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Author Topic: Notice of violation emails  (Read 5314 times)

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« Reply #25 on: February 29, 2024, 08:53 »
Hi there,

Apologies for the concern around the messaging here. I have shared the feedback here with our team.

The same email is currently being sent for all content removals, whether very serious violations of our Acceptable Use Policy, or contributed content removed from Creators as part of ongoing content library audits.

The messaging around "suspension" is not intended for the latter case; so please don't be alarmed by this, and you don't need to worry about account suspension.

Hope this helps!

hi danny, what do you mean by serious violations?

« Reply #26 on: February 29, 2024, 22:25 »
Re: culled previously approved images, if you go to creator hub > my items and select rejected from the pull down menu middle top (defalt is "all status"), you can see which files have been deactivated. No reason is provided but at least you can see which files were retroactively "rejected" as they show up under this filter.

« Reply #27 on: February 29, 2024, 22:35 »
Hi Danny Canva, it would be helpful to have a reason provided for rejected files from a list of predetermined options? (technical, not interested in content, etc.)

I recall Lee Torrens explaining the red circle/slash rejected files are "hard rejects", but the others are "soft rejections" that may be tweaked and re-uploaded. Problem is, with no idea why anything is rejected it's not worth trying to figure out where the issue may be causing the rejection.

« Reply #28 on: February 29, 2024, 22:58 »
Re: culled previously approved images, if you go to creator hub > my items and select rejected from the pull down menu middle top (defalt is "all status"), you can see which files have been deactivated. No reason is provided but at least you can see which files were retroactively "rejected" as they show up under this filter.

I'm not sure I'm looking in the right place because Canva has one of the least intuitive sites and you can't even just go to a url to find something because of all the check boxes but it appears what you describe just shows the rejected images, which include about the last few hundred I submitted before I gave up on their blanket no reason rejections. I searched on rejected this year and the image reported as a violation a few days ago was not listed, so it still doesn't seem that there is a way to tell what has been post-accepted rejected unless you keep track of and look through every image or they send you an e-mail. I guess it is good to know the threatening language was applied to all removals and it is nice to know what is removed rather than just seeing the total number of assets in the port dropping.

Danny, if you are going to remove a category of images from your database in your audits - for example 100 dollar bills, maybe you should flag all 1.8 million of them and then remove them all at once instead of slowly and apparently randomly picking your way through the database.


« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2024, 03:11 »
The messaging around "suspension" is not intended for the latter case; so please don't be alarmed by this, and you don't need to worry about account suspension.

Thanks, Danny! I really appreciate your response. 🙏

Is it possible to make these library cleanups without sending "Notice of violation - We've had to take action on your account" emails each time? Or maybe edit a template somehow. The subject is very aggressive and the whole tone of template used feels like being in the police station or court room:

"content or behavior associated with your account violates", "Facts and circumstances", "Enforcement taken". When you get something like this it basically says "you're criminal and you're guilty".

And then I discover all of these words are because of innocent closeup photograph of two male hands with gay pride wristbands on them. Are we in Putin Russia now?

OK, at least email is not threatening with time in jail or death penalty for images of gay pride wristbands or women walking on beach in bikinis, that's a relief. 🤷‍♂️

My point is: if something accepted years ago is no good for your library anymore - of course it's up to you to delete it. But this template being used for such a library cleanup is a major miscommunication, Can you please forward it to your team and then maybe they can figure out some other way to notify us? 🙏 Or maybe cleanup  without notifying us at all, as Canva was doing for years before? It was way better than what we get now.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 03:16 by Lev »

« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2024, 03:58 »
And then I discover all of these words are because of innocent closeup photograph of two male hands with gay pride wristbands on them. Are we in Putin Russia now?

Wow, did they REALLY delete an image of male hands holding?
Oh well, I should not be surprised, as they just deleted my image "naughty Santa" of a young woman sitting on Santa's lap (and yes, she is fully dressed).


« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2024, 04:28 »

Violation details

Hands with Gay Pride Wristbands (Raster)

Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Hand with Gay Pride Rainbow Wristband Shows Rock (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Gay Couple with Rainbow Wristbands and Hand Heart (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Hand with Gay Pride Rainbow (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.

« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2024, 07:54 »

Violation details

Hands with Gay Pride Wristbands (Raster)

Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Hand with Gay Pride Rainbow Wristband Shows Rock (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Gay Couple with Rainbow Wristbands and Hand Heart (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Hand with Gay Pride Rainbow (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.

Very concerning that even this type of content was removed.


« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2024, 08:16 »
I was also surprised with removals of diversity and inclusion contents. Something is very wrong about it. Next they will probably start witch-hunting female empowerment topics or contents with disabled people. 🤷‍♂️

Of course it's up to Canva to decide if these contents are not welcomed there. I'm not going to argue. But "VIOLATION and ENFORCEMENT with a threat to suspend account still being attached to THIS?" Really? As a "thank you" for more than a decade of cooperation to a contributor who was among the first ones to believe in them back in 2013? Strange.

« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2024, 08:21 »

Violation details

Hands with Gay Pride Wristbands (Raster)

Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Hand with Gay Pride Rainbow Wristband Shows Rock (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Gay Couple with Rainbow Wristbands and Hand Heart (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.
Hand with Gay Pride Rainbow (Raster)
Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on stereotypes and misrepresentation.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content has been removed.

Is Canva becoming a global champion of hate and discrimination?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 11:42 by trek »

« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2024, 08:56 »
Since Lee left his position with them the company has gone down. With their high rejections, low pay and now this stupid stuff I've stopped uploading to the completely. Sad I was one of the first members to submit and promote them.

« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2024, 04:08 »

Violation details

Hands with Gay Pride Wristbands (Raster)

I had, let's say, a very stylized LGBT flag taken down. You wouldn't even identify it as LGBT if it wasn't mentioned in the tags.
Is it war? I could guess it might be a trademark take down, but they said it's an inappropriate content.

« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2024, 08:18 »
I don't see how we can break any rules when we are not the ones selecting the images for publication. Other sites check our images against some criteria and publish everything. On Canva, we upload images to a non-public server for Canva to choose from, and most of those that don't violate any known criteria are rejected anyway.

« Reply #38 on: March 18, 2024, 13:05 »
oh wow, Canva just send me another "violation" mail.  They deleted a photo of a young woman in 1920s flapper dress, smoking a cigarette in a cigarette holder.  Fully dressed.  Model released and property released.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #39 on: March 18, 2024, 14:22 »
oh wow, Canva just send me another "violation" mail.  They deleted a photo of a young woman in 1920s flapper dress, smoking a cigarette in a cigarette holder.  Fully dressed.  Model released and property released.

Well at least they are impartial and hate everything equally.  ::) Warning, this image contains someone smoking a cigarette. Oops, never mind, we'll just remove it. Flappers are somehow also offensive for being free spirits and drinking?


« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2024, 13:55 »
Well, it's getting worse. :)

Violation(!!!) details

Sick Woman with Cough Syrup (Raster)

Facts and circumstances:
We identified this content through our own investigation.
This content violates our policies on regulated content.
This decision was made by a member of our team.
Enforcement taken:
This content wont be shown to Canva Education account holders.

« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2024, 08:50 »
Hi there,

Apologies for the concern around the messaging here. I have shared the feedback here with our team.

The same email is currently being sent for all content removals, whether very serious violations of our Acceptable Use Policy, or contributed content removed from Creators as part of ongoing content library audits.

The messaging around "suspension" is not intended for the latter case; so please don't be alarmed by this, and you don't need to worry about account suspension.

Hope this helps!
once again canva takes an insulting way out with such weassal-worded messages --    why not be upfront & say "we deleted this - guess why?"

i've been getting same rejections for erotic sculptures on hindu temples - are they going to start deleting any depiction of anatomy?

a MUCH MORE serious problem is the rejection of entire batches SECONDS after uploading --  they refuse to even acknowledge this is happening despite being reported by many long time contributors.  instead they send condescending boilerplate:

We've reviewed your most recent image submission and found that most of them do not adhere to the Canva image quality standards. Based on overall artistic appeal, usability and technical quality, we are unable to accept them into the library.

 and, of course, they can't be bothered to say what those might be. obviously an AI is running  amuck (another inheritance from ancient Hindus).

« Reply #42 on: March 23, 2024, 04:48 »
I've also received these emails and the reason are so stupid !! It's certainly an AI bot who is thinking instead of a Canva team member, the humanity is getting everyday so far away from this world ...

« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2024, 13:31 »
Hi there,

Apologies for the concern around the messaging here. I have shared the feedback here with our team.

The same email is currently being sent for all content removals, whether very serious violations of our Acceptable Use Policy, or contributed content removed from Creators as part of ongoing content library audits.

The messaging around "suspension" is not intended for the latter case; so please don't be alarmed by this, and you don't need to worry about account suspension.

Hope this helps!
doesnt help at all - yesterday i was told i was in violation for a shot of civil war re-enactors firing a volley - clearly identified, but now rejected due to violence!

they have a lot of work to do:

re-enactment  29,468 images
civil war 178,809
battle  66,647
fight  180,345
rifle volley 20,526  (but most are images of 'volley' ONLY!
   rifle + volley = same #
   "rifle volley" 83,456,540 !!!!

since canva no longer uses human reviewers (rejecting everything seconds after they're uploaded) those displaced workers have been transferred to the Ministry of Silly Works

and why has 'DannyCanva' (26 posts in 4+ years) not responded to the absence of a sensible review process  ?

« Reply #44 on: April 20, 2024, 14:17 »
Yep, we can stop worrying, because if Canva suspended all accounts with "violating content" - they would be stuck with apples on white and nothing else.
I just got another "violation" :  a classic hunting still life of a dead pheasant and a hare, like in the 17th century paintings.

« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2024, 02:08 »
After a month of silence, round 56 of image deletions ("violations") has just started with 2 images of a lady smoking a cigarette ...
Haha ... was it deleted because it's a cigarette, or because ladies should not be smoking ????
(and for those who wonder:  she is fully dressed, model released, the interior is property released, and there are no visible brand names or logos)

« Reply #46 on: June 19, 2024, 13:25 »
guys, have sales on canva stopped for days too? what is going on?

« Reply #47 on: June 19, 2024, 14:03 »
same here, no sales since 7th June

« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2024, 14:01 »
i get only $5-10/mo from canva, but their monthly bonus/creator plan usually outperforms AS and all others except SS

would be nice if they started accepting new content again instead of immediate rejections, but they dont bother to respond eighter here or thru customer 'support'


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