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Author Topic: Is it worthwhile to place exclusive to DT?  (Read 10229 times)

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« on: April 16, 2009, 13:15 »
Is anyone placing images exclusive to DT? Does it seem worthwhile?


« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 14:53 »
Is anyone placing images exclusive to DT? Does it seem worthwhile?

I think so.  I have quite a few exclusive images there.  Many of them were contest entries.  The last month or two I have noticed a big increase in sales of the images I have exclusive there.  I think they may be getting a search engine bump. 

Add to that the fact that they bring in bigger royalties when they sell, and the exclusive images are accounting for a very good month for me on DT. 

« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2009, 17:38 »
I have two or three exclusives to DT, one I set as exclusive after selling it a lot there and none elsewhere.  It was sold twice this week and earnings are so good!  I only regret that it is available also at subs.

« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2009, 17:45 »
I bet DT will have a bump in exclusives after this thread ;)   

What are the Exclusive-rules? Can I take already used images but different angle and go excusive on DT?

« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 17:50 »
I think it is a general rule that you can not have one image exclusive and others is the same series as non-exclusives.


« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2009, 19:11 »
I am a bit unclear about how exclusiveness of images work. In particular, you cannot use any other images shot in the same session, or similarly looking images.
How does that really work, can someone give an example.

Also,must you  select exclusive at the time of uploading, or can you decide to make certain images exclusive at a later date? 

« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2009, 20:32 »
At least in DT you can opt-in an image after uploading.  As I said, I only opted-in after I noticed an almost exclusive performance of those images.  I believe opting-out is not a simple one-click procedure, unlike opting-in.

« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2009, 20:54 »
Actually after a certain period, cannot remember exactly how long but likely 6 months, you can opt out by one click.

At least in DT you can opt-in an image after uploading.  As I said, I only opted-in after I noticed an almost exclusive performance of those images.  I believe opting-out is not a simple one-click procedure, unlike opting-in.

« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2009, 23:30 »
At least in DT you can opt-in an image after uploading.  As I said, I only opted-in after I noticed an almost exclusive performance of those images.  I believe opting-out is not a simple one-click procedure, unlike opting-in.
You cannot option out by one click. You have to write to DT team to do that. It needs 30 days.
At DT all option IN are very easy but to option OUT is another story.

« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2009, 00:38 »
Is that a new thing because I opted out with one click a couple of months ago?
ETA - I've just looked and you are right they have taking away the abilitly to do it yourself.

You cannot option out by one click. You have to write to DT team to do that. It needs 30 days.
At DT all option IN are very easy but to option OUT is another story.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 00:41 by fotografer »

« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2009, 11:49 »
I'm also considering this. DT has jumped into 1st place for me so far this month. I like the fact that my best sellers there sell for more credits. I'll wait a couple of months and see how the site is doing and I may start shooting specific subjects exclusively for DT. I need to put my new 5dII to good use.

« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2009, 12:34 »
It is really touching to see independents cheering and celebrating and considering very reasonable the fact that DT (or any other agency) "gives a bump" to exclusive files, aside of paying more comission. But, when it's istock who "gives a bump" to their exclusive files, well... then is very very very wrong. You know: "Exlusives already have a bigger comission", "Customer shall find the better files, no matter if exclusive or independent" etc etc etc etc. Curious.

« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2009, 13:28 »
Loop, maybe it's the time that IS should consider to allow exclusive images from non-exclusive contributors? I am sure many of the non-exclusives, myself included, will welcome the move.

So I was wrong about the DT one-click-to-opt-out policy. I am disappointed that DT has made it more difficult to opt out of exclusive files. I doubt most of the contributors will abuse their freedom, but you cannot lock up innocent people when there are bad apples out there. What do you think?


« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2009, 13:33 »
On the internet its an understandable action.  Its crawling with rats!


« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2009, 13:36 »
It is really touching to see independents cheering and celebrating and considering very reasonable the fact that DT (or any other agency) "gives a bump" to exclusive files, aside of paying more comission. But, when it's istock who "gives a bump" to their exclusive files, well... then is very very very wrong. You know: "Exlusives already have a bigger comission", "Customer shall find the better files, no matter if exclusive or independent" etc etc etc etc. Curious.

Actually, the bump is more a result of Dreamstime's current search algorithm which appears to be weighted somewhat toward higher download levels.  

Images accepted to the contests automatically become level 5 images which seem to be getting that bump in visibility at the moment.  However an image doesn't have to be exclusive and a contest entry to reach level 5 status.  It just has to have over 100 downloads.

And of course the BIG difference is any contributor can submit exclusive files to Dreamstime and enjoy the perks, whereas at istock there is no such thing as image exclusivity and only those who have limited themselves to full artist exclusivity get to enjoy it :)

« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 14:14 by lisafx »

« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2009, 14:25 »
It is really touching to see independents cheering and celebrating and considering very reasonable the fact that DT (or any other agency) "gives a bump" to exclusive files, aside of paying more comission. But, when it's istock who "gives a bump" to their exclusive files, well... then is very very very wrong. You know: "Exlusives already have a bigger comission", "Customer shall find the better files, no matter if exclusive or independent" etc etc etc etc. Curious.

Actually, the bump is more a result of Dreamstime's current search algorithm which appears to be weighted somewhat toward higher download levels.  

Images accepted to the contests automatically become level 5 images which seem to be getting that bump in visibility at the moment.  However an image doesn't have to be exclusive and a contest entry to reach level 5 status.  It just has to have over 100 downloads.

So, images without 100 (or many) dowloads can't be exclusive and "get a bump"? If you enter a new image and make it exclusive at day 1, without dl's, don't get the bump?
And well, as you know any contributor with 500 dl's can be exclusice at IS. Or not. It's just  matter of choice.


« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2009, 15:44 »

And well, as you know any contributor with 500 dl's can be exclusice at IS. Or not. It's just  matter of choice.

How true.  Not sure what that has to do with the topic of this thread though...?

As I understood the OP they wanted to know about placing exclusive images with Dreamstime. 

« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2009, 16:33 »

And well, as you know any contributor with 500 dl's can be exclusice at IS. Or not. It's just  matter of choice.

How true.  Not sure what that has to do with the topic of this thread though...?

As I understood the OP they wanted to know about placing exclusive images with Dreamstime. 

That is correct LisaFX, and no,  not anyone can be an exclusive at iStock. Most longtime pros have too many images in the market with long contracts, even if they wanted to, to abide with the rule of no RF with any other agency.

« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2009, 16:35 »
It is really touching to see independents cheering and celebrating and considering very reasonable the fact that DT (or any other agency) "gives a bump" to exclusive files, aside of paying more comission. But, when it's istock who "gives a bump" to their exclusive files, well... then is very very very wrong. You know: "Exlusives already have a bigger comission", "Customer shall find the better files, no matter if exclusive or independent" etc etc etc etc. Curious.

I don't see that bump (who said that?).  I just earn more from each exclusive image sold.  I made them exclusive because they were selling better before.


« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2009, 16:38 »
Read the thread, Adelaide.

« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2009, 17:04 »
I see it now, loop, way back at the start.

However, I don't see that bump and you may try that as well.  Search for "Hot sun" and my image is one of the 2 exclusives in the first 20 images. Further ahead you will find exclusive images only around position 125.  Look for "granola bowl" and the first exclusive image is at position 120th.  Look for "space hopper" and mine is the only exclsuive, at 6th in 28 results; if you look for "hopper" only, and 2 out of the first 40 are exclusives.

I'm pretty sure this is not how exclusives get bumped in IS.

« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2009, 12:08 »
I have 4 of my better sellers exclusive with DT and will see about making more that way in the future.  I like DT and they've been giving me good sales lately.

« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2009, 12:57 »
I have some exclusive images with DT but I have not added more lately after they made it more difficult to cancel the exclusivity. Before one can deactivate it by a click, now one would have to contact DT and it takes a month to get their approval.


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