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Author Topic: Dreamstime do not accept the Getty standard model release??  (Read 8375 times)

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« on: October 18, 2012, 03:51 »
Hi there folks!

Hope you can help me out with this one...

I use a model release with the standard Getty text as seen here: (Sorry, I cant post a rel link here yet) .
This MR is accepted by all my other agencies (123RF, BS, CS, CreS, DP and FT)

Now DT wont accept this text arguing that:

The following paragraph: "..
....and will be governed by the laws (excluding the law of conflicts) of the country/state from the following list that is nearest to the address of the Model (or Parent*) given opposite: New York, Alberta, England, Australia and New Zealand......" renders your  model realease  unusable for Dreamstime.
This paragraph should be :" and will be governed by the international laws or laws of Sweden.

Now is this for real? Dont they accept the worlds most used and generic MR?! Or am I just missing something here?

Please help me understand this!


« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2012, 03:58 »
They don't understand the model release, when I first started using it I got it rejected because all the models use to write UK as their address, I guess the reviewers didn't understand that England was in the UK, since then I get them to write England instead of UK and never had a problem since.
My only guess is that some reviewers on DT are not English speaking.

I've seen others mention that they take that line out and then get it through, or as they've suggested just change it to your country.

« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2012, 04:11 »
Is the country that you live in mentioned in this part of the release? 
"I agree that this release is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and will be governed by the laws (excluding the law of conflicts) of the country/state from the following list that is nearest to the address of the Model (or Parent*) given opposite: New York, Alberta, England, Australia and New Zealand."
If not get rid of those countries and substitute it with the country that you are in.   I did that and it worked for me.


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« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2012, 04:21 »
Is the country that you live in mentioned in this part of the release? 
"I agree that this release is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and will be governed by the laws (excluding the law of conflicts) of the country/state from the following list that is nearest to the address of the Model (or Parent*) given opposite: New York, Alberta, England, Australia and New Zealand."
If not get rid of those countries and substitute it with the country that you are in.   I did that and it worked for me.

No I work in Sweden. But if I cahnge it to "laws of sweden" will the release still work at the other sites you think? I rather not carry around extra releases for specific agencies....


« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2012, 04:25 »
No I work in Sweden. But if I cahnge it to "laws of sweden" will the release still work at the other sites you think? I rather not carry around extra releases for specific agencies....

None of the other sites have a problem with the Getty release, it's only Dreamstime that do. What Dreamstime don't understand is that by telling you to alter the wording to Sweden if there's ever a legal issue DT's legal team will be dealing with Swedish law. There's a reason Getty have listed the states/countries they have and it's because it's where they have legal representation - hence the 'nearest to the address of the model' part.

« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2012, 04:40 »
Is the country that you live in mentioned in this part of the release? 
"I agree that this release is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and will be governed by the laws (excluding the law of conflicts) of the country/state from the following list that is nearest to the address of the Model (or Parent*) given opposite: New York, Alberta, England, Australia and New Zealand."
If not get rid of those countries and substitute it with the country that you are in.   I did that and it worked for me.

No I work in Sweden. But if I cahnge it to "laws of sweden" will the release still work at the other sites you think? I rather not carry around extra releases for specific agencies....
I just looked at what I did and I had added my country to the list without deleting the other countries.  Then write at the top in big letters " Release  for use in Sweden"


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« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2012, 04:45 »
No I work in Sweden. But if I cahnge it to "laws of sweden" will the release still work at the other sites you think? I rather not carry around extra releases for specific agencies....

None of the other sites have a problem with the Getty release, it's only Dreamstime that do. What Dreamstime don't understand is that by telling you to alter the wording to Sweden if there's ever a legal issue DT's legal team will be dealing with Swedish law. There's a reason Getty have listed the states/countries they have and it's because it's where they have legal representation - hence the 'nearest to the address of the model' part.

RT>>Exactly what I thought, so how do you guys and girls work aroun this? Is double releases the only way?  BTW, Thanks for your great replys...


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« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2012, 04:45 »
Is the country that you live in mentioned in this part of the release? 
"I agree that this release is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and will be governed by the laws (excluding the law of conflicts) of the country/state from the following list that is nearest to the address of the Model (or Parent*) given opposite: New York, Alberta, England, Australia and New Zealand."
If not get rid of those countries and substitute it with the country that you are in.   I did that and it worked for me.

No I work in Sweden. But if I cahnge it to "laws of sweden" will the release still work at the other sites you think? I rather not carry around extra releases for specific agencies....
I just looked at what I did and I had added my country to the list without deleting the other countries.  Then write at the top in big letters " Release  for use in Sweden"

And this works for all other sites too?

« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2012, 05:57 »
Did for me. All you are doing is adding another country to the list.  The part written at the top just brings it to Dts attention that you have actually added Sweden to the list or they might not even notice and just refuse it again.  Acceptance rate is important at DT so you don't want to get rejections for nothing.


« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2012, 06:23 »
RT>>Exactly what I thought, so how do you guys and girls work aroun this? Is double releases the only way?  BTW, Thanks for your great replys...

I don't have to work round it as I'm in England, what others have suggested seems a good idea although if another agency actually looked into it I'm not sure they'd be too happy for the reasons I mentioned earlier.
The most important thing is that the release is legal and valid for you the photographer and your model/s, the rest is just a work round to get your image accepted through xxxx agency.

« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2012, 08:13 »
The way I said takes nothing away from the original release but just adds a bit on to make it relevant to the country that it is being signed in.


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« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2012, 10:51 »
The way I said takes nothing away from the original release but just adds a bit on to make it relevant to the country that it is being signed in.

Thanks I will try that :)


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