Agency Based Discussion >
Im having the worst nightmare to close dreamstime account. I have never sold anything consistently in that site and they are telling me that will take 6 months to close the account. What can I do? I need to be exclusive with another agency really soon and need to close this account. Any thoughts?
--- Quote from: johnvicenfran on January 14, 2019, 05:28 ---Im having the worst nightmare to close dreamstime account. I have never sold anything consistently in that site and they are telling me that will take 6 months to close the account. What can I do? I need to be exclusive with another agency really soon and need to close this account. Any thoughts?
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Email them for fast closer and see what they say... or wait for 6 month before getting exclusive.
Same is the case with alamy too.
You can delete each image in your portfolio one by one... hard long work but it can be done
I used macro recorder that automates mouse and keyboard operation to delete all my images there. Once you configured it everything goes quit fast.
--- Quote from: rene on January 14, 2019, 07:11 ---I used macro recorder that automates mouse and keyboard operation to delete all my images there. Once you configured it everything goes quit fast.
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