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What about sales and accepting in Alamay?

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I recently started to upload to Alamy.
Are you selling well here?
I am surprised about acceptance ratio they are accepting almost everything I upload. (batches of 2 because of their policy)

I quit there. Tried 2 months, didnt sell anything. It is not worth the time....

I uploaded about 100 images to Alamy last fall as a test - and I know that's not very many images given the size of the collection. I had one sale in November, but nothing since. It isn't very motivating to build a portfolio when you don't see the sales, but I don't think 2 months is anything like enough time to see if/how it will work for you.

The one sale was $220 (of which I get about $140), but the minimum payout is $250, so I'm going to at least wait until I reach that before deciding what to do. At the moment I've not been investing any time in uploading there (and it's RM stuff, not the same images I have on the micros).

I submitted a batch of 16 on Wednesday.

They reviewed them today - which is fast - found something wrong with the first one, and rejected the whole lot.

Now that's rejection for you.   :o   (Was someone complaining about it in another thread?)


--- Quote from: Bateleur on April 11, 2008, 10:55 ---I submitted a batch of 16 on Wednesday.

They reviewed them today - which is fast - found something wrong with the first one, and rejected the whole lot.

Now that's rejection for you.   :o   (Was someone complaining about it in another thread?)

--- End quote ---

If you look in the Alamy forums for threads about their zero tolerance policy (that's what they call this thing of dumping a whole batch if any don't pass) you'll see a lot of complaints about it.

I uploaded in small-ish batches of 5 and then 10-15 to make sure I "got" their inspection criteria, and didn't have any rejected.

It does get people's attention though and I think they were trying to clean up their reputation for having a huge pile of images with a lot of dreck in the heap.


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