
Microstock Photography Forum - General => AI Generated Stock Photography => Topic started by: wds on May 07, 2024, 16:25

Title: What does Firefly do with Reference Images You upload?
Post by: wds on May 07, 2024, 16:25
Is it documented anywhere what Firefly does with "reference" images a user uploads?

 - Does it save them?
 - Is it any different than what Adobe does with contributors images relative to AI?
Title: Re: What does Firefly do with Reference Images You upload?
Post by: Uncle Pete on May 15, 2024, 11:31
Is it documented anywhere what Firefly does with "reference" images a user uploads?

 - Does it save them?
 - Is it any different than what Adobe does with contributors images relative to AI?

No answers, too bad. I'd wonder the same as you do, how they are stored and used, maybe for future training? But I think, unless there's some vetting and monitoring, some human would still need to look at each one and evaluate them.

Nothing in the terms?
Title: Re: What does Firefly do with Reference Images You upload?
Post by: synthetick on May 15, 2024, 18:49
They are stored as thumbnails. It says so when you upload them. They aren't used for training purposes. Firefly is trained on Adobe Stock and public domain images.