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Author Topic: What would you like to see in the new manage images / upload process?  (Read 44689 times)

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« Reply #50 on: November 03, 2014, 16:48 »
How about letting us see a reasonable size preview of the image while we are keywording etc.? When there is a significant time lapse between uploading and keywording it's easy to forget how many people, if any, are visible as dots in the distance on any given image so an element of guesswork creeps in for the "one, two, threee, four or more" boxes.


« Reply #51 on: November 03, 2014, 16:55 »
Vectors... Or did that happen already?
yeah, vectors -also ftp will be a nice touch too.
  Vectors have been introduced a while ago already.

« Reply #52 on: November 03, 2014, 17:00 »
Bottom line for many of us is that (for all agencies not just Alamy) overall per-image returns have become so low, that we're no longer will to spend any time at all on keywording or categorizing when uploading.  Zero.   It has to be: select a group of images, click upload and walk away.   

If Alamy absolutely needs to have some keywords designated as 'main' or 'essential' then there's only one way I'd do it:  show me the list of keywords next to every image just uploaded, and let me click on the 'essential' ones, which highlights them.  After doing that for all images I click 'done'.   

I offer this in the spirit of positive suggestion, not a rant by any means.

« Reply #53 on: November 03, 2014, 19:02 »
Vectors... Or did that happen already?
yeah, vectors -also ftp will be a nice touch too.
  Vectors have been introduced a while ago already.

As far as I see on the site, you still have to contact them, then mail them a disk.

« Reply #54 on: November 03, 2014, 20:45 »
With a very simple interface to move keywords between categories I might be closer to going back to those 850 old files that never got fixed when your 3 box system was introduced.

« Reply #55 on: November 03, 2014, 22:27 »
One thing that I would like to see is for the fields in bulk edits to be pre-filled. Just take the contents from the first image and put a checkbox next to the field to activate or deactivate it for editing.

It is really annoying right now that I have to select a single image, get the keywords from that and then paste them into a separately opened bulk edit field...

« Reply #56 on: November 03, 2014, 22:54 »
Is it possible to make the pending images visible? I sometimes forget what I uploaded.


« Reply #57 on: November 04, 2014, 01:57 »
Is it possible to make the pending images visible? I sometimes forget what I uploaded.

This is extremely important!

« Reply #58 on: November 04, 2014, 02:42 »
I forgot to ask about one more thing. Why does Alamy accept so many similarities? Some of lots examples:

DW4C26  (watch whole gallery)


Look at "Similar stock photos", the same author.

I don't get it, what is the sense of uploading dozens, hundreds of (almost) the same images? We don't help to our clients ;) Does it matter at all?


« Reply #59 on: November 04, 2014, 03:15 »
Batch assignment of photo info - how many people, whether a photograph, digitally modified, type of license, that sort of thing on the last page - would be a big help, so we don't have to do it for each similar image individually.

Just a quick point here - you can already do that... :)

Er - how please? Can you post a link or something?

But apart from that: ANYTHING that reduces the number of boxes to tick. For example the 'it has been digitally altered' is really only relevant to Editorial....isn't it?
In any case, if it HAS been digitally altered (what photo hasn't?) you then you have to go back to another place to explain WHAT has been done - at least this comment area - if deemed necessary - could be nearby.
Plus a nice drag and drop to get keywords into categories from IPTC.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 03:29 by PZF »

« Reply #60 on: November 04, 2014, 04:16 »
i stopped uploading after i think 10% of my images. It`s a pain to upload there. Please let us know after the changes are done.

« Reply #61 on: November 04, 2014, 04:26 »
Batch assignment of photo info - how many people, whether a photograph, digitally modified, type of license, that sort of thing on the last page - would be a big help, so we don't have to do it for each similar image individually.

Just a quick point here - you can already do that... :)

Er - how please? Can you post a link or something?

Drag the images down to the batch edit area, click on the desired option, assign the change you want to make, click save. All done!

« Reply #63 on: November 04, 2014, 07:09 »

2. IPTC keywords would be mapped to Main Keywords. Either recognising but removing separating commas - or else making comma separation the norm.

You mean "Essential Keywords" ????
If you mean, then a big +1 for that!

I also can't understand why Alamy counts the letters in keywords, not the amount of words (?)

And for those really big batches of images I would like to be able to see more than 96 images per page.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 07:13 by Perry »

« Reply #64 on: November 04, 2014, 07:29 »
You mean "Essential Keywords" ????
If you mean, then a big +1 for that!

No I meant Main. Main is all relevant, the list of keywords. Where as Essential is just the few that we decide are the most significant.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #65 on: November 04, 2014, 07:36 »
Another vote as noted above for easy drag and drop between Ess, Main and comp, if the three tiers are deemed worth keeping.

« Reply #66 on: November 04, 2014, 10:22 »
Batch assignment of photo info - how many people, whether a photograph, digitally modified, type of license, that sort of thing on the last page - would be a big help, so we don't have to do it for each similar image individually.

Just a quick point here - you can already do that... :)

Er - how please? Can you post a link or something?

Drag the images down to the batch edit area, click on the desired option, assign the change you want to make, click save. All done!

I didn't know about that - will have to try it.  Thanks.


« Reply #67 on: November 04, 2014, 11:30 »
Another vote as noted above for easy drag and drop between Ess, Main and comp, if the three tiers are deemed worth keeping.
Ok, but please do NOT make the interface in such a way that we have to drag and drop each and every keyword we want, one at a time, between sections. That would be going backwards, not forwards. Ideally we need to be able to select and act on multiple keywords at once, either by checkbox or by holding down the <Ctrl> / <Cmd> key and clicking.

The top 3 things I'd like to see:
1. IPTC data copied to Alamy fields as appropriate (and clearly document which IPTC fields are copied to which Alamy fields, so we don't have to guess).

2. By default move the first X (6?) keywords to the Essentials field, the rest to Main -- if there are too many to fit, the last go to Comprehensive. (I agree with others who have said it would be best to based on keyword count, not length, but if that's not possible, then please do not truncate or split phrases when doing this.)

3. Let us set defaults for the Attributes fields (but still make the fields very visible and easy to change when we need to override them).

4. (I lied) GET RID OF THE TABBED DIALOG BOX! We need to be able to see and change all fields on one page -- no tabs allowed!

5. Ideally, let us work on one, long page like SS or the way Alamy used to be (I think -- it's been too long). So we don't have to keep clicking to get to the next or previous image to edit. And make things FASTER (hopefully getting rid of Flash will do that). I hate pressing "Save All Changes", then having to wait, and then having another box pop up for 5-10 seconds showing "Successful".

Speaking of documenting things, how about making it very clear how best to deal with phrases? Must we (please, no!) put quotations around phrases, or can they be kept as phrases by comma delimiting? (This is for the next input method, not the current.)


« Reply #68 on: November 04, 2014, 23:03 »
I would like a comments box to add notes to the reviewer (such as when I have added filters to the images), and also not having three keyword fields ... just one that picks up the meta data from our files.

Thank you Alamy, for giving us this opportunity to add our input.


« Reply #69 on: November 04, 2014, 23:13 »
Sigh, my best work just got rejected from here when I reopened my account this past week. :( Better stick to what I know.
 (its a micro world for me... :) )


« Reply #70 on: November 05, 2014, 03:02 »
One thing I'd like to see in the manage images is for the keyword fields, especially the "Main Keywords", while only allowing saving 300 characters not to be restricted in accepting the 300 while editing.

For example if we paste 350 characters the field it won't allow more than the 300 and even cut a keyword in half.

Allow for using more than those 300 but disable saving until it's equal or under the 300. It's a small detail but sometimes when managing the keywords in the different fields it's annoying to discover that I got distracted and ended up with truncated keywords in the "Main keywords" .


« Reply #71 on: November 05, 2014, 04:49 »
Adding the first 6 keywords to the main box jsut makes things more cumbersome and time consuming as most people have alphabetic order of their keywords. So you need to remove them again to another box before you can move the correct keywords.

The main culprit of the alamy batch editor is the keyword handling, the rest works alrightish. If they can sort out the keyword boxes and IPTC data, that would be a big win.

Still think the SS editor is the best out there. Quickest submission is 123RF, but there is no batch editing or post editing possible at all.

« Reply #72 on: November 05, 2014, 07:01 »
Quickest submission is 123RF

No it isn't. There are a couple of sites where you just put your images in your FTP folder and that's it! (Too bad they are lowballers)

« Reply #73 on: November 05, 2014, 09:41 »
First improvement is allow a single field for keywording, where the first five or six words are the most relevant. The reason why is a pain, for me, to submit photos in Alamy, is that after keywording and uploading, I have to move all my keywords in the manager. The result of this double work is, often, a lack of precision and sharpness in the keyword: I can't spend too much time to remove or add one single word from a single file in a batch job.
Alternative is: give as the tools to keyword offline according to the Alamy stress system

Second point is not related to keywording, but I really need this: when I upload to Alamy, nobody can use the same router, because, also if I go to check the newspaper online, the Alamy upload stop to work and delete the picture from the list. We cannot interfere with the connection.
I really need an ftp port to upload other than news.

Last, but this is just a toy for the moment: why don't activate the geolocalisation, reading the exif automaticaly?

Hoping in a better upload and keyword future with Alamy..

Sincerely Yours


« Reply #74 on: November 05, 2014, 10:00 »
Second point is not related to keywording, but I really need this: when I upload to Alamy, nobody can use the same router

Assuming you are on a Mac, Google "ipfw" for simple one line terminal code to temporarily limit and then unlimited the bandwidth on port 80. Then your machine will not suck all of the bandwidth available on the network.


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