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Author Topic: Review time?  (Read 23176 times)

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  • I love Tom and Jerry music

« on: September 16, 2012, 08:06 »
Banner says: review time under 2 days. Waiting sucks.
Well, mine are waiting review since 2012-09-06 ten days by now.
What an irony >:(

« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2012, 10:58 »
I have never - in my recent stint there since June 2011 - had my review time even close to what's stated on the front page. It will say something like under two hours and mine will take several days. And that will be without any new model releases or IP issues which is the reason they say things can sometimes take longer.

If it goes more than a week I submit a support ticket. Duncan says he'll look at it and then my files get reviewed. I don't know if the site periodically has a brain fart, but I'd suggest submit a ticket and they'll get looked at.

« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 11:18 »
The estimated review time has been quite accurate for me.  They're usually one of the fastest sites, reviewing the same day I upload most times.  It's slowed to a couple of days recently but that's not unusual for this time of the year.

« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2012, 11:36 »
The only time I've had to wait for long (maybe up to a week max) is when there is a new release attached.

santosa laksana

  • White Flower.88.
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2012, 18:21 »

I was, worrying about it, but all well, I just await the three days and finished.

regards ;) ;) ;)

« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2012, 04:41 »
I mentioned it in another Canstock thread - my previous upload was awaiting for ~12 days until it was reviewed. I did open support ticket Duncan confirmed that he didn't see anything special/wrong.

Now my next batch is pending since 09-Sep...

At the same other many other contributors report fast review times.

My only guess is that some reviewers pick up some batches for review and then forget about them....


« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2012, 18:59 »
Short Review Time is VERY misleading.  They get review fairly fast ... BUT they sit in "Processing" for extended periods before actually being for sale ... or visible for reviews.

With just THREE of over 89  "Approved Files" in the active database, my welcome to CS is very disappointing.

« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2012, 19:46 »
I mentioned it in another Canstock thread - my previous upload was awaiting for ~12 days until it was reviewed. I did open support ticket Duncan confirmed that he didn't see anything special/wrong.

Now my next batch is pending since 09-Sep...

At the same other many other contributors report fast review times.

My only guess is that some reviewers pick up some batches for review and then forget about them....

Yup, the uploads from August have been reviewd. I'm currently stuck at around 5 September. I have been uploading daily since mid August, and reviews are seeping through chronologically, but way, way slower than I've grown accustomed to. (still beats Veer by a fortnight, though)

Recently reviewed files show up in my portfolio, but carry the status "Processing" for a while. Never seen that before, either. Guess the CanStockPhoto database and server capacity is maxing out.

Duncan gave me the same response. Time to revive the support ticket :)


« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2012, 14:16 »
My first upload of 150 images made it out of "processing" in less than a week.  All but 4 images were approve. 
I'm satisfied ... with the review process.

Now, Where's the Money?     ;D ;D


« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2012, 16:02 »
sales have slowed down and Since a month or so the whole reviewing and processing time has slowed down due to an increase of submitted content. But the upload process is quick. I am happy enough to keep submitting to them because I am sure the sales, reviews and processing will be back up at some point.

« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2012, 12:02 »
I think that review time is not a big problem.
CS review time is never as described in orange banner, but is acceptable.
For me is the problem that I have had good sales on CS.
Now, for more than a week NULL; NIENTE; NADA ; ZERO.
Except on IS ( also less than normal), other stocks are ok for my sales.
So ?

« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2012, 12:15 »
All the agencies have long review times these days.

Which means "harvest time". All the photogs are spitting out streams of images and they all pile up in the gateway.


« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2012, 10:25 »
I'm liking the setup ... availability of information.  Now... show me some money.   ;D

« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2012, 01:53 »
I'm liking the setup ... availability of information.  Now... show me some money.   ;D

I am in the club "SHOW ME SOME MONEY" too.

santosa laksana

  • White Flower.88.
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2012, 21:16 »
I'm liking the setup ... availability of information.  Now... show me some money.   ;D

I am in the club "SHOW ME SOME MONEY" too.

I also strongly agree and join CLUB,,,, Show me some money ..... ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2012, 19:40 »
Very slow reviews these days:( oldest file on my queue for 10 days now...

« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2012, 06:45 »
I'm liking the setup ... availability of information.  Now... show me some money.   ;D

I am in the club "SHOW ME SOME MONEY" too.

I also strongly agree and join CLUB,,,, Show me some money ..... ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Ej, Ej, Ej, Santosa , my friend,

I think that we must pay member fee for our club,
or nothing with sales


« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2012, 09:40 »
Duncan has been nothing but outstanding with my experiences! The majority of clubs take about a week or longer if you include Veer and Pantermedia.


« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2012, 12:16 »
I want $$$ regardless of nice or bad guys running the site.

« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2012, 00:36 »
I want $$$ regardless of nice or bad guys running the site.

Wow, we have a new member in our " SHOW ME SOME MONEY" club.

santosa laksana

  • White Flower.88.
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2012, 04:18 »
I want $$$ regardless of nice or bad guys running the site.

Wow, we have a new member in our " SHOW ME SOME MONEY" club.

He he,,,,, friend ...
Make it free for members, and will continue to add members of Give Me Some Money
 :-* :-* :-*

« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2012, 07:29 »
I want $$$ regardless of nice or bad guys running the site.

Wow, we have a new member in our " SHOW ME SOME MONEY" club.

He he,,,,, friend ...
Make it free for members, and will continue to add members of Give Me Some Money
 :-* :-* :-*

First month free, then free beer for everybody who pays 10 bucks monthly fee.
A, good stock thinking, agree?
Nice weekend to all.


« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2012, 07:56 »
I am sure Duncan will not mind me posting our communication here, as it go a far way in explaining the review time calculation the site displays. I was querying the fact that my images was in queue for nearly 3 days while the review time fluctuated between 3 days, 0 hours, 1 day, two days during that time (now 4). Duncan's explanation:

"Hi Charl,

We have different upload lines for different file types. So photos, illustrations, and videos are approved separately. The average on our front page is *all* approvals within the last hour. Depending on what team is most active within the last hour, and depending on what file type is being approved, the times may change quite a bit.

It is accurate in that it is the real average approval time within the last hour - we're not projecting or guessing an average wait time. However, it may not represent the kind of files you submit, and may not be the same by the time your images come up for inspection.


Can Stock Photo Support"

My response to this was:

Hi Duncan

But if it is based on such diverse information, is the info of any use. About no one submit all types. Why not break it down into the types or, if not possible, just leave it out completely? As mentioned, it causes more questions in my opinion that supplying answers.



Awaiting further feedback on my suggestion.

Think it creates "false hope" of the time you have to wait.


« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2012, 11:31 »
Well, thats some review time indicator then. It will be interesting to know what he replies to your question.


« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2012, 10:00 »
Reply from Duncan:
Hi Charl,

It's our experience that most people see this has a "fun" statistic and don't get too concerned over it being a hard-guarantee. Since it's a real average, for every person that has a file that takes longer than the posted average, one person will have a file that is approved quicker.

Of course the reality is that how long it takes to approve an image really does not make much difference in the grand scheme of things, whether it be a few hours or a few days.


Can Stock Photo Support"

From above posts it does however seems like some contributors do take the indication seriously and have some expectation based on it. If I recollect correctly the Canstock add on MSG also made specific reference to this waiting period.

The longer time one waits to get your images approved the less time it was available for sales. We also have budgets. So I do believe waiting time does make a huge difference (therefore used in their advertisement as an advantage, not so?).

Sorry Duncan. Big supporter of your site, but can unfortunately not agree with you on this one.  Was great when you, on average, was able to keep to the indicated review times 90% of the time. Now that it seems not to be able any longer (seemingly 80% longer for images submissions than the indicated general average) , it might have served its purpose. :-\

PS Duncan made aware of this thread for his direct further response to your feedback if he so prefers.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 10:15 by CD123 »

« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2012, 10:23 »
I don't care for any review time references on a stock agency web site, it's not something I'd consider "important".

CS reviews image in an appropriate time frame.

DT on the other hand is really pi$$ing me off in terms of review times. Sometimes it's more than 8 or 9 days.


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  • Location. Third stone from the sun
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2012, 10:41 »
Well I submitted some on the 18th when it said under 6hrs and I am still waiting!

And yesterday it said review in under 2 minutes????????????

Longest wait in quite some time.

And dont forget they are hiring reviewers right now so they are probably short handed.

« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2012, 11:11 »
[And dont forget they are hiring reviewers right now so they are probably short handed.


« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2012, 11:57 »
Much as I like Canstock it is them that have put a prominent ad about waiting time and therefore making an "issue" of this. Their review times seemed to have increased greatly in the last month or so.

« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2012, 17:13 »
Right now it says 1 Minute!
Let's see how long my uploads from earlier tonight take...


« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2012, 17:43 »
Right now it says 1 Minute!
Let's see how long my uploads from earlier tonight take...

As quoted above, explanation given by Duncan from Canstock:
"We have different upload lines for different file types. So photos, illustrations, and videos are approved separately. The average on our front page is *all* approvals within the last hour."
Your "test" will therefore reveal no new information we do not already have. 

PS About 80% of sites I am contributing to (17 of them) are currently experiencing slow review times (inclusive of SS). As also mentioned above CS is busy appointing additional/new reviewers. One can thus assume that they are aware of the situation and are busy trying to resolve it. The time indication is however confusing and only makes sense if one takes note of Duncan's explanation.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 17:52 by CD123 »


« Reply #31 on: October 21, 2012, 18:04 »
Not really giving a big rat's patooty over review times.  I uploaded 300 images as a test.  They have been there a month and not one sale. 

Canstock failed!   >:(

I'll upload more when I see a download.


« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2012, 18:11 »
Not really giving a big rat's patooty over review times.  I uploaded 300 images as a test.  They have been there a month and not one sale. 

Canstock failed!   >:(

I'll upload more when I see a download.

Guess that's where the big difference come in.  People who does make constant sales there does give a rat's patooty.

300 images and 1 month for a middle tier test. Think you should rather stick to the top 4 Warren, for your own sanity and piece of mind's sake  ;)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 18:27 by CD123 »


« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2012, 18:54 »
Aren't we saying the same thing?   :P


« Reply #34 on: October 21, 2012, 23:10 »
Aren't we saying the same thing?   :P

Yes, from the opposite perspectives. You stated it from yours, I did from ours ("Guess that's where the big difference come in").  :P


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  • Location. Third stone from the sun
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2012, 09:59 »
Well it is now a 4 day wait and the longest ever at CanStockPhoto.

« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2012, 07:37 »
I've also got some that have been in pending for 4 days and I've been trying all morning to get to the upload page but it just keeps coming up as an error.

« Reply #37 on: October 26, 2012, 11:03 »
Right now it says 1 Minute!
Let's see how long my uploads from earlier tonight take...

Close to five days now. Slightly more than the advertised one minute...  >:(

Not that it really matters, but when it's so far off, they shouldn't boast with those short times in their ads.

« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2012, 04:13 »
Seems the problem persists - or is it just me?

My photos are queued pending for 5 days now and we are well into November. Not great at this time of year. But  I don't see any advertised review times on their home page any more...
On a more positive note, CS was the highest RPD of all my sites last month (though not the highest income by a long shot).

« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2012, 09:08 »
My last two batches there have taken 6 days.  Patience...

« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2012, 09:10 »
My last two batches there have taken 6 days.  Patience...

reviewing time is now way longer but I wont lose my sleep, pretty much I am more concerned about the 5 to 7 days at SS, seems it will never get back to the 24h


« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2012, 12:46 »
     Yeah  it's  taking  longer  to  review  but  the  final  outcome  is  more  important.  Approved  photos  =  jusitifiable  wait.  Because  approved  photos  leads  to  sales  and  the  waitng  period  doesn't  matter  anymore.


« Reply #42 on: November 13, 2012, 12:57 »
     Yeah  it's  taking  longer  to  review  but  the  final  outcome  is  more  important.  Approved  photos  =  jusitifiable  wait.  Because  approved  photos  leads  to  sales  and  the  waitng  period  doesn't  matter  anymore.

I'm not convinced.  314 images approved.  Waiting 2 months and still "No Sales."   :'(

« Reply #43 on: November 14, 2012, 03:12 »
     Yeah  it's  taking  longer  to  review  but  the  final  outcome  is  more  important.  Approved  photos  =  jusitifiable  wait.  Because  approved  photos  leads  to  sales  and  the  waitng  period  doesn't  matter  anymore.

I'm not convinced.  314 images approved.  Waiting 2 months and still "No Sales."   :'(

I really do not know what is happening on CS.
Since they looking for new stuff, my sells drops !!!
Review time is almost 6-9days.
This happened OVER NIGHT !

Is it safe to upload ?

Can somebody from CS explain this ?

Thank You in advance.

« Reply #44 on: November 14, 2012, 08:33 »
I've only submitted two batches since the review times got longer but have had 100% acceptance so it's certainly safe to submit (unlike SS where the Focus Nazi is back).  I'm having a BME there by almost twice the previous best and we're not even halfway through the month so I'd say everything at CS is fine.


« Reply #45 on: November 14, 2012, 08:50 »
I've only submitted two batches since the review times got longer but have had 100% acceptance so it's certainly safe to submit (unlike SS where the Focus Nazi is back).  I'm having a BME there by almost twice the previous best and we're not even halfway through the month so I'd say everything at CS is fine.

So glad to read your comment about the SS Focus Nazi. I was on the verge of cutting my pulses after having my sharpest pictures ever being refused a second time (after resizing down as well) for focus.

« Reply #46 on: November 14, 2012, 09:14 »
I've only submitted two batches since the review times got longer but have had 100% acceptance so it's certainly safe to submit (unlike SS where the Focus Nazi is back).  I'm having a BME there by almost twice the previous best and we're not even halfway through the month so I'd say everything at CS is fine.

I think that on CS, DP,... almost all of us have 100 % acceptance.
This is also reason of my question :  Is it safe?
If somebody accepts everything what do You think about this ???
And also no or suddenly lower sells.


« Reply #47 on: November 14, 2012, 18:22 »
Duncan says CanStockPhoto is doing better than ever. Having BME every month.

So nothing is wrong with CanStockPhoto, it must be our photos. We need to step it up. But I think the utter and total crap that is accepted lately on CanStockPhoto cant be good for business. Buyers wont come back when they have to wade through pages of inferior sh+t. I am starting to think they have blind people reviewing photos now. Seriously.


« Reply #48 on: November 26, 2012, 09:13 »
     Got  an  image   that's  been  sitting  2  weeks.  A  little  long  even  if  they're  hiring  new  inspectors

« Reply #49 on: November 26, 2012, 09:45 »
     Got  an  image   that's  been  sitting  2  weeks.  A  little  long  even  if  they're  hiring  new  inspectors

That's unusually long - our wait time is presently under a week. I would guess that it either:

1) Has a new model release tagged to it

2) Has a model release with a problem tagged to it (check your "Release Manager" section)

3) Has a copyrighted keyword, or something that would flag it for extra attention by our legal staff

If the above 3 don't seem to fit, just open a support ticket with the image number and reference this thread. We'll be able to give you more information on what the issue is.

« Reply #50 on: November 26, 2012, 14:25 »
reviewing these days is getting very curious and its not only CanStockPhoto but its actually happening with many agencies

SS used to be less than 24h (from a few months, maybe almost a year reviews are taking close to 1 week)
FT between 24 and 48h (are now delayed for a lot more)
IS ??? (don't upload there for a while but it was getting a lot quickier than in 2011/2010/2009)
DT (always a week or more for a long time, sometimes very fast reviews (rarely))
123RF (a lot faster now but there was a very long wait in the past)
CanStockPhoto went from 5 minutes to 1 week (have they got sick all together in a party somewhere and now you guys are hiring one by one?)

1 - is microstock slowing down? buyers not licensing as much as before?
2 - another great business strategy thinking of short time profit?

can anybody figure this out? I believe it is a bit of everything but I wonder why it is so weird lately

« Reply #51 on: November 26, 2012, 16:12 »
Review times are not important for the contributor, as long as they are the same for all contributors at the same agency.

However, they are important to the agency.
It does not take long before the customers find out where the fresh images are.


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  • Location. Third stone from the sun
« Reply #52 on: November 26, 2012, 17:12 »
Hell CanStockPhoto's reviews are taking for ever and they are doing partial reviews there as well and they are taking well over a week.

SS is no better and has no consistency because some are reviewed in 36hrs or less while others wait 10 days or more?

« Reply #53 on: November 26, 2012, 17:37 »
What was it Jeff said? or was it Dave?
You cannot change rule No. one.

I would just add. Dont worry about things you cannot influence.
They can have their review strategies or they cannot.
Its not something you can do anything about, so why bother.

That said.
I have just fixed a handle on an old axe, and if a reviewer comes by while I sharpen it, I will take his skalp.
But im not annoyed, not at all.

« Reply #54 on: November 26, 2012, 17:45 »
I would just add. Dont worry about things you cannot influence.

thats why we keep on getting screwed (not talking about that ;D)


« Reply #55 on: December 04, 2012, 09:41 »
      I  got  one  waiting  for  2  weeks  -  longest  ever.  Oh  well  _  Rome  wasn't  built  in  a  day.  With  new  reviewers  a  bit  of    slow  down  was  expected.  but  come  on.


« Reply #56 on: December 04, 2012, 10:38 »
Speaking of waiting ... I finally waited long enough to get a sale.   Hey... we're off and running.  I'm gonna upload another batch.   :o ;D


« Reply #57 on: December 04, 2012, 12:31 »
Speaking of waiting ... I finally waited long enough to get a sale.   Hey... we're off and running.  I'm gonna upload another batch.   :o ;D
One sale, you are easily pleased ;-)


« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2012, 18:19 »
     3  plus  weeks  for  an  image  to  get  reviewed.
     Congrat  Warren  -  glad  you  got  your  first.
     After  my  first  -  i've  been  waiting  and  waiting  for  the  2nd.
     Good  luck.


« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2012, 19:33 »
     3  plus  weeks  for  an  image  to  get  reviewed.
     Congrat  Warren  -  glad  you  got  your  first.
     After  my  first  -  i've  been  waiting  and  waiting  for  the  2nd.
     Good  luck.

Hey, Dan.  It happened.  Sold the same image again.  Only it sold for just 30 cents; the first sale was $1.
We're on the way to untold wealth.  Good luck to us both.   ;D


« Reply #60 on: December 08, 2012, 16:50 »
     One  can  only  hope.


« Reply #61 on: December 13, 2012, 09:39 »
     Waiting  for   review  --  one  month  and  counting.

« Reply #62 on: December 13, 2012, 14:24 »
     Waiting  for   review  --  one  month  and  counting.

The current wait time is about 3 days - 1 month is way too long to be normal, and indicates there is a different problem. If there are releases attached, check your "Release Manager" section for errors. Otherwise open a support ticket with an image number so we can tell you what the issue is.

« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2012, 16:08 »
     Waiting  for   review  --  one  month  and  counting.

The current wait time is about 3 days - 1 month is way too long to be normal, and indicates there is a different problem. If there are releases attached, check your "Release Manager" section for errors. Otherwise open a support ticket with an image number so we can tell you what the issue is.

hi there, how many files on the queue Duncan?


« Reply #64 on: December 17, 2012, 09:37 »
     After  a  one  month  wait  i  had  a  file  rejeted.  The  last  2  (Christmas  pics)  went  fast  in  2  days  and  were  accepted.  Quite  a  difference.

« Reply #65 on: December 17, 2012, 10:19 »
     Waiting  for   review  --  one  month  and  counting.

The current wait time is about 3 days - 1 month is way too long to be normal, and indicates there is a different problem. If there are releases attached, check your "Release Manager" section for errors. Otherwise open a support ticket with an image number so we can tell you what the issue is.

NO,  IT IS NOT.  With release or w/o release.
It is 5-10 days.

So what, more and more is also here politics: upload and forget.
But, more sad is that are over my portfolio dark, dark clouds.
I hope that only over my portfolio.
I am waiting sunny days  8)


« Reply #66 on: December 17, 2012, 10:28 »
     Waiting  for   review  --  one  month  and  counting.

The current wait time is about 3 days - 1 month is way too long to be normal, and indicates there is a different problem. If there are releases attached, check your "Release Manager" section for errors. Otherwise open a support ticket with an image number so we can tell you what the issue is.

NO,  IT IS NOT.  With release or w/o release.
It is 5-10 days.

So what, more and more is also here politics: upload and forget.
But, more sad is that are over my portfolio dark, dark clouds.
I hope that only over my portfolio.
I am waiting sunny days  8)

Mine is 3 days.  I had nothing with MR.  Wonder why such a difference? 

« Reply #67 on: December 17, 2012, 17:27 »
     Waiting  for   review  --  one  month  and  counting.

The current wait time is about 3 days - 1 month is way too long to be normal, and indicates there is a different problem. If there are releases attached, check your "Release Manager" section for errors. Otherwise open a support ticket with an image number so we can tell you what the issue is.

NO,  IT IS NOT.  With release or w/o release.
It is 5-10 days.

So what, more and more is also here politics: upload and forget.
But, more sad is that are over my portfolio dark, dark clouds.
I hope that only over my portfolio.
I am waiting sunny days  8)

Mine is 3 days.  I had nothing with MR.  Wonder why such a difference?
I wonder too.
Maybe is for rookies with small portfolio (1000) this normally.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 17:31 by enstoker »

« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2013, 12:02 »
Current Advert says : Current Review Time : Under 6 hours. " The same advert encourages to upload.

Actually the advert is correct. I read in this thread. It is not projection of wait time.

So what it is :

It is review time. The reviewer must pickup the image to review and after that he may take 6 hours to do his job. The catch is here : reviewer has no time limit to pickup the photo. His watch begins to tick after he accepts the image to review. Do not confuse here.

So, your wait time is longer in experience and actually. You wonder what happened to promised review times.  That's an advertisement. Reality is always different.

I have submitted my application to them (CS) and I don't think it is going to be clear verdict before 10-15 days, If I believe the sentiments going here in this thread.

As I said in other threads as well, It needs to be easier for everyone.


« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2013, 12:12 »
My review times are under 30 minutes at the moment. Just submitted 8 and already approved

Also there is no application at CanStockPhoto, at least not when I joined them.

« Reply #70 on: January 27, 2013, 12:15 »
This is normal for all the new photographers now. This link comes when you click on sell files on navigation bar :

This is what needs to be approved first. It takes few images for sample.


« Reply #71 on: January 27, 2013, 12:22 »
Ok, I cant see that because I already member.  But to be honest, I think its  a bit rich for CanStockPhoto to have an application process as they accept almost everything. Here is hoping the quality goes up then. I had a few rejections lately that were accepted by shutterstock so it might be an indicator that they are upping their reviews. Might be a good thing in the end.

« Reply #72 on: January 27, 2013, 12:31 »
A promise is promise and of course it must not be twisted. That's not too much hoping.

I quite agree on that, the promised advertised time is not the projection of wait time.  I am active on other agencies. I think during weekends, the extended times may be experienced more over. My application may be in the queue and having fewer reviewers over weekends.

« Reply #73 on: September 22, 2013, 13:57 »
Is there any problem with approving photos with money object?
I have taken photos of banknotes, different shots, 2 different uploads. First batch was  2013-09-13, all accepted except banknotes photos. Next batch today, accepted without banknotes photos. These images stuck in pending section...

I hope they don't expect PR of banknotes, when every other stock sell that pictures...
Any experience?

(Sorry for my bad English) :)

« Reply #74 on: September 22, 2013, 16:50 »
Yep had some UK banknotes refused seems too be another grey area. When images are stuck in canstock queue it usually means their ultra cautious legal team are reviewing them

« Reply #75 on: September 23, 2013, 01:23 »
And that's actually very perverse  :o   ::)


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« Reply #76 on: November 10, 2013, 04:29 »
The review times used to be within the hour or so when I first started. Now a few days later and still pending. Coupled with dire sales it is no longer worth it for me.

« Reply #77 on: November 10, 2013, 14:01 »
Seems to be about 5-10 days for me now.

« Reply #78 on: November 10, 2013, 16:10 »
Seems to be about 5-10 days for me now.

But as I already said about CS, long review time is not a problem.
Problem is that I sell on CS every month less and less.
With less I mean 3-5 $ on month with almost 1700 photos.
So what, CS is dead for me.
Thanks God, other stocks not.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 16:13 by enstoker »


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« Reply #79 on: November 11, 2013, 17:25 »
You sell that much ? that's far better than me. :P


  • I love Tom and Jerry music

« Reply #80 on: November 11, 2013, 19:10 »
Well, when I see stats above I'm not doing so bad on CS
Nov 56$ which is more less same $ as Fotolia!!! For low earner like CS I think is ok but FT sYcks and maybe I'm not the only one?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 19:14 by fritz »

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #81 on: November 12, 2013, 01:23 »
Well, when I see stats above I'm not doing so bad on CS
Nov 56$ which is more less same $ as Fotolia!!! For low earner like CS I think is ok but FT sYcks and maybe I'm not the only one?

I make between 20 and 60$ on Fotolia in one month (these last 6 months)
I never made more than 2.5$ on CanStockPhoto.

(But on Fotolia I have a lot of isolated red tomatoes)

« Reply #82 on: November 13, 2013, 00:36 »
Duncan, you as Canstock owner, do you know, that many files are in approval queue more than 10 days?
Your advertising about one or two days review time is a big lie.
Model release checking is not excuse because we have photos without MR or PR in queue for more than 10 days.
Check your Canstock discussion forum and reply us, please.

« Reply #83 on: November 13, 2013, 06:51 »
Thnx for heart  :)
But it will be better if Duncan responds.
Agree, CS contributors ?


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