Microstock Photography Forum - General > Computer Hardware

Flashair Toshiba - SD wifi - How to download/transfer multiple files at once?


Hi folks.

Does any one here uses the SD Toshiba Flashair (Wifi SD)? I wonder by using a camera with this wifi card, how to get to download to computer multiple files, or one right away I shot, to my computer to a folder I wish? By using the browser, it is a pain, you need to click one by one!

Does anybody uses another solution that would share? Thanks. 

I am using the Toshiba Flashair since they released it. Swithed from EyeFi - what had too many problems. I like the Toshiba, it is not perfect but better than than anything else I tried so far. I pair it with iPads (yes more than one device can download the shots at the same time). I take the shots to two cards simultaneously: RAW files go to the CF card and the minimum size JPGs are going to the Toshiba. Transfer is still slow but acceptable.
Check the application named ShutterSnitch.


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