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Author Topic: Introducing Dissolve  (Read 57984 times)

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« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2014, 12:41 »
Not a video photographer but I was amazed the examples shown in your "Trends, styles, and techniques" section. Beautiful works.

George Georgeadis

  • Product Manager/Storyteller | Dissolve
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2014, 13:55 »
Not a video photographer but I was amazed the examples shown in your "Trends, styles, and techniques" section. Beautiful works.

Thank you for the great comment, while we would love to take credit for the awesome work listed on our "Trends, styles, and techniques" section, that is all beautiful work created by talented filmmakers on Vimeo, merely used here for reference and examples. Having said that, some of these filmmakers are Dissolve contributors and you will be able to find similar footage throughout the site.

Now, if you were curious and wanted to see what our creative team does with some of our footage to promote it and the contributors behind it, have a look at our showreels and short films:


Some noteworthy ones to watch:

One of our exclusive contributors Polina, doing what she does best:

A before and after of how stock footage can enhance an explainer video:

This is a Generic Brand Video - the reel that got us a Vimeo Staff pick and was featured on Mashable, Time, fastcompany etc.

Thanks again for the comment!

« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2014, 14:02 »

Agency reps/owners take note of George here. This is how you make an entrance into this community, with a solid brand, a well-built site, a clear message and unique selling point aimed at making you stand out in the market. Well done.

Can't say I'm a fan of the 30% royalty, and if I were a footage shooter I'd probably pass because of that. But I have to respect the way this offer is being presented in a professional way, something we don't see much of around here.

« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2014, 15:16 »
x2 on the above.

This site is competing with Pond5 at 50% but as we see with other sites, it is sales that count.

Two questions,

You have a link for "exclusive" clips. Is your exclusivity by clip or does the artist need to be exclusive? I'd assume the former but who knows these days.

Also, I see clips at $80 and $150. Both are HD. How is pricing determined? is it based on sales or something else?


« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2014, 15:23 »
Unfortunately, my personal experience with Dissolve was anything but positive and professional.  When I first heard of Dissolve many months ago I went to check it out.  What I found was virtually my entire collection of footage (2,000+) clips for sale on Dissolve for $5 each!  Another agency, without my knowledge, had made a lousy deal with Dissolve (sound familiar?). 

Granted the lousy deal was the other agencies fault but Dissolve selling my HD clips or anyone else's for $5 was selling the entire stock footage marketplace down a hole!!  The other agency responded by raising the prices on my clips at Dissolve to $150 each to accommodate for the lousy royalty percent of a percent deal. 

Once I had been notified that the prices had been changed I went back to look again.  The prices had indeed been changed but I then found that Dissolve had made one of my clips a free clip of the month.  Other agencies do this, of course, but they have the decency to ask first and allow the contributor to choose the clip!

Needless to say I had the other agency remove all of my footage from Dissolve and I was told that I would receive some sort of compensation for the two weeks they had been giving my clip away.  I would have been truly surprised if that had come to pass but of course it didn't.

Again, I realize that the other agency was the real dirty dealer here but Dissolves unique selling point of offering HD footage for $5 was/is detrimental to the footage marketplace.  It looks from what I can tell like they may have abandoned the $5 clip pricing but if theyve done it once it shows their shady side and they may do it again.  All that aside, at this point I would not be inclined to join a startup agency for a crummy 30% royalty rate.

George Georgeadis

  • Product Manager/Storyteller | Dissolve
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2014, 17:59 »
Unfortunately, my personal experience with Dissolve was anything but positive and professional.  When I first heard of Dissolve many months ago I went to check it out.  What I found was virtually my entire collection of footage (2,000+) clips for sale on Dissolve for $5 each!  Another agency, without my knowledge, had made a lousy deal with Dissolve (sound familiar?). 

Granted the lousy deal was the other agencies fault but Dissolve selling my HD clips or anyone else's for $5 was selling the entire stock footage marketplace down a hole!!  The other agency responded by raising the prices on my clips at Dissolve to $150 each to accommodate for the lousy royalty percent of a percent deal. 

Once I had been notified that the prices had been changed I went back to look again.  The prices had indeed been changed but I then found that Dissolve had made one of my clips a free clip of the month.  Other agencies do this, of course, but they have the decency to ask first and allow the contributor to choose the clip!

Needless to say I had the other agency remove all of my footage from Dissolve and I was told that I would receive some sort of compensation for the two weeks they had been giving my clip away.  I would have been truly surprised if that had come to pass but of course it didn't.

Again, I realize that the other agency was the real dirty dealer here but Dissolves unique selling point of offering HD footage for $5 was/is detrimental to the footage marketplace.  It looks from what I can tell like they may have abandoned the $5 clip pricing but if theyve done it once it shows their shady side and they may do it again.  All that aside, at this point I would not be inclined to join a startup agency for a crummy 30% royalty rate.

Hello there stockmn,

Thank you so much for your message and please allow me to express how glad I am you brought this up. This is something that a few contributors were affected by and an important part of our history as Dissolve, so I would love to set the record straight.

First of all however, please let me say how sorry I am to hear that your experience back then was such a negative one and I regret you had to go through it.

Having said this, I was around when this all happened.  We received a collection from one of our suppliers for distribution on Dissolve.  When the agency informed us that their contributors asked for the clips to be removed or the price changed, we did so immediately.

This happened at a time when all we wanted to do was to create the coolest stock footage website for you guys - the contributors - the people we respect and the people we looked so forward to working with - the LAST thing we ever wanted was to disappoint or hurt you or your livelihoods in any way. So that was very upsetting for the Dissolve team.

You are also correct in noting that Dissolve no longer has a $5 tier. In the beginning, we tested various price tiers from $5 to $500 and found that our footage buyers are not sensitive to higher pricing, so we have now positioned Dissolve as a premium footage marketplace.  Soon we will be adding a new pricing model that will offer even higher prices than $500.

I understand where you are coming from and I welcome you to contact me directly anytime, if you want to discuss all this in more detail. That's what I am here for.

We have an experienced team and despite how young we are, contributors that had had a similar experience as yours are now contributing directly to Dissolve - we have a great relationship with them and are delighted to be helping them grow their business. Among them are familiar top-tier names that you see on many other stock websites.

Send me an e-mail at [email protected] and if you wanted to, we can set up a phone call, I would love to have a more detailed conversation about everything if you wished.

« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2014, 18:17 »
What I found was virtually my entire collection of footage (2,000+) clips for sale on Dissolve for $5 each!  Another agency, without my knowledge, had made a lousy deal with Dissolve (sound familiar?). 

Granted the lousy deal was the other agencies fault but Dissolve selling my HD clips or anyone else's for $5 was selling the entire stock footage marketplace down a hole!!  The other agency responded by raising the prices on my clips at Dissolve to $150 each to accommodate for the lousy royalty percent of a percent deal. 

I have not encountered video sites redistributing my clips at partner sites.  I opt out of (photo) partner sites every time I can.  Can you tell us what site placed your clips without your knowledge?  I'd like to make sure I'm not falling into a similar trap. 


George Georgeadis

  • Product Manager/Storyteller | Dissolve
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2014, 18:19 »
x2 on the above.

This site is competing with Pond5 at 50% but as we see with other sites, it is sales that count.

Two questions,

You have a link for "exclusive" clips. Is your exclusivity by clip or does the artist need to be exclusive? I'd assume the former but who knows these days.

Also, I see clips at $80 and $150. Both are HD. How is pricing determined? is it based on sales or something else?

Thank you for your post and excellent questions,

We have a great exclusive contributor program and so we tend to prefer to sign exclusive contributors as artists. Our exclusive artists/contributors also enjoy the benefits of working with us in that capacity and to call Dissolve home. Having said this, we are always open to exploring other opportunities for exclusive content.

For pricing, we collaborate with our contributors to find the tier that best meets their expectations and performs well along side similar product in the broader marketplace.

« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2014, 18:21 »
please consider a 50% commission and contributor price setting like pond5 and a curated collection for quality control.

also do you have a preferred frame rate and how about twixtor slow motion?

what is your internet marketing strategy? google paid keywords? what keywords? others? PR marketing strategy?

why should any shooters sign on with you? it looks like a nice template interface and perhaps all works well but if you are selling this site to contributors ya gotta sweeten the pie or you are just a new website offering less than the main competition and... another pretty face in the sea of stock video sites.

not meaning to sound harsh... just keeping it real
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 19:27 by oxman »

« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2014, 18:42 »
What I found was virtually my entire collection of footage (2,000+) clips for sale on Dissolve for $5 each!  Another agency, without my knowledge, had made a lousy deal with Dissolve (sound familiar?). 

Granted the lousy deal was the other agencies fault but Dissolve selling my HD clips or anyone else's for $5 was selling the entire stock footage marketplace down a hole!!  The other agency responded by raising the prices on my clips at Dissolve to $150 each to accommodate for the lousy royalty percent of a percent deal. 

I have not encountered video sites redistributing my clips at partner sites.  I opt out of (photo) partner sites every time I can.  Can you tell us what site placed your clips without your knowledge?  I'd like to make sure I'm not falling into a similar trap. 


The agency in question was T3Media (not a microstock company).  In the micro world, thus far, I have only found one company (ClipDealer) who distributed my clips to another site (Deposit Photos) without my knowledge.  Because of this I stopped contributing new material to ClipDealer.


« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2014, 19:45 »
(Off-topic; sorry)

In the micro world, thus far, I have only found one company (ClipDealer) who distributed my clips to another site (Deposit Photos) without my knowledge.  Because of this I stopped contributing new material to ClipDealer.
Thanks for this. I've been on ClipDealer for over 2.5 years, and had no idea they did this. I checked DP, and see that they have about 60% of my CD port there. In over 30 months I've had only 5 sales at CD, and I now suspect 3 of those (far lower commissions) were from DP. I haven't UL'd in a year; given the poor sales and technical problems with UL'ing, it just hasn't been worth it. Now I have another reason to not UL.  ;D

« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2014, 23:43 »
please consider a 50% commission and contributor price setting like pond5 and a curated collection for quality control.

also do you have a preferred frame rate and how about twixtor slow motion?

what is your internet marketing strategy? google paid keywords? what keywords? others? PR marketing strategy?

why should any shooters sign on with you? it looks like a nice template interface and perhaps all works well but if you are selling this site to contributors ya gotta sweeten the pie or you are just a new website offering less than the main competition and... another pretty face in the sea of stock video sites.

not meaning to sound harsh... just keeping it real

Well put!

« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2014, 00:16 »
Will be good to have another platform which can deliver sales like Pond5 but at 30% I will pass also....

« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2014, 08:11 »
Will be good to have another platform which can deliver sales like Pond5 but at 30% I will pass also....

Agreed. Nice to see another player but 30%, while tempting, isn't what I'm looking for. 50% is fair with a non-reduction clause to grandfather you in at that rate. Typically, what happens is that once you are in, 30% tends to become 25% and 20% and so on because "we are expanding and you should see sales grow as a result which will offset any losses from the commission cut and then some".  Not saying that Dissolve would do this but it is a real trend in stock for us to consider. Make it 50%, grandfather contributors in perpetuity who sign up at the current rate.  If Dissolve insists on lowering commissions sometime down the road, say they make it 25%, then new contributors who sign up under that new commission are grandfathered in at 25% and can't be taken down to less than that, and so on.

But thank you, Dissolve, for coming in here and introducing a nice, professional model. That part is greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 08:16 by Mantis »

George Georgeadis

  • Product Manager/Storyteller | Dissolve
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2014, 17:51 »
Hey guys - I am enjoying this forum so far,

Thank you to EmberMike and everyone for the warm welcome and comments and for taking the time to post all your questions here. I would love to try and address them all for you.

The thing that seems to be a big concern for most of you is royalty rates. We currently offer 30% for non-exclusive contributors and 35% for exclusive contributors. We respect and understand how much sweat and tears goes into what you all do - as a stock producer myself I guarantee you that.

Dissolve heavily invests in marketing and creative to create a premium brand that produces great results for our contributors. Just ask some of our top tier contributors how much their sales have been affected by our marketing alone. There is tremendous power in marketing and thats been the key to Dissolves success so far as well as our growing collection of hundreds of thousands of clips from some of the best contributors in the industry.

We are working hard to create an incredible brand to represent you, a brand that people will love. We want to create something special, a place you can be proud to call home.

To Mantis concern Dissolve is not able to lower commissions on contributors. When a contributor signs with Dissolve, their royalties are set for the duration of the contract. So, no need to fear of rates reducing after youve signed on.

What I was hoping to do in this forum as well is it to keep it real and to address issues and concerns you may have and bring everyone on the same page so we can make this community even better for everyone involved. Were in this together!

« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2014, 17:53 »
"When a contributor signs with Dissolve, their royalties are set for the duration of the contract. So, no need to fear of rates reducing after youve signed on."

Where there's a will, there's a way.


« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2014, 03:18 »
Hi George,

Actually, I have lots of sympathy for your site and like the attitude and style....but...

We currently offer 30% for non-exclusive contributors and 35% for exclusive contributors. We respect and understand how much sweat and tears goes into what you all do - as a stock producer myself I guarantee you that.

...a 30% - 35% royalty rate is not exactly "respecting and understanding contributors" . You know, some big sites can get away with that since they bring in lots of money nobody wants to sacrifice, but I am not willing to support any newcomer with that rate. Maybe you should rethink your definition of "respect" and adjust it by, lets say, 20% more ;-)

« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2014, 01:05 »
I'm going through the Non-Exclusive Agreement contract and the part in Fees and Payments bothers me more than the royalty percentage.

"6.1 The selling Price for each individual unit of Oroduct...is determined at the sole discretion of Dissolve... Dissolve may amend Product pricing at its discretion at any time."

If the selling price can be changed to any price Dissolve chooses, then the percentage could be a moot point. They did say in this thread that the price wouldn't go back down to $5, but there is nothing in the contract to hold them to that.

The other sites TOS are probably similar, but none of them hold the seller to a 5 year contract.

« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2014, 05:50 »
I'm going through the Non-Exclusive Agreement contract and the part in Fees and Payments bothers me more than the royalty percentage.

"6.1 The selling Price for each individual unit of Oroduct...is determined at the sole discretion of Dissolve... Dissolve may amend Product pricing at its discretion at any time."

If the selling price can be changed to any price Dissolve chooses, then the percentage could be a moot point. They did say in this thread that the price wouldn't go back down to $5, but there is nothing in the contract to hold them to that.

The other sites TOS are probably similar, but none of them hold the seller to a 5 year contract.

That is the key. Afterwards royalties can be squashed. Agencies play on these terms so I don't see this as an incidental oversight.

« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2015, 18:11 »
No further response from them on these issues...

I guess when you don't say anything, your actually saying a whole lot
Adios muchacho


« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2015, 11:29 »
30% commission and a 5 year contract is a no go for me.

Too much room for abuse abuse, which has happened with 100% of the agencies I contribute to, so I'm very skeptical about any agency's good intentions and guarantees.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 11:35 by StockPhotosArt »

« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2015, 12:05 »
30% commission and a 5 year contract is a no go for me.

Too much room for abuse abuse, which has happened with 100% of the agencies I contribute to, so I'm very skeptical about any agency's good intentions and guarantees.

I have some clips there and made a few sales in the first month. Not a single sale in three months. And with a five year hold i am not uploading anymore work. Why would i give them a bunch of 4k files with no hope of sales and then they can hold my clips hostage for five years.  If sales occurred regularly then i am more apt to upload, but no doe means no go.

« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2015, 14:39 »
They recently started automatically downconverting hd from 4K.I was told off the record during an email conversation a few weeks ago, but i dont think they announced it publicly.
If this goes south i will (again) halt my uploads there.Sold a few 4K clips during March but im waiting for the April report.

Again i dont trust them,but at least i am taking full responsibility for continuing to upload there knowing that i cant pull back and delete stuff.
Also the hd and 4K prices are fixed (for now) .
Lets see...

« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2015, 17:14 »
they also charge $300 for all exclusive clips no matter what content or camera -- even iPhone video. that concerns me
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 01:48 by Holmes »

« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2015, 13:44 »
has anyone got the sales report for April ?

« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2015, 13:46 »
I couldn't find the terms for contributors on the site, is there a link somewhere?

« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2015, 14:33 »
has anyone got the sales report for April ?
Bless you for asking in public i started having second thoughts about them already,lol.

They seem like they've been pretty busy or something during the past couple of days or so.
I had regular communication with them during the past 2 weeks regarding some video related stuff,and they
were responding back and forth during the day.
This stopped 2-3 days ago in the middle of a rather serious request of mine regarding some clips,and this alarmed me a bit.
EDIT:At the last royalty notice (March) they sent a tax form regarding Canadian citizenship.Did anyone else get this?Maybe this has to do with the delay,after all it is tax season i think,or maybe i just didnt sell.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 17:17 by gcrook »

« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2015, 17:50 »
I asked them about this and they said no sales then no sales report. I have had no sales since Feb. I'm done with Dissolve. Too much work for too little return.

« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2015, 18:00 »
I asked them about this and they said no sales then no sales report. I have had no sales since Feb. I'm done with Dissolve. Too much work for too little return.

Yeah i know, if you dont sell then no report,but i will wait until someone else with stable sales and the certainty that April shouldn't have been an exception, posts here.
Doesn't matter anyway,i've uploaded what i pretty much needed to,i dont think i'll resume updating my portfolio there too soon or at all.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 13:56 by gcrook »

« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2015, 19:27 »
I'm relatively new at Dissolve. I received my first sales report last month. I haven't received a report this month thus far.

« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2015, 21:31 »
I've had sales the last 6 months (basically since the month after I started uploading there). No report yet this month. But two times this year the sales report hasn't come until the 20th/21st, so I wouldn't worry yet.

« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2015, 23:17 »
I got my first report a couple of months ago when i had around 100 clips. Nothing last month or this month and that's with 450 clips. So I'd expect to see a bit of action soon otherwise I wouldn't continue to upload.

« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2015, 01:52 »
I've had sales the last 6 months (basically since the month after I started uploading there). No report yet this month. But two times this year the sales report hasn't come until the 20th/21st, so I wouldn't worry yet.

Thanks ruchos, thats good to know!

« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2015, 07:45 »
I've also been for 2 months on dissolve and get a sales report for march and still no have report for April, as everybody..

upd: I've received it, all is fine
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 14:28 by danr13 »

« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2015, 15:08 »
Report just in.
Ok, i have to say.
If this continues, dissolve will become second best earner for me.April royalties slightly surpassed SS for April with almost half the sales.
Which says something about shutterstock rather than dissolve.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 02:03 by gcrook »

« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2015, 07:47 »
I went two months without a sale but just got my report for two sales.

« Reply #37 on: November 18, 2019, 19:33 »
Hello from Dissolve!

My name is George Georgeadis and I am a filmmaker/storyteller and the product manager here at Dissolve. I work directly with our contributors and I am beyond excited to introduce myself and Dissolve to you.

Dissolve is a new stock footage website by some of the founders and original creative minds behind Veer and iStock. We are 100% focused on selling footage and specializing in supporting the unique needs of footage buyers around the world.

We are looking to work with contributors that are as passionate about stock footage as we are. We believe that footage is at the heart of great storytelling and we are inspired by the work of this creative community.

I am not only a part the Dissolve team, but also a filmmaker and an exclusive stock producer for Dissolve, so I would like to encourage you to ask me any questions you have about Dissolve, about shooting footage, how to become a part of the Dissolve family or anything else you want to know.

We are happy to be on MicrostockGroup to start a dialogue about all things stock footage, and to invite you to become a contributor. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Here's our site: dissolve.com

Here's how to become a Dissolve contributor: contributors.dissolve.com

Why has the rate per clips set to $49? I get 14$ per sale and apparently cannot delete my catalog? Is this legal?

« Reply #38 on: November 18, 2019, 19:39 »
Four years later....

« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2019, 19:47 »
Four years later....

I'm replying to the thread starter instead of tracking him down and wasting time. Thanks for contributing soooooooooo much to the conversation.

« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2019, 19:59 »
Hello from Dissolve!

My name is George Georgeadis and I am a filmmaker/storyteller and the product manager here at Dissolve. I work directly with our contributors and I am beyond excited to introduce myself and Dissolve to you.

Dissolve is a new stock footage website by some of the founders and original creative minds behind Veer and iStock. We are 100% focused on selling footage and specializing in supporting the unique needs of footage buyers around the world.

We are looking to work with contributors that are as passionate about stock footage as we are. We believe that footage is at the heart of great storytelling and we are inspired by the work of this creative community.

I am not only a part the Dissolve team, but also a filmmaker and an exclusive stock producer for Dissolve, so I would like to encourage you to ask me any questions you have about Dissolve, about shooting footage, how to become a part of the Dissolve family or anything else you want to know.

We are happy to be on MicrostockGroup to start a dialogue about all things stock footage, and to invite you to become a contributor. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Here's our site: dissolve.com

Here's how to become a Dissolve contributor: contributors.dissolve.com

Why has the rate per clips set to $49? I get 14$ per sale and apparently cannot delete my catalog? Is this legal?

if you are/were a videoblocks contributors they lower your price to match videoblock/shittyblock price.....

« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2019, 10:47 »
I'm replying to the thread starter instead of tracking him down and wasting time.

Don't bother tracking George down.  He no longer works at Dissolve.  In fact, the guy that replaced George is also no longer there.

« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2019, 12:39 »

Don't bother tracking George down.  He no longer works at Dissolve.  In fact, the guy that replaced George is also no longer there.

Thanks James. I think I'm done uploading to that site after seeing such a huge drop in sales along with the ultra low prices.


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