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Author Topic: DT Refund  (Read 5485 times)

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« on: November 22, 2017, 11:24 »
Don't you just love it when sales have become sooo bad.... like very close to -100% bad.....   and you get a refund for $6.44 and it takes you to a negative balance for the month?

I rarely follow up on these things... but I looked for the sale.  This photo hasn't been download since 2016 and never for $6.44. 

Do they remove all traces of both the sale and refund?

« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2017, 12:34 »
I think they do remove the trace of the sale and the refund. I recently had a $2 sub sale (which sadly is unusual these days) and then got a notice that it was refunded, I paged back and the same image had a $1.20 credit sale, so I was at first thinking that the 1.20 sale got refunded for $2, but then realized they had removed the sale reporting. I'd much rather they put a red refund notice on top of it or something. At least it didn't make me go negative.

« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2017, 23:14 »
In 8 years I had never had a refund on DT until today, but fortunately it was only for a 35-cent sub.  Hopefully not a new trend for them.

« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2017, 02:47 »
In 8 years I had never had a refund on DT until today, but fortunately it was only for a 35-cent sub.  Hopefully not a new trend for them.

I don't have records from pre-2011 (I returned to being indie in June 2011; have been with DT since 2004), but in the 6+ years since then I've had 16 refunds, the biggest of which was $16.20.

It's completely bogus that the accounting isn't done transparently (sale should stay with a mark indicating it's been refunded and the refund should be a separate entry). It's also a crock that they claim they can't provide a reason "due to the high volume of daily transactions". They could automate this with a set of reasons for the refunder to choose from.

Somehow it's always seemed like a final insult that the robo email ends with a plug for the referral program telling you how to "earn $$$!" :)

« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2017, 09:16 »
I just sent an email to DT ripping them on their lack of refund transparency.  I get refunds all the time and got a bunch earlier this week.  Of course, no response, and I did not expect one either. It just felt good to write it.  Still, it has been happening for years.  "Due to circumstances beyond our control..........we are clawing back money from your balance and you can go fk yourself....oh and we apologize that someone stole your full resolution images.....NOT....."


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