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Author Topic: Canva - Canva for Education  (Read 964 times)

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« on: January 21, 2025, 11:58 »
Probably all Canva contributors got the email recently regarding content suitability for educational purposes, as per the following except:

In the coming months, you may receive emails from Canva notifying you if some of your content in Canva's library may not be suitable for some users in Canva for Education. Don't worryyou don't need to take any action. Your content will still be accessible outside the age-specific settings for Canva for Education.

I fully expected to get notification that some of my content was not considered suitable for younger viewers, as I have a number of wildlife images involving predation, and even one or two of the main sites have deemed them only suitable as mature content.

However, I was surprised to receive an email today as follows:

Notice of violation

 To create a safe and respectful environment for everyone on Canva, we have policies that restrict certain kinds of content and behavior.

Were writing to let you know that content or behavior associated with your account violates Canvas Contributor Agreement.

There is then a long list of images involved, including the wildlife predation shots that I expected to be excluded from this age-related section.

The email closes with:

Repeated violations may result in the permanent suspension of your Canva account.

I honestly don't have an issue with what Canva are doing, but telling me that I'm violating the Canva Contributor Agreement and this may result in permanent suspension of my account, is a bit alarming.

« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2025, 13:31 »
Yeah, some of those "violations" are pretty silly - like an old linoleum knife, someone rock climbing, a woman in swimsuit standing about 10 feet above a river, the Manzanar Camp in California, or a steak dinner.

Sure, don't show the dead animals or people free soloing to educational buyers, but a steak dinner?

Of course the way they report this to us is completely ridiculous too, like we violated their terms (that they didn't even have when we uploaded this images).

At one time Canva was actually a new way of selling our work, now I think they are just pushing the race to the bottom.

« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2025, 15:22 »

Buddhism is sexy!

And Buddha images too. I would say its not very respectful of Buddhism

« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2025, 15:25 »
My earnings on Canva are getting less and less, now I'm earning 20% ​​of what I earned 1 year ago, I'm really losing motivation, and on top of that receiving this type of emails!!! it's too much

« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2025, 15:52 »
I got 5 emails from them each with about 50 images listed. The vast majority are images of beer or wine and marked as sexual content. Its fine with me to not show those to the education users, but dont mark them as sexual, and claim Im in some sort of policy violation. Another outstanding example of how AI is improving our lives.


« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2025, 16:10 »
I've got a few too, sexual, violence and what not and I draw mainly cute things.
So Halloween monster is under violence etc.
I wonder whether we should lodge an appeal in order for it not to count as a violation.

« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2025, 20:22 »
here are my silliest deletions from last few days (previously civil war re-eanctgors were deleted from the general collection) - some of these seem to be religiously motivated - more non-Christian images rejected --

leopard with its kill
hindu shaman giving blessing
a cannon
slot machines in casino
wild horses at rodeo
Combining Silver Lead Foil and Bamboo Paper
hindu women climbing steps
Skeleton in a Tomb in the Catacombs
Cathedral of St Kilian
Langka Battle Carved Bas Relief from Ramayana  - Angkor wat
Detail of Battle of Devas and Asuras - Angkor wat
Painted Wooden Struts and Beams of temple

even tho it's the educational collection, it's an extreme xtian/puritanical decision that people are not allowed to see - are the young not supposed to know that violence exists? (while the US is a major exporter of arms - like most of the 2000 lb bombs used to target individual, minor Hamas fighters that obliterate Gazan civilians & cities)

« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2025, 20:37 »
Two words for Canva---F.O.!

« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2025, 20:48 »
I received an email with 85 violations...all food and drink images. Seriously..what next?

« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2025, 18:42 »
Got the same email, with same incorrect violation descriptions like bottles as sexual or violent imagery, etc. I also draw mainly cute things.

I received an earlier violation notice for an innocuous image as violent and contacted their support re: the wording of these violation notices implies we're wilfully doing something against their tos. They clarified not to worry, it's just broad wording, & that all that will happen is they will not show it to the Education users. I reiterated that is not what the notice indicates as it states both that it will not be shown, AND that repeated violations may result in permanent account suspension. I asked if content being curated out of Canva for Education counts as a strike against the account, they did not answer.

I take no issue with curation in general however, there has been poor to no explanation, or accurate reasons why things trigger warnings in the first place. I understand why they are moving tobacco, alcohol, sexual imagery etc. out of the Education offerings, that's not the problem. Contributors need clarification (from a human) why so many innocuous images are also being swept up, AND if this retroactive curation has a negative impact on our account. The ai sorting these appears to be experiencing some issues.

I've appealed some of these and so far receive same (automated?) form letter justifying the violation with no further explanation. Canva, if you're lurking here can you please offer some clarification?

« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2025, 19:23 »
I tried to find the photos that were offensive (to see if somehow they actually were) but I couldn't find them on my Canva account - so maybe they aren't showing them to educational users because they removed them from the database completely.

Are other people able to see the images that were mentioned in these e-mails in their Canva accounts?

« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2025, 20:40 »
I tried to find the photos that were offensive (to see if somehow they actually were) but I couldn't find them on my Canva account - so maybe they aren't showing them to educational users because they removed them from the database completely.

Are other people able to see the images that were mentioned in these e-mails in their Canva accounts?

I can see images I received violations on still appearing in my gallery.

I had one violation of an image of a teen cheating on a test "violates our policies on deceptive and misleading content" I mean I guess I agree cheating is deceptive?  :D

I have images of a tobacco farm barn, 3 images had different violation reasons. "non consensual intimate imagery" "self harm" and "sexual content"

While their automated methods are not appearing too accurate in all cases, I am not sure how often they respond favorably to an appeal. I believe it just relates to an education account.

« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2025, 21:35 »
I received an email with 85 violations...all food and drink images. Seriously..what next?

Food and drink?

How disgusting.

« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2025, 14:16 »
fwiw, i appealed one of the silly bans & it was accepted -- havent time to bother with the other dozen

« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2025, 17:59 »
Update: I appealed contested images, @ half were reinstated in a few days to the "general population". Curation out of Canva for Education was upheld on the rest. These were mostly alcohol, Halloween or tobacco related so not entirely unreasonable. I imagine that they may be curating with global markets in mind.

About halfway through their emails a statement was added to the autoresponder: essentially stating no need to take any action such as removing content, and that this curation *does not* affect account standing. And a few nice words on how they value our contributions.

The curated-out images are still visible in my items, and still appear in editor image search from a Pro account, as do the reinstated images.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 18:02 by RetroMo »

« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2025, 21:39 »
I appealed all of mine and all were quickly reinstated.  The AI or whatever they used to flag them was clearly incompetent.

« Reply #16 on: Today at 00:04 »
Canva is using stupid AI, I received tons of violation today including educating content as endangered monkey species:

 Proboscis Monkey in Borneo Jungle
 This content violates our policies on sexual content.


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