Agency Based Discussion > Cutcaster
Sales on Cutcaster
Haven't heard a lot about Cutcaster in a while- anyone getting sales? I had one back in Feb of this year...
I had one this month. First one in about a year. Can't say I expect much with a small port but a little more a activity would be nice.
When I started contributing there I had hoped that they would succeed but I have never had more than the odd random sale there so when they started with random block rejections i stopped submitting altogether.
Stopped uploading after a couple of sales misreporting and payment problems. Gave them a second chance after the first time, don't have the time to constantly audit my sales there to make sure their database is working properly.
--- Quote from: emjaysmith on August 23, 2014, 00:53 ---When I started contributing there I had hoped that they would succeed but I have never had more than the odd random sale there so when they started with random block rejections i stopped submitting altogether.
--- End quote ---
+1. After initially uploading around 150 images there as a test I stopped for a couple of years due to no sales - they were the only site I was on with no sales at all. I had a couple of small sales towards the end of last year and a larger one in January so thought maybe they were coming to life and started uploading again. However, after too many rejections and no more sales I stopped - with a rejection rate higher than SS they aren't worth the effort. These low-earning sites need to have: 1) a decent commission rate of at least 40% (CC is OK there); 2) an easy uploading system (CC is OK there as well as I recall); and 3) fast, reasonable reviews (CC fails there). You can't be picky about images when you don't have sales or it's not worth the effort of uploading there. That's why I no longer upload to CC (too picky), Yay (almost no sales), Crestock (random reviews, few sales, too low commissions), and iS (too complicated for uploading and no ftp). However, I have kept up with featurepics, GL, photodune, pond5, etc., because uploading is easy, reviews are fast and reasonable and the level of sales justifies the effort. Hopefully CC can turn it around but I won't hold my breath.
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