Agency Based Discussion > Cutcaster

Cutcaster Closing, Sat. April 25, 2020.

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Here is the information from their Site:-

ATTENTION Cutcaster Buyers and Sellers - Cutcaster is Closing
A note from Cutcaster founder John Griffin: We started Cutcaster nearly 12 years ago to help connect photo buyers and sellers, and it has been an honor to see the marketplace grow over that time. Regrettably, we are now planning to close Cutcaster on Sat. April 25, 2020. If you buy or sell images on Cutcaster, please see the following instructions regarding credits and payouts.

Buyers: If you have any remaining credits with Cutcaster, please use them before 11:59 p.m. PT on Sat. April 25, 2020. Credits remaining in any Cutcaster account after Sat. April 25, 2020 will be forfeited.

Sellers: If you have more than $5 in earnings in your account, please request a payout before 11:59 p.m. PT on Sat. April 25, 2020. To request a payout, log in to your account, and choose Earnings from the Profile menu in the upper-right corner of the window. Click Request Payout and follow the onscreen instructions.

All existing images in the Cutcaster library will be removed from the public site after Sat. April 25, 2020. If you would like to delete your images earlier, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

I upload to them years ago as they looked like a good site at the time, unfortunately they don't seem to have made it.

Not a good day, I thought they maybe able to give some of the larger sites a run for their money.

oh another blast from the past (no pun intended)
oh I once was so young
oh I once was so incredible young

I am surprised they lasted this long.

Thanks for posting this.  They sure didn't give us much warning, did they?  Funnily enough, I barely made that $5 minimum.  I got my first sale there 9 years ago, and my last sale 6½ years ago.  At least they're paying what they owe; not everybody is that conscientious.

THP Creative:
Wow, so what's that, 2 agencies (plus all the Masterfile subsidiaries) closing up shop this month?


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