

« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2020, 16:15 »
Communist Chinese Virus


« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2020, 17:03 »
Communist Chinese Virus


Idiot.  This is the kind of crap I see in my in-laws right wing cage liner "newspaper".

« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2020, 19:52 »
Sean Locke it is better to let someone think your an idiot than to open your mouth Sean and prove it.


« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2020, 00:01 »
Sean......the glory days are coming to an end. 90% Of old friends that actually Know  Image making Have left. I left basically Left stock 2 years ago as a business and went back full time with Catering to clients. Music covers, Galleries, and International Tech Products where I come from.And since this virus I lost a huge percentage of business,  doing paintings for interior set decoration as Hollywood is DEAD......DEAD

Clair Voyant

« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2020, 07:19 »
Sean......the glory days are coming to an end. 90% Of old friends that actually Know  Image making Have left. I left basically Left stock 2 years ago as a business and went back full time with Catering to clients. Music covers, Galleries, and International Tech Products where I come from.And since this virus I lost a huge percentage of business,  doing paintings for interior set decoration as Hollywood is DEAD......DEAD

Microstock was the beginning of the end. You'd have to be around long enough to realize this and to completely understand that microstock was the second wave and the final nail in the coffin.


« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2020, 17:09 »
Hey Clair. I totally understand. I was doing stock in 1968 when a commission could be as Much as $1200.00 for "ONE" shot which in todays Money would be $3,000+ - I've written about it many times on Many forums going back years.

 When this started  the Only People affected were Old school working Pros. Microstock Killed their Livelihood.. I remember going to Hidden Meetings where Old timers were screaming at what was happening.  I agreed with them. thats when It started. what I saw was a whole bunch Of people with No clue and I mean "No clue" about Photography Let alone "stock Photography" and 20 Cents a download from IS was about it. I didn't see a way to make money, What I saw is a way to sell Books and workshops which we did from Florida to Hawaii and beyond, 3 Best selling Books,3 weekends a Month for 3 Day studio Classes in LA from folks around the world. and One 4 day workshop a Month for 12 People and always sold out with My pardner and cousin David Smith we had a 9 Year run...... Everyone Of those People are gone!!!. and as a matter of fact this site was the first Place we advertised and we sold a lot Of books and Leif even did our artwork, I paid $25.00 for a banner ad for a few Months I think.. I Also did Lectures across America at Huge Camera Clubs....and sold More books.
Our books were In a lot of the Largest Camera stores around America On the counters.
If I had a 100,000 Images I wouldn't have done 1/2 the Business But worked a 100 times harder. smarter Not harder, My daddy used to say.

My old Pal....The best Microstocker ever wrote the forward In the first Book.Yuri Arcurs.
Anyone remember Scott Rothstein,Andre Rodriquiz ,Jaimie Duplass,Lise Gagne,Tracy Siermachesky,Liv Friis-Larsen,Betsy Reid of the Stock Artists Alliance.Edyta Pawkiwska and Kelly Cline to Name a few.....These and Others were the Giants guys. It's Over. I can still Pickup $300/$400 a Month with 3 sites But, thats it and the way It's going .... I have No real Interest In submitting new anything or Joining any sites again.. Been there and done that.

Theres Gonna have to be some major attitude changes coming from the sites.I've helped make others a Lot of Money as we all Have. thats enough!!!!!!!!!!!! let them try it.

Clair Voyant

« Reply #34 on: May 23, 2020, 19:05 »
Hey Clair. I totally understand. I was doing stock in 1968 when a commission could be as Much as $1200.00 for "ONE" shot which in todays Money would be $3,000+ - I've written about it many times on Many forums going back years.

 When this started  the Only People affected were Old school working Pros. Microstock Killed their Livelihood.. I remember going to Hidden Meetings where Old timers were screaming at what was happening.  I agreed with them. thats when It started. what I saw was a whole bunch Of people with No clue and I mean "No clue" about Photography Let alone "stock Photography" and 20 Cents a download from IS was about it. I didn't see a way to make money, What I saw is a way to sell Books and workshops which we did from Florida to Hawaii and beyond, 3 Best selling Books,3 weekends a Month for 3 Day studio Classes in LA from folks around the world. and One 4 day workshop a Month for 12 People and always sold out with My pardner and cousin David Smith we had a 9 Year run...... Everyone Of those People are gone!!!. and as a matter of fact this site was the first Place we advertised and we sold a lot Of books and Leif even did our artwork, I paid $25.00 for a banner ad for a few Months I think.. I Also did Lectures across America at Huge Camera Clubs....and sold More books.
Our books were In a lot of the Largest Camera stores around America On the counters.
If I had a 100,000 Images I wouldn't have done 1/2 the Business But worked a 100 times harder. smarter Not harder, My daddy used to say.

My old Pal....The best Microstocker ever wrote the forward In the first Book.Yuri Arcurs.
Anyone remember Scott Rothstein,Andre Rodriquiz ,Jaimie Duplass,Lise Gagne,Tracy Siermachesky,Liv Friis-Larsen,Betsy Reid of the Stock Artists Alliance.Edyta Pawkiwska and Kelly Cline to Name a few.....These and Others were the Giants guys. It's Over. I can still Pickup $300/$400 a Month with 3 sites But, thats it and the way It's going .... I have No real Interest In submitting new anything or Joining any sites again.. Been there and done that.

Theres Gonna have to be some major attitude changes coming from the sites.I've helped make others a Lot of Money as we all Have. thats enough!!!!!!!!!!!! let them try it.

SAA... almost forgot about that endeavour. My favorite part of microstock was sending my work to Istock and having some pre-pubescent "inspector" sending personal messages of hope after rejecting my work for various reasons that were in vogue at the time because Istock had high standards. 10 accepted  photos was the price of admission - what a joke when I look back at that. High standards was the price of admission to TIB, Stone, Masterfile, and eventually Getty - Istock was a cakewalk in comparison. I had Blackstar as my agent for global assignments and yet I did not know how to produce the "standard" for Istock. I have pretty much given up on shooting stock with the intention of making a living, simply not worth it these days. 

« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2020, 05:19 »
I'm happy that those days are over from my perspective. It was the time when only few of us from Eastern Europe could participate in the stock market and when we did, it was very expensive and cumbersome. I sent transparencies to ImageBank's office in Italy. Not to mention little or none instant feedback about what sells and what doesn't. It took years to figure that out.
I'm happy that everything is different now and that I can work with my full potential.
Don't get me wrong, I do feel your pain, rinderart and Clair Voyant, I'm just describing my position.


« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2020, 09:37 »
90% Of old friends that actually Know  Image making Have left.

Laurin, with all respect, this is disrespectful to new generations.

Clair Voyant

« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2020, 11:19 »
I'm happy that those days are over from my perspective. It was the time when only few of us from Eastern Europe could participate in the stock market and when we did, it was very expensive and cumbersome. I sent transparencies to ImageBank's office in Italy. Not to mention little or none instant feedback about what sells and what doesn't. It took years to figure that out.
I'm happy that everything is different now and that I can work with my full potential.
Don't get me wrong, I do feel your pain, rinderart and Clair Voyant, I'm just describing my position.

I can sort of see where you are going with this... it was expensive and it was cumbersome for sure, but only a few of us were accepted cause it was solely based on talent, whereas today it is not as Rinderart points out. I remember waiting to have a 100 or so tightly edited photos to send to my editor in England or Los Angeles by FedEx and wait a month to have 90% of my content rejected. 10% was a very good acceptance rate back then, but those images more often than not made good money.

I actually think it is more expensive today... the cost of gear, storage, time, post production, programs, learning curve to use them, internet, computers, etc. compared to the actual usage fee for an image is insane. I used to drop a few thousand bucks on a shoot and more often than not recoup my expenses within the first year or so, the rest was profit, now it takes me a year just to recoup my gas an parking meter fee for a shoot, and that does not even take into account my time or fixed expenses to produce the content.

Expense to royalty payout ratio is the worst I have ever seen it in my 30+ years shooting stock full time. I still do shoot, but more from an incidental perspective, if I am there I shoot it, but I no longer plan a trip and go specifically to complete a self assignment on speculation.

So yes in many ways you do feel our pain, even if you don't know it. Times have changed and such is life.

« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2020, 12:15 »
You are right about expenses relative to returns from those days. The returns were fantastic. So, logically, expenses were low. I was talking about expenses to make a picture and send it to an agency. But, it was not based solely of talent (photographers success), it was based on lack of competition, too. I don't know if I was recognized as talented back then, but I know those pictures of mine were worse than today's. I would not agree with talent part, because I remember a lot of crap being in stock collections back than, too.
You have to keep in mine that you are exaggerating the past because of your age, too.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:34 by pics2 »

Clair Voyant

« Reply #39 on: May 24, 2020, 13:06 »
You have to keep in mine that you are exaggerating the past because of your age, too.

Not really an age issue at all. A sustainable income ratio versus expense ratio in the past is not an exaggeration just as a non-sustainable income ratio versus expenses ratio today is not an exaggeration. It is what it is. I have fond memories of "the past" but live in "the present" and it's not a growth business at all and it's no longer sustainable from a creators perspective.

« Reply #40 on: May 24, 2020, 13:14 »
I don't know, for mi it is sustainable and I'm a creator.Maybe you don't know to manage your expenses or maybe it is not even possible for you to manage them better (I live in a less expensive country than you, just guessing). Or maybe your expectations are too high. There are a lot of variables. Nothing can be an absolute true, not even your statement that "It is what it is"

« Reply #41 on: May 24, 2020, 13:29 »
I can still Pickup $300/$400 a Month with 3 sites But, thats it and the way It's going .... I

Here. There you have it.

When someone from the "new generation" makes 5, 6, maybe 10 times more than you, with a smaller port, then that speaks volume about yours and about your understanding of this market.

Yeah, while many veterans can can deal well with the competition and adapt, you just throw the towel and get comfort in excuses, soaking in your nostalgia over those long gone good ol' days.  ;)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 13:33 by Zero Talent »


« Reply #42 on: May 25, 2020, 00:12 »
I'm happy that those days are over from my perspective. It was the time when only few of us from Eastern Europe could participate in the stock market and when we did, it was very expensive and cumbersome. I sent transparencies to ImageBank's office in Italy. Not to mention little or none instant feedback about what sells and what doesn't. It took years to figure that out.
I'm happy that everything is different now and that I can work with my full potential.
Don't get me wrong, I do feel your pain, rinderart and Clair Voyant, I'm just describing my position.

BINGO. couldn't be More truth.


« Reply #43 on: May 25, 2020, 00:48 »
I can still Pickup $300/$400 a Month with 3 sites But, thats it and the way It's going .... I

Here. There you have it.

When someone from the "new generation" makes 5, 6, maybe 10 times more than you, with a smaller port, then that speaks volume about yours and about your understanding of this market.

Yeah, while many veterans can can deal well with the competition and adapt, you just throw the towel and get comfort in excuses, soaking in your nostalgia over those long gone good ol' days.  ;)

Can you Name these Veterans you seen to Know.? I Have lived Very well On Music,Photography,Writing and painting and done it Longer than you've Probably Been alive dude and Have the resources to Prove it.. wanna keep following/Stalking me around for some stupid reason ? go for it. I don't have to follow anyone around..

Theres a few Hundred that did that and Guess what ?...there gone also. I can adapt and can do it quite easily. Im 77 and been quite successful since I was 15.
Tell us what you've done dude. I still teach and in the process of doing a new show About Photography and the Masters for Facebook. I have international clients that would blow your mind Man.

Go find some Kids you can harass. Your in the wrong League kid.....Well actually the right League Nowdays.
And...BTW...theres No competition anymore Nor is their any Motivation to do More of the same. How about a Link to your Amazing original Work.
Put up Or shut The F*** up. I have single Images that have sold twice your entire Port.
Go  follow someone else KID. Go shoot then Post some New and exciting anything You've done. Besides being a troll on a MS forum.
Ya know what. This will be "Again" My Last Post here , Theres very few Left that have anything to say to Help Others.

"Zero Talent" Hmmmmm    great Handle.
Good Bye everyone and Try to Take care Of each Other and  ignore  the Haters and wannabes. theres some really good Honest forums BTW that I won't mention.
Writing Leif Now. Good Bye and seriously Good Luck to all especially My Friends and you Know who you are.

Rinder Out.

"When someone from the "new generation" makes 5, 6, maybe 10 times more than you, with a smaller port, then that speaks volume about yours and about your understanding of this market."
lets talk in 5 years , If your still around Kid. I use My real Name and can Be reached anytime.

« Reply #44 on: May 25, 2020, 03:32 »
You know the caps lock key is optional in the middle of sentences, right?

« Reply #45 on: May 25, 2020, 05:05 »
Laurin, dont let the ba$tards get you down. So much jealousy from some of these people. You have more talent in your pinky than most of these haters will ever have.  ::)

« Reply #46 on: May 25, 2020, 05:11 »
Hey Clair. I totally understand. I was doing stock in 1968 when a commission could be as Much as $1200.00 for "ONE" shot which in todays Money would be $3,000+ - I've written about it many times on Many forums going back years.

 When this started  the Only People affected were Old school working Pros. Microstock Killed their Livelihood.. I remember going to Hidden Meetings where Old timers were screaming at what was happening.  I agreed with them. thats when It started. what I saw was a whole bunch Of people with No clue and I mean "No clue" about Photography Let alone "stock Photography" and 20 Cents a download from IS was about it. I didn't see a way to make money, What I saw is a way to sell Books and workshops which we did from Florida to Hawaii and beyond, 3 Best selling Books,3 weekends a Month for 3 Day studio Classes in LA from folks around the world. and One 4 day workshop a Month for 12 People and always sold out with My pardner and cousin David Smith we had a 9 Year run...... Everyone Of those People are gone!!!. and as a matter of fact this site was the first Place we advertised and we sold a lot Of books and Leif even did our artwork, I paid $25.00 for a banner ad for a few Months I think.. I Also did Lectures across America at Huge Camera Clubs....and sold More books.
Our books were In a lot of the Largest Camera stores around America On the counters.
If I had a 100,000 Images I wouldn't have done 1/2 the Business But worked a 100 times harder. smarter Not harder, My daddy used to say.

My old Pal....The best Microstocker ever wrote the forward In the first Book.Yuri Arcurs.
Anyone remember Scott Rothstein,Andre Rodriquiz ,Jaimie Duplass,Lise Gagne,Tracy Siermachesky,Liv Friis-Larsen,Betsy Reid of the Stock Artists Alliance.Edyta Pawkiwska and Kelly Cline to Name a few.....These and Others were the Giants guys. It's Over. I can still Pickup $300/$400 a Month with 3 sites But, thats it and the way It's going .... I have No real Interest In submitting new anything or Joining any sites again.. Been there and done that.

Theres Gonna have to be some major attitude changes coming from the sites.I've helped make others a Lot of Money as we all Have. thats enough!!!!!!!!!!!! let them try it.

Does Kelly Cline and Lisa Gagne still shoot for istock? I was always envious of Kellys food shots.

« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2020, 06:23 »
Lisa Gagne still istock exclusive and working.

Clair Voyant

« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2020, 12:47 »
I can still Pickup $300/$400 a Month with 3 sites But, thats it and the way It's going .... I

Here. There you have it.

When someone from the "new generation" makes 5, 6, maybe 10 times more than you, with a smaller port, then that speaks volume about yours and about your understanding of this market.

Yeah, while many veterans can can deal well with the competition and adapt, you just throw the towel and get comfort in excuses, soaking in your nostalgia over those long gone good ol' days.  ;)

Can you Name these Veterans you seen to Know.? I Have lived Very well On Music,Photography,Writing and painting and done it Longer than you've Probably Been alive dude and Have the resources to Prove it.. wanna keep following/Stalking me around for some stupid reason ? go for it. I don't have to follow anyone around..

Theres a few Hundred that did that and Guess what ?...there gone also. I can adapt and can do it quite easily. Im 77 and been quite successful since I was 15.
Tell us what you've done dude. I still teach and in the process of doing a new show About Photography and the Masters for Facebook. I have international clients that would blow your mind Man.

Go find some Kids you can harass. Your in the wrong League kid.....Well actually the right League Nowdays.
And...BTW...theres No competition anymore Nor is their any Motivation to do More of the same. How about a Link to your Amazing original Work.
Put up Or shut The F*** up. I have single Images that have sold twice your entire Port.
Go  follow someone else KID. Go shoot then Post some New and exciting anything You've done. Besides being a troll on a MS forum.
Ya know what. This will be "Again" My Last Post here , Theres very few Left that have anything to say to Help Others.

"Zero Talent" Hmmmmm    great Handle.
Good Bye everyone and Try to Take care Of each Other and  ignore  the Haters and wannabes. theres some really good Honest forums BTW that I won't mention.
Writing Leif Now. Good Bye and seriously Good Luck to all especially My Friends and you Know who you are.

Rinder Out.

"When someone from the "new generation" makes 5, 6, maybe 10 times more than you, with a smaller port, then that speaks volume about yours and about your understanding of this market."
lets talk in 5 years , If your still around Kid. I use My real Name and can Be reached anytime.

Why waste your breath on this?

« Reply #49 on: May 26, 2020, 01:54 »
Lisa Gagne still istock exclusive and working.
Lise, she's a really nice person and still with istock.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2020, 05:46 »
Does Kelly Cline and Lisa Gagne still shoot for istock? I was always envious of Kellys food shots.
I'm not sure Kelly does: there's nothing about it on her Twitter profile, and googling shows me pretty old results, nothing recent.b She is still photographing food though.

« Reply #51 on: May 26, 2020, 08:05 »
Does Kelly Cline and Lisa Gagne still shoot for istock? I was always envious of Kellys food shots.
I'm not sure Kelly does: there's nothing about it on her Twitter profile, and googling shows me pretty old results, nothing recent.b She is still photographing food though.

IIRC, her husband is a chef, they made/make a great team.


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