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Author Topic: Has DT gone over to the dark side  (Read 20727 times)

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« Reply #50 on: December 04, 2012, 12:52 »
There's a careful tinkering to find the sweet spot where you're maximizing monthly revenue. 0

But that spot isn't the same for all images.  Some will make a zillion sales at a low price. Others would make only a few sales, but buyers would pay a lot more to get what they need.  These dumb one-size-fits-all pricing plans are a big reason microstock is ceasing to work.  You can't possibly make money on niche market material, unless it costs you practically nothing to produce....

Reasonable point. And before Getty effed it up by jacking up the prices (and secondarily the editors playing favorites and putting in work from their buddies regardless of whether it fit), the Vetta collection at iStock was designed to be something like this. Images that were oddball, costly to produce or in other ways niche could be encouraged by providing a higher price point.

However, DT hasn't done anything of the sort. There's the same content, no "edited" collections and a pricing scheme that is not producing more money for contributors


« Reply #51 on: December 04, 2012, 13:00 »
The problem is you need a big chuck of contributors to pull their portfolio, including the Yuris and Seans of stock.

You know this is one recent phenomena that always annoys me __ the absurd pluralisation of individuals or teams to supposedly make a general point. There is in fact only one Yuri and only one Sean in the context of microstock so we don't need to talk of them as if they were an army of individuals. It's utterly ridiculous.

They do it all the time in football too. All this talk of "the Arsenals and the Man U's" or "the Messi's and the Ronaldos". Arggghhh!
Jezus, I am sorry I got you so annoyed. Its just a figure of speech. Stop * on that lemon dude. It just means you need the top contributors to cooperate. I thought it was a normal way in the English language to illustrate something.

Zodra jij je punt over kan brengen in perfect Nederlands mag je me pakken op mijn verkeerd gebruik van de Engelse taal. Ouwe zuurpruim, krijg lekker het heen en weer.

« Reply #52 on: December 04, 2012, 16:36 »
Google translate says that's Dutch and that it means "Once you can bring your point across in perfect Dutch you can catch me on my misuse of the English language. Old sourpuss, get good back and forth." Close enough?

Gostwyck's dry sense of humor sometimes gets a little wetter with a few beers and he can find us annoying :) Try being rude about SS at a time of day when it's late evening in Europe and you might, as I once did, get a point blank blast from both barrels!


« Reply #53 on: December 04, 2012, 16:54 »
Google translate says that's Dutch and that it means "Once you can bring your point across in perfect Dutch you can catch me on my misuse of the English language. Old sourpuss, get good back and forth." Close enough?

Gostwyck's dry sense of humor sometimes gets a little wetter with a few beers and he can find us annoying :) Try being rude about SS at a time of day when it's late evening in Europe and you might, as I once did, get a point blank blast from both barrels!
Hahaha, lovely, its spot on except for the part in bold. I knew it couldnt be translated into making sense, hence I typed it up. 8)


« Reply #54 on: December 04, 2012, 17:55 »
Gostwyck's dry sense of humor sometimes gets a little wetter with a few beers and he can find us annoying :) Try being rude about SS at a time of day when it's late evening in Europe and you might, as I once did, get a point blank blast from both barrels!

ROFL!!  Nicely summed up JoAnn!  Thanks for the great laugh ;D

« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2012, 17:53 »
I looked at my stats just now and the subs tap has been turned on and credit sales turned off (for me at least) in the grand rotation of things that DT appears to pursue.

16 of my last 20 sales were subs...

« Reply #56 on: December 10, 2012, 18:15 »
The number of subs has gone up a lot.  DT seem to be doing all they can to make it harder for me to earn money with them.  Never understood how demotivating me is good for them.  Not much different to istock and we can see how well that works :)


« Reply #57 on: December 10, 2012, 18:16 »
My FIVE sales this month were all credit sales -- two were Level ZERO.



« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2012, 18:17 »
 ??? ???

« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2012, 18:22 »
from my ridiculous 18 sales this month 11 were credits

« Reply #60 on: December 11, 2012, 04:36 »
I am 50/50 most days.

« Reply #61 on: December 11, 2012, 10:30 »
Can someone explain this to me:

On DT  "request payment" page:    

The image id 5418833 with the amount $12.64 has the expiration date on 2012-12-15 10:15:53

So, waiting period is usual for EL sales...
Here is the sale:
Rope & Chain 2    06/16/2008    12/08/2012    n/a     This is a level 2 purchase    50 credits (2010)    $8.85    large    (P-EL)

So, you can see different amount on that EL earning....
Please comment!

« Reply #62 on: December 12, 2012, 19:43 »
Level 3 image sells medium size for 12 credits. A few days later the same image, now level 4, sells large size for 10 credits.  I probably wouldn't have noticed except that the same image was involved but seems like it should have been 15 credits for the larger sale - Error? More experiments? Sale prices at contributors expense? 


« Reply #63 on: December 12, 2012, 23:29 »
Level 3 image sells medium size for 12 credits. A few days later the same image, now level 4, sells large size for 10 credits.  I probably wouldn't have noticed except that the same image was involved but seems like it should have been 15 credits for the larger sale - Error? More experiments? Sale prices at contributors expense?

Jerks.  Good riddance to them. 

« Reply #64 on: December 13, 2012, 01:44 »
I'd contact support and ask. There is no large for 10 credits regardless of image level according to the aboutimages page on DT

« Reply #65 on: December 13, 2012, 02:02 »
The problem is you need a big chuck of contributors to pull their portfolio, including the Yuris and Seans of stock.

You know this is one recent phenomena that always annoys me __ the absurd pluralisation of individuals or teams to supposedly make a general point. There is in fact only one Yuri and only one Sean in the context of microstock so we don't need to talk of them as if they were an army of individuals. It's utterly ridiculous.

They do it all the time in football too. All this talk of "the Arsenals and the Man U's" or "the Messi's and the Ronaldos". Arggghhh!
Jezus, I am sorry I got you so annoyed. Its just a figure of speech. Stop * on that lemon dude. It just means you need the top contributors to cooperate. I thought it was a normal way in the English language to illustrate something.

Zodra jij je punt over kan brengen in perfect Nederlands mag je me pakken op mijn verkeerd gebruik van de Engelse taal. Ouwe zuurpruim, krijg lekker het heen en weer.

So you are Dutch? Heineken please ;D ;D

« Reply #66 on: December 13, 2012, 06:15 »
The problem is you need a big chuck of contributors to pull their portfolio, including the Yuris and Seans of stock.

You know this is one recent phenomena that always annoys me __ the absurd pluralisation of individuals or teams to supposedly make a general point. There is in fact only one Yuri and only one Sean in the context of microstock so we don't need to talk of them as if they were an army of individuals. It's utterly ridiculous.

They do it all the time in football too. All this talk of "the Arsenals and the Man U's" or "the Messi's and the Ronaldos". Arggghhh!
Jezus, I am sorry I got you so annoyed. Its just a figure of speech. Stop * on that lemon dude. It just means you need the top contributors to cooperate. I thought it was a normal way in the English language to illustrate something.

It is.

« Reply #67 on: December 13, 2012, 06:28 »
Level 3 image sells medium size for 12 credits. A few days later the same image, now level 4, sells large size for 10 credits.  I probably wouldn't have noticed except that the same image was involved but seems like it should have been 15 credits for the larger sale - Error? More experiments? Sale prices at contributors expense?

I wonder how time consuming it is for staff to answer queries from contributors such as these, given that they probaby also spend some time trying to work it out themselves.

« Reply #68 on: December 13, 2012, 10:49 »
So today the credit tap is turned on - 13 of the last 20 sales are credit. Just out of curiosity I would love to know how this all-subs then all-credits situation comes about...

« Reply #69 on: December 13, 2012, 11:46 »
Level 3 image sells medium size for 12 credits. A few days later the same image, now level 4, sells large size for 10 credits.  I probably wouldn't have noticed except that the same image was involved but seems like it should have been 15 credits for the larger sale - Error? More experiments? Sale prices at contributors expense?

With their last update to price levels they also introduced a kind of promotion scheme for new buyers. See here.

That explains it...


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