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Author Topic: Do videos sell???  (Read 15206 times)

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« on: January 08, 2016, 06:23 »
Hi all,

I would like to start to uploading videos on DT. I know other sites like SS, P5, VB rule as far as videos concerning. I wonder if even DT is worth it.

Can you kindly share your experience in relation to the number of uploaded videos?

Thanks in advance

« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2016, 06:50 »
Don't waste your time on dt. Go directly to ss pond5 and vb.
For every 100 sales at pond5 or ss i have maybe 1 sale at dt. And i have the same portfolio on all of the agencies

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2016, 07:22 »
For every 100 sales at pond5 or ss i have maybe 1 sale at dt.

 :o :o :o :o :o :o

« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2016, 07:30 »
For me DT was a huge waste of time and effort, I've disabled all my videos there (I didn't know how to close my port).. Also closed my port at IStock (few sales with humiliating percentage of profit to contributors)

« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2016, 07:41 »
For me DT was a huge waste of time and effort, I've disabled all my videos there (I didn't know how to close my port).. Also closed my port at IStock (few sales with humiliating percentage of profit to contributors)
Thanks for your reply

I just wonder why disabling videos.....I think they at least can only give you some bucks more (even if few).....if you disable them the revenue is zero for sure. Am I wrong??


« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2016, 07:45 »
Dreamstime should increase their prices for video. Also levels system doesn't work for footages as it does for photos. Check the image for the current royalty scheme.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 07:48 by ACS »

« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2016, 09:58 »
For me DT was a huge waste of time and effort, I've disabled all my videos there (I didn't know how to close my port).. Also closed my port at IStock (few sales with humiliating percentage of profit to contributors)
Thanks for your reply

I just wonder why disabling videos.....I think they at least can only give you some bucks more (even if few).....if you disable them the revenue is zero for sure. Am I wrong??

Can't remember exactly why I did that, maybe I got one of those web size sales with very low commission, and I didn't want to sale my clips with such prices. Also if I remember right you have to disable all your files if you want to close your port at DT, and guess what: you have to do it one by one!! I've disabled all my files there and I didn't find later how I can close my account, but I didn't care much for that

« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2016, 10:02 »
They should get rid of level 0 for videos. 

« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2016, 13:40 »
For me DT was a huge waste of time and effort, I've disabled all my videos there (I didn't know how to close my port).. Also closed my port at IStock (few sales with humiliating percentage of profit to contributors)
Thanks for your reply

I just wonder why disabling videos.....I think they at least can only give you some bucks more (even if few).....if you disable them the revenue is zero for sure. Am I wrong??

the whole disabling issue -- it sure depends how you look at it.

First of all, although I like DT much (!!) better than most other agencies, I must say that video sales are much slower there than photo sales. DT works nicely for the photo portion of my Port. Video clips, on the other hand, aren't hot sellers at DT, maybe they haven't managed to get themselves out in front of video-buying audiences for some reason.

Now for deletion, you would destroy the time and work invested when uploading, tagging, keywording -- so, yes, one might be tempted to keep video clips up. It also might seem like you can "advertise" your clips while keeping them alive. You won't get any Search Engine or "Google juice" for your own indi showcase website or similar from doing so. Also, some fear that your own clips on DT would "compete" with your own clips somewhere else if they left them "up", and this is sure *visible* when you do a specific Web Search for a specific clip of yours where the DT clips would rank right around the other hits making the overall impression fussy to visitors (potential buyers of your clips); but then again, the *real* competition situation is not likely to arise with clips rarely in an agency where they rarely sell...

On the balance of things, I chose to keep them "up" on DT too as I would like to see if the overall video situation may improve there in the future. Maybe DT could do something or work some magic to get our clips in front of the -- much rarer anyway -- video-buying audiences.

If you're just starting out with video, you may want to give it a shot and test them yourself with a limited amount of time invested to keep your "risk" low.

-- Cliff
« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 13:42 by Hi Cliff(s) »

« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2016, 05:46 »
I deleted all videos I had uploaded there, after finding out that the commission for an HD file is way too low at the first couple of levels (and it's going to take ages to get to level 2)

« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2016, 09:33 »
I deleted all videos I had uploaded there, after finding out that the commission for an HD file is way too low at the first couple of levels (and it's going to take ages to get to level 2)

DT is truly dying for me. Because I cannot make any decent money there on video I am stuck with stills. When they responded to my email about why my income was magically cut in half, their explanation that they had to make it more fair for everyone else (take from me and give to others) to make money, that was the beginning of the end.  Couple that with the fact that I am focusing more on video nowadays, I am uploading less to them in stills. So for me, my income is slowly eroding to nothing. In a year or so I suspect DT will end up in file 13.

« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2016, 10:30 »
I notice that video preview on DT is not so appealing in comparison to other sites. Probably compression algorithm should be reviewed. Do you agree?

« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2016, 18:02 »
I think DT were much too slow to the market with video.  Buyers are already happy elsewhere and there's no reason for contributors to upload video clips to them if they don't have buyers.  Pond5 were too late with stills.  Would be good if Pond5 bought DT but I can't see that happening.


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