Good Luck, here's the way I see it: (from a website about what is an EIN)
You need an EIN if you have employees, operate as corporations or partnerships, file certain tax returns, or withhold taxes from income other than wages. Business entities must apply for an EIN by phone, online, fax, or mail before they can begin operations. All forms of businesses can apply for and be issued EINs, including:
Limited liability companies (LLCs)
Sole proprietorships
Non-profit organizations (NPOs)
Government agencies
S corporations
The IRS is not biased toward the size of the company. This means even those with only one employee are just as eligible for an EIN as multinational corporations.
You have one employee and it is you. Maybe I'm wrong, but this has to do with YOU withholding taxes. But at the same time, you don't have to be a corporation to use the EIN for tax purposes. Sole proprietorships
This is why I pay an accountant. Even simple things like forms and licenses can be oddly defined.