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Author Topic: Two collections about the war in Ukraine for free download at DepositPhotos  (Read 9835 times)

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« on: March 03, 2022, 00:08 »
I saw a post about Deposit Photos creating two collections of free images/videos of protests about the war in Ukraine (an account is required, but you can use a Google or FB account if you don't already have one at DepositPhotos).

They explain why they are doing this:

Most of the content is editorial use only (not surprisingly given the subject)

« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2022, 04:11 »
But in the meantime it seems Alamy are still allowing TASS the official russian news agency to publish in live news.

Some companies need to wake up and stop money being supplied to the russian federation

« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2022, 10:33 »
I saw a post about Deposit Photos creating two collections of free images/videos of protests about the war in Ukraine (an account is required, but you can use a Google or FB account if you don't already have one at DepositPhotos).

They explain why they are doing this:

Most of the content is editorial use only (not surprisingly given the subject)

This is important since the DP founder is a Russian who built his business in Ukraine:

Dmitry Sergeev is a successful serial entrepreneur of Russian origin, who built his most prominent venture, Depositphotos, in Ukraine.
Being of Russian origin, but developing his startup in Ukraine, it was inevitable for Sergeev to face consequences from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Having spent most of his recent years in the latter, Sergeev feels more passionate about Ukraine, its pro-European direction and most importantly, its IT community. He often emphasises his refusal to relocate the main operations from Ukraine, despite this being a frequent environment of investors approaching Depositphotos. As of today, Sergeev has acquired citizenship in Cyprus but maintains stronger ties with Ukraine, rather than with Russia.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2022, 10:37 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2022, 12:21 »
Shutterstock says it's making a direct donation to Ukrainian contributors:

Not clear to me exactly how they will implement this offer, but the press release says:

"... by making an immediate donation of $1 million to provide direct assistance to Shutterstock's thousands of contributing photographers, videographers, 3D artists, illustrators and musicians in Ukraine.."

If anyone who might be eligible for this assistance knows more about how Shutterstock is distributing this assistance, it'd be good to hear - and possibly useful to others who might want to receive assistance but don't know how.

« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2022, 12:26 »
Dreamstime are giving Ukrainian artists 100% royalties:

Cant do better than that!

« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2022, 12:36 »
Dreamstime are giving Ukrainian artists 100% royalties:

Cant do better than that!

I didn't know they'd done that (although I did see the Ukrainian-colors heart on their logo on the site). Good for them - it's the second time they've offered additional support to contributors (the Covid-19 uplift in royalties was the first).

Shutterstock could follow Dreamstime's lead, and given the higher volume of sales, that would likely provide even more cash in hand to Ukrainian contributors...

« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2022, 02:53 »
Dreamstime are giving Ukrainian artists 100% royalties:

Cant do better than that!

I didn't know they'd done that (although I did see the Ukrainian-colors heart on their logo on the site). Good for them - it's the second time they've offered additional support to contributors (the Covid-19 uplift in royalties was the first).

Shutterstock could follow Dreamstime's lead, and given the higher volume of sales, that would likely provide even more cash in hand to Ukrainian contributors...

You wish. It's SS we are talking about.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2022, 11:51 »
Dreamstime are giving Ukrainian artists 100% royalties:

Cant do better than that!

This is one of the reasons I've changed my opinion of DT (becoming more positive) over recent years. No not anything I get and no I don't make much there. But they have been giving back to the artists and people who produce the works that DT licenses. Good PR

« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2022, 15:55 »
Pond5 sent email this morning about their steps to support their ~8,000 "Ukraine-based" contributors:

In other news, DepositPhotos' collections (links in the original post) have grown - there are really heart-wrenching images and videos from as recently as March 6th.

I don't have anything official, but a member of the stock coalition posted this (I assume email) he received from Shutterstock:

"To our valued contributors,

We are heartbroken as we watch the escalating war in Ukraine and hope that you and your loved ones are safe. For me, the injustice and suffering caused by this war is personal. I was born and raised in Ukraine until the age of seven, and I feel a deep connection with all of you, our Ukrainian community.
Shutterstock recognizes the emotional and financial impact that the war is having on so many, and we want to help. To support our community, we will be sending an additional payout to our Ukrainian contributors this month of $250. The payout of these funds will shortly follow the normal March payout. Please note these funds will be distributed to all Ukrainian contributors that are already receiving a payout this month.
Thank you for being such a valued part of our community, and we wish you continued safety and health.

Stan Pavlovsky
CEO, Shutterstock"

« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2022, 05:35 »
To support our community, we will be sending an additional payout to our Ukrainian contributors this month of $250. The payout of these funds will shortly follow the normal March payout. Please note these funds will be distributed to all Ukrainian contributors that are already receiving a payout this month.

That's a pretty good gesture. Hopefully it will be followed by more.

« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2022, 10:49 »
Skylum (the company was founded in Ukraine) is asking for drone donations for surveillance work:

« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2022, 12:15 »
I feel like it is worth bringing community attention to - we are art people here and it is so sad that Depositphotos decided to use war as an excuse to earn some extra buck and spread hate.
Depositphotos stopped payouts to all Russian and Belarusian contributors. There was no notice in advance, Payoneer and Paypal still worked in those countries - people just got emails that starting now they won't get paid but Depositphotos will keep selling their content. As I know they are the only microstock that chose to cut off contributors (and they are already in a pretty sad and bad situation already). No need to say that most Russians and Belarusians do not support the war and are nearly completely stripped of their savings and earnings. We are supposed to create art, not war. So very sad.
I deleted my portfolio from this Depositphotos, don't want to support the owner who chooses a path of hate and discrimination.

« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2022, 12:29 »
I feel like it is worth bringing community attention to - we are art people here and it is so sad that Depositphotos decided to use war as an excuse to earn some extra buck and spread hate.
Depositphotos stopped payouts to all Russian and Belarusian contributors. There was no notice in advance, Payoneer and Paypal still worked in those countries - people just got emails that starting now they won't get paid but Depositphotos will keep selling their content. As I know they are the only microstock that chose to cut off contributors (and they are already in a pretty sad and bad situation already). No need to say that most Russians and Belarusians do not support the war and are nearly completely stripped of their savings and earnings. We are supposed to create art, not war. So very sad.
I deleted my portfolio from this Depositphotos, don't want to support the owner who chooses a path of hate and discrimination.

Statistic: Do you approve of the activities of Vladimir Putin as the president (prime minister) of Russia? | Statista" style="width: 100%; height: auto !important; max-width:1000px;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;

You are wrong. The butcher's approval rate is going up after invading Ukraine!
A massive majority of Russians (microstock photographers inclusive, I can bet) will follow their "Dear Leader" no matter what!
Nobody should support Putin's war machine and sponsor his spread of hate, war, and murder of innocents.

Unfortunately, some slaves don't fight for their freedom, but to become slave masters themselves!

What DP is doing is perfectly justified! I wish more companies and governments would take a similar stance and completely stop sponsoring Russia's war!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 16:24 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2022, 14:17 »
I feel like it is worth bringing community attention to - we are art people here and it is so sad that Depositphotos decided to use war as an excuse to earn some extra buck and spread hate.
Depositphotos stopped payouts to all Russian and Belarusian contributors. There was no notice in advance, Payoneer and Paypal still worked in those countries - people just got emails that starting now they won't get paid but Depositphotos will keep selling their content. As I know they are the only microstock that chose to cut off contributors (and they are already in a pretty sad and bad situation already). No need to say that most Russians and Belarusians do not support the war and are nearly completely stripped of their savings and earnings. We are supposed to create art, not war. So very sad.
I deleted my portfolio from this Depositphotos, don't want to support the owner who chooses a path of hate and discrimination.

Thats very sad that you are caught up in a war you dont support. Not much help to you, but you should know not everyone blames ordinary Russians for this murderous invasion in Ukraine - most people understand its Putins war. I hope it ends soon and you get your life back. Good luck.

« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2022, 15:22 »
I feel like it is worth bringing community attention to - we are art people here and it is so sad that Depositphotos decided to use war as an excuse to earn some extra buck and spread hate.
Depositphotos stopped payouts to all Russian and Belarusian contributors. There was no notice in advance, Payoneer and Paypal still worked in those countries - people just got emails that starting now they won't get paid but Depositphotos will keep selling their content. As I know they are the only microstock that chose to cut off contributors (and they are already in a pretty sad and bad situation already). No need to say that most Russians and Belarusians do not support the war and are nearly completely stripped of their savings and earnings. We are supposed to create art, not war. So very sad.
I deleted my portfolio from this Depositphotos, don't want to support the owner who chooses a path of hate and discrimination.

If your country attacks a neighbouring sovereign state for no reason at all, causing a massive influx of refugees and thousands of civilian deaths, the least DP can do is suspend payments to that state. I think all Russian and Belarusian stock contributors money should be confiscated and used to rebuild an independent and free Ukraine. The Russian people themselves, by supporting Putin, have chosen the path back to the Dark Ages. I have absolutely no pity for you and I hope you like your new life in complete isolation from the rest of the world. Slava Ukrajini, herojam slava!


« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2022, 03:30 »
It is awful that people in Russia also have to suffer because of this war (though far less than Ukrainians). The fault for the suffering lies with their own government. The world has been very patient and let Russia get away with far more than they should have for a long time. Sadly, it has got to the point where these sanctions are all thats left other than full scale war. Sorry it has come to this, but the fault lies with one man and his cronies.

Also very sad that, as others have said, the vast majority of the Russian population do seem to support Putin and the war in Ukraine. The Russians are the same as everyone else on earth would be if they had been exposed overwhelmingly to state propaganda and censorship. Its easy to say they should have sought out the truth but how would they even know to do that or how to recognize truth after living their whole lives under that regime. Sanctions won't help this, but again, we are where we are. The regime has to be hit hard one way or the other, and they have placed their populace in the firing line. Could be worse, they could be invaded and be having their cities destroyed.

When it comes to MS contributors specifically, take a look at the posts on the DT blog supporting Ukraine. Covered in pro Russian posts from Russian contributors (a lot of it seems to be getting cleaned up by admins). One guy is even having a go at a Ukrainian woman saying have you ever even met a Russian! while she is in a country being invaded by them. It is delusional.


« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2022, 03:47 »
Either way though **** DepositPhotos, they have always been a terrible agency.

« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2022, 04:09 »

Statistic: Do you approve of the activities of Vladimir Putin as the president (prime minister) of Russia? | Statista" style="width: 100%; height: auto !important; max-width:1000px;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;

You are wrong. The butcher's approval rate is going up after invading Ukraine!
A massive majority of Russians (microstock photographers inclusive, I can bet) will follow their "Dear Leader" no matter what!

To be fair here - How much can we trust surveys for approval rates like this in a country where criticism of government actions can be punished by law? This has always been a problem, but the laws have become even more extreme since the beginning of the war. So have approval rates really gone up since the beginning of the war or are more and more people afraid to speak their minds? If I were a Russian living in Russia I would be very cautious to openly state that I don't support the actions of the government in a time like this.

I am absolutely sure that a great many Russians support Putin and the war - if you have been brainwashed all your life with no chance to really form your own opionin that's not surprising. But I don't think he has as much support as the official numbers make it look like.

« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2022, 06:51 »
There is certainly some truth in what you said, Firn.
Some russians may be afraid to speak up, or maybe the numbers are simply made up, because the polsters may be afraid to speak up.
But as Justanotherphotographer pointed up, based on the reactions seen on varius fora, twitter, FB, etc, these numbers may be closer to reality than we like. Too many feel the urge to defend Putin, instead of keeping their mouth shut.

Propaganda works!

It works even in the US let alone in Russia itself. Just check Tucker Carlson (who is openly rooting for Russia) and his followers.  ::)
We saw it even in this forum: too many contributors genuinely believe that Russia has the right to invade another country, while using all sorts of logical contorsions to justify it.

So again, what DP is doing is perfectly justified.
Earnings for microstock are taxed by the Russian government and the proceeds used to murder Ukrainians.

Nobody should be OK with it.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2022, 07:08 by Zero Talent »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2022, 10:11 »
I feel like it is worth bringing community attention to - we are art people here and it is so sad that Depositphotos decided to use war as an excuse to earn some extra buck and spread hate.
Depositphotos stopped payouts to all Russian and Belarusian contributors. There was no notice in advance, Payoneer and Paypal still worked in those countries - people just got emails that starting now they won't get paid but Depositphotos will keep selling their content. As I know they are the only microstock that chose to cut off contributors (and they are already in a pretty sad and bad situation already). No need to say that most Russians and Belarusians do not support the war and are nearly completely stripped of their savings and earnings. We are supposed to create art, not war. So very sad.
I deleted my portfolio from this Depositphotos, don't want to support the owner who chooses a path of hate and discrimination.

Deposit is pretending to be a US Florida company. They might have other reasons for not paying, such as, they can't because their bank accounts are blocked. And in the end, everyone will get what's due them?

City    Amsterdam
State    North Holland
Country    Netherlands

The company was founded by Dmitry Sergeev in November 2009 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

In October 2021, Depositphotos and all subsidiaries was acquired by Vistaprint for a total price of $85 million.

Vistaprint is a Dutch global, e-commerce company that produces physical and digital marketing products for small and micro businesses. launched in 1999. Vistaprint is wholly owned by Cimpress plc, a publicly traded company based in Ireland.

After all that, wholly owned and who's really running DP, possibly comes back to the Ukraine.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2022, 10:31 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2022, 10:16 »

« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2022, 22:20 »
While ordinary Russian civilians are not Putin, the fact is that their country invaded a peaceful sovereign country and there are horrible war crimes against civilians, women and children going on.

Many Russians are choosing to leave Russia, especially those with talent, because they do not want to be a part of a country that commits such atrocities and is cracking down so much on its own people.  Perhaps Russian photographers/filmmakers should consider doing the same as they are talented and have a talent to give to the world hopefully for the good of the world. 

Most companies in US and elsewhere have decided to not to do business with Russia period and more every day.  Russia has become a terrorist state.  I have no problem at all with companies choosing not to business with Russia and hope more like Alamy choose to do the same.

« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2022, 08:09 »
Hats off to those Russian contributors who decided to run their business from Andorra.
Their decision may have been deeper than just tax reductions...


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