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Author Topic: Advice on future purchase  (Read 3137 times)

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« on: September 24, 2007, 12:54 »
Okay, I know I'm not the most serious stock shooter here, but I really am trying to change that.  ;D  I've even had some payouts. :D
To date 95% of my sold images have been taken with a Pentax *DS (6mp).  I love the camera and have a range of lenses for it that I am happy with.  I have even passed Alamy's QC test with images taken from it and upsized.
The other 5% of my sold images were taken with a Canon Powershot A630(8mp), and also have had Alamy accept images taken with it.

Now the problem  :'( Illness has been slowly taking away the amount of weight I can hold and how steady I can hold things.  For images that I am "setting up" this is not a problem as I can use a tripod.  But, I am looking to get a lightweight camera/lens that has IS for my carrying around camera.  Originally I was going to get the Pentax K100 as it has in body IS and is lighter than my DS.  But as the sites are rasing the bar for minimum image size, and somtimes cropping has got to be done for "on the go" shots, I'm not sure which way to go.
1.  Pentax K100D as planned, but it is only 6mp.

2.  Switch to another brand of DSLR, but I really don't want to build another system right now and would have to sell off the Pentax gear to afford IS or VR lenses (or to buy the two lens Olympus kit)

3.  Find a P & S similar to my Canon but with IS.

My initial budget had been aroune $400, but now I don't know whether to stick with what I have, buy now, or stick with what I have until I can afford the $1000 plus it would cost to start switching systems, or go with an IS P& S.

I have to admit that this is the first time Pentax has had me seriously consider jumping ship.
Thanks for letting me ramble, any input would be recommended.

« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2007, 13:34 »
I don't see better way out of your predicament than Oly 510. In-body IS, lighweight, very reasonably priced...

I know you said you wouldn't want to switch from Pentax but if Pentax doesn't make a camera matching your requirements, what else can you do? I don't really look into P&S side of things, sorry... IMO solution isn't there

« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2007, 15:23 »
Yes, Olympus 510 would be a good choice.


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