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I can't upload images

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WD3 Photography:
I've found loading to Dreamstime very slow recently via their website.

You have to wait about 30/45 mins to the upload of 10 images. Eventually the screen goes white.

Then, if you navigate to the uploads area the images are ready to keyword.

Keep getting "Cannot retrieve from FTP" for majority of images; just two showed up. Tried both edge & chrome. Need to wait for later??

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't received a response from the Dreamstime forum. Since it's been a while, it might be worth revisiting the issue and reaching out to Dreamstime support again. Sometimes, platform updates or changes in browser compatibility can affect upload functionalities, so it's worth checking if there have been any developments in resolving this issue.
And if you're still looking for ways to optimize your images, consider giving newbielink: [nonactive] a try. Even after all these years, it's still a reliable tool for reducing file sizes without compromising quality.

Uncle Pete:

--- Quote from: HezzilFac on February 26, 2024, 12:31 ---I'm sorry to hear that you haven't received a response from the Dreamstime forum. Since it's been a while, it might be worth revisiting the issue and reaching out to Dreamstime support again. Sometimes, platform updates or changes in browser compatibility can affect upload functionalities, so it's worth checking if there have been any developments in resolving this issue.

--- End quote ---

Yes, no response since July 2020 would be "been a while".  :o


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