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What size was your portfolio when you started making steady sales at BSP?

< 30 images
3 (17.6%)
30 - 100 images
1 (5.9%)
100 - 500 images
8 (47.1%)
500 - 1000 images
2 (11.8%)
1000 + images
3 (17.6%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Author Topic: Size of portfolio before steady sales at BigStock  (Read 8197 times)

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  • Success level is directly proportional to effort
« on: March 25, 2009, 10:26 »
Another poll, which I will couple with data from the duration before generating decent sales.

Would be interesting to see the results from these two polls...


« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2009, 10:32 »
I think you need to change the numbers in your survey.  Unless they are exceptional photos, 100 will not see regular sales on BS, unless you think a half dozen sales each month are regular.  Someone, I think Larry, said that you need at least 1500 photos on BS to see decent results. 

EDIT:  I just checked my numbers and I make between 4 cent and 8 cents RPI at BS/month. 

My RPI this month (although the month is not done)
DT .25
SS .61
IS  .60   
BS .04  see the difference.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 10:37 by Pixart »


  • Success level is directly proportional to effort
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 10:36 »
I think you need to change the numbers in your survey.  Unless they are exceptional photos, 100 will not see regular sales on BS, unless you think a half dozen sales each month are regular.  Someone, I think Larry, said that you need at least 1500 photos on BS to see decent results. 

Good call - done!


« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2009, 14:08 »
I think I had around 1,000 in my portfolio when I signed up and I started seeing sales right away.


  • Success level is directly proportional to effort
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2009, 01:27 »
Holy banana!
How many pictures do you guys have?  :o

That's incredible! Here I am with a meagre 25 - 120 pictures per portfolio (different sites) and you're talking about 1000!

Woah - Seems I need to start snapping more!


« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2009, 06:01 »
Holy banana!
How many pictures do you guys have?  :o

That's incredible! Here I am with a meagre 25 - 120 pictures per portfolio (different sites) and you're talking about 1000!

Woah - Seems I need to start snapping more!


Don't be surprised to see zero sale days... even with a portfolio of almost 7000...  :(
Patrick H.


« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2009, 13:35 »
Another poll, which I will couple with data from the duration before generating decent sales.

Would be interesting to see the results from these two polls...


Another poll that has me mystified.

The last one was originally "what site do you find the most unsatisfying."  ??? and was changed to which site do you dislike the most. Pretty vague question for any meaningful answers or conclusions? Everyone has their own personal reasons for liking or disliking site "X". Most of the time it has to do with rejections.  ;) But unsatisfying? Hmm, what does that mean?

Most people don't have a clue what you mean by  "steady sales" and I'm sure most of us would need a poll to find an opinion on what "steady sales" or "decent sales" means?   :)

Sorry to be picking at your poll, it's not just you. When people start these, they should attempt to have something that is clearly defined or understandable for the people who vote.

I think you already have the answer. A person with 7000 images says they don't have steady sales. Someone with 400 might say they do. The answer? It depends on what you want to call steady sales, not how many images.  ;D There is no answer.

You didn't include a not yet, but I am quite satisfied and happy with BS as a site overall. Downloads come and go at a fair rate and fair pay.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 15:17 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2009, 14:33 »
What do "steady" means, payouts? I am close to having 400 pictures there and only got single sale every couple weeks.

« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2009, 15:01 »
What do "steady" means, payouts? I am close to having 400 pictures there and only got single sale every couple weeks.

I think by "steady" people here mean that there never are major revamps of the search engine, the key to sales. Like on Dreamstime, you won't suffer sudden surges or sales going dead like on other sites that like to play with the search engine all the time, and drive contributors nuts. Their rule is apparently, if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

BigStock is a nice quiet low maintenance site with friendly people (it's a family business) at the helm. They are always very responsive if you need help. Yes you can have 1-2-3 days without a sale, but those get less frequent as your port grows and if you have variety: one day nature sells, the other day models. To give an idea: port 1017, last day without a sale was March 19 and today I have 5 sales worth 6$.

In short: a nice site without stellar sales, and recommended to all microstockers, with a lower RPD than DT but higher than SS.

They have an interesting statistic, much better than total download, and that is "hotness" :  For a given photo, hotness is downloads divided by days online multiplied by 1000. My hottest image has 88.

« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2009, 15:27 »
If I got 100% acceptance it will take me around 15 months to grow my portfolio to 1000 images. It looks hopeless


  • Architect, Photographer, Dreamer
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2009, 17:02 »
I have about 300 images...but no steady sales though


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