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Author Topic: Bigstock Payout Minimum - How much will I get paid for a license  (Read 5833 times)

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« on: February 20, 2013, 13:32 »
There seems to be a bunch of sites that list BS as $50 minimum. It's $30, which is where it was back in 2008 or so? Was increased, then reduced again after they sold to SS.

From the Bigstock site:

When will I get paid?

You can make a request for payment at any time once your commissions have reached $30.00.

Payment requests are processed once a week on Monday. The cutoff time to make your request is at 11:59:59 EST on the Sunday before, as long as your earnings for that time period have reached the minimum payout amount of $30.00.

Once a request for payment has been processed, your Payable Earnings will be re-set to zero. You will need to accrue the minimum payout amount of $30.00 again before you can make your next request.

How much for a download?


30% or sub price based on last 12 months all downloads. Really? Last 12 months or last calendar year? So that's interesting and can flex up and down, during slow periods, back up during better times.

Base is 25 cents, not 21 as some people have claimed and at 200 sales in a year it moves up to 27 cents. That's any kind of sales, not just subs for subs levels.

Stockxpert you are locked at 25c a download (I dropped those files because of that)
Thinkstock we get 28 cents (no opt out)

While the base 25 is pretty dismal, if someone isn't getting 200 downloads a year on BS, maybe it's a good idea to drop them and stop wasting time?

Three wrongs won't make a right, but the payback is in line with other sub places right now. If it improves sales, without taking business away from SS, we win? If it draws people away from other sub sites, we win. Here's hoping that the new program makes for many more sales, at levels like SS so the commissions will move up to the over 1000 range where commission is 29 cents and better than the two above. And we'll make more money!

Looks like this additional price option to buyers will hurt the people with smaller collections, the most, and the people with 1000 and up should be into the better, more competitive pay scales.

Survey Please?  :D

« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 13:40 »
It's $30. My last payout request was for $39.xx so I know it's not $50 :)

123rf said it was a rolling 12 month number for royalty groups but I don't think my count changed at all on February 1 (which i think it should have). I understood the BigStock system to be like 123RF - rolling 12 month calculations

Bigstock now pays me 27 cents for a sub - I think that's pretty dismal, but given the volume of sales at Bigstock, even if I resumed uploading I doubt it'd go up a level

The big worry to me is moving this miserable scheme to SS and/or subs sales migrating to Bigstock from SS, all of which would cost me money.

Even if Bigstock only stole subs sales from Canstock I'd lose - distribution subs are 30 cents and larger sizes subs are 35 cents. I can't see any upside at all.


« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 14:15 »
My fault for only looking at sites I pay attention to.

Canstock subs are 30 cents and 35 for larger sizes? Maybe people can add the other sites usual sub commissions for comparison.

I'm not trying to say this is the best deal. I kind of like the 50 cents minimum for any download on BS, but I don't get many. I'm not on the bridge. If I get twice as many downloads for 25 cents, I haven't gained anything.

Also true, if SS gets the grand idea to do the same thing, that would be a cut in pay for most people, when artists are asking for a raise. The profits and income for the site is up year after year. I know businesses are not established to make us money or be charitable, but if things are going well, and then they cut our commissions, that's not very good.

I'd be very disappointed and unhappy.

It's $30. My last payout request was for $39.xx so I know it's not $50 :)

123rf said it was a rolling 12 month number for royalty groups but I don't think my count changed at all on February 1 (which i think it should have). I understood the BigStock system to be like 123RF - rolling 12 month calculations

Bigstock now pays me 27 cents for a sub - I think that's pretty dismal, but given the volume of sales at Bigstock, even if I resumed uploading I doubt it'd go up a level

The big worry to me is moving this miserable scheme to SS and/or subs sales migrating to Bigstock from SS, all of which would cost me money.

Even if Bigstock only stole subs sales from Canstock I'd lose - distribution subs are 30 cents and larger sizes subs are 35 cents. I can't see any upside at all.


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