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Author Topic: Strange behavior from DT's admin  (Read 7088 times)

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« on: October 01, 2008, 03:27 »
Well, long story short this is a topic where people discuss the aberrant ETR value and what's happening lately with long time to review photos at DT: http://www.dreamstime.com/forumm_10978_pg2

You can find my post on that page: "I have photos waiting since 22 Sept. I have contacted support. No answer. ".

This is absolutely right, and as I write this now the photos are moved in "image under review".

However, Achilles which is an admin there or ceo or whatever wrote as a comment on one of my images: "You have photos waiting since 24 not since 22. You have been informed at upload how long it will take for them to get reviewed, hence your post is confusing.
Please correct it accordingly and refrain from posting inaccurate data in the future.Thank you."

I find this rude, since the data I posted is extremely accurate but somehow this dude didn't see the pending photos from 22. Also the fact that he wrote "administrative" things there really disturbed me. As a consequence, I wrote a comment on last of his approved images asking him to stop posting on my photos and that he has my email address as an admin and he can contact me directly.
Instead of admitting that he was dead wrong on the upload date for those photos I was complaining about, he removed my rights to post in the forums.
I don't really care about this, since I'm not too active in DT's forums, but his behavior was really non-professional and as I said - rude.
I wouldn't be surprised if my images fall very low in searches by some unknown reason, too.

« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 03:46 »
Dreamstime people dislike to receive complains about their agency by means of their forum. It's better to communicate them via e-mail (contact form) VERY politely. In this way, the problems will be resolved much faster.

About rude response: they are Romanians. Romania is not so nice and advanced as the rest of Europe. This country was supressed dy a violent dictator for a long time. Keep it in mind.


« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 03:54 »
About rude response: they are Romanians. Romania is not so nice and advanced as the rest of Europe.

I wish I could argue with you on this, since I'm Romanian too. But I must admit that in this country lots of the people that get rich or get into leader positions become cocky and overwhelmed with self-admiration and megalomania.

« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 04:19 »
Dreamstime people dislike to receive complains about their agency by means of their forum. It's better to communicate them via e-mail (contact form) VERY politely. In this way, the problems will be resolved much faster.

Its probably a good idea to remember that the forums of any site are effectively a public space - it doesn't really reflect very well on contributors or the site for grievances to be aired there. Its in everyone's interests to present a professional product. DT seem pretty fair with allowing complaints to remain - sometimes with any written communication its possible for misunderstandings to arise and for responses to sound rude. I know even talking to friends via email remarks that were intended to sound innocuous can cause offense. From the site's perspective, I'm sure they're sick of the continuous threads about ETRs etc. They're actually the only ones that provide this feature - and probably regretted it numerous times.

In general I'd recommend not worrying too much about review times - it can be frustrating, but they'll get done eventually. Sometimes they're shorter, sometimes they're longer. Just be thankful you're not a reviewer and appreciate the work they do... I think its a pretty thankless job a lot of the time, but important for all of us.

About rude response: they are Romanians. Romania is not so nice and advanced as the rest of Europe. This country was supressed dy a violent dictator for a long time. Keep it in mind.

I'm not sure about the conclusions you make about Romania not being nice and advanced as the rest of Europe, unfortunately I still haven't had a chance to go, but it does pay to keep in mind that people communicate from a different cultural background - what is seen as direct but perfectly normal by some cultures is perceived as rude or offensive in others.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 04:24 by holgs »


« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 04:26 »
I usually don't mind the review times and I know that ETR is a complete crap. In fact it's a bug, not a feature of DT. But those files were forgotten in the queue, since more recent uploads have been reviewed in the meantime.

« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2008, 05:18 »
I'm not sure about the conclusions you make about Romania not being nice and advanced as the rest of Europe, unfortunately I still haven't had a chance to go, but it does pay to keep in mind that people communicate from a different cultural background - what is seen as direct but perfectly normal by some cultures is perceived as rude or offensive in others.

This is so very true. I'm italian, living in UK. What for me is just a joke or simply a direct and honest opinion is seen by the average english as a kind of insult. For them being shady and closed is normal, for me is simply dishonesty.
I love different cultures, just have to get used to it :)

« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2008, 07:29 »
Heythis is all turning a bit racist! So Romanians are rude and we are dishonest?? ItaliansI dont know, just interested in sex and fast cars  :D


« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2008, 07:34 »
Italians…I don’t know, just interested in sex and fast cars  :D

That would make me an Italian...  :o

« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2008, 09:13 »
Hey, this is my topic on DT ;)
As I told in the forum, im definitely in a hurry, but somebody of the reviewers or admins should explain this crazy system. No more no less.


« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2008, 12:12 »
Heythis is all turning a bit racist! So Romanians are rude and we are dishonest?? ItaliansI dont know, just interested in sex and fast cars  :D

Wow, that explains it all. I'm half Italian and half Transylvanian. (which is now Romania)

I should be a rude driver, in a fast stolen car, with a hot babe in the passenger seat?  ;D

« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2008, 12:24 »
Heythis is all turning a bit racist! So Romanians are rude and we are dishonest?? ItaliansI dont know, just interested in sex and fast cars  :D

Are we THAT bad :(


« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2008, 13:39 »
Hey, what do you know? As expected, the reviewers failed few of my photos on the reason of copyright issues  ;D ;D ;D

And I mean, these photos are on all the other site, including Fotolia, which nowadays have the toughest inspectors.
And I also mean, this is while my acceptance rate on DT is over 90%  :P

For example this photo:

here http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-17686465-cool-kid-standing-in-front-of-a-graffiti-wall.html
or here http://www.fotolia.com/id/9545476
or here http://www.stockxpert.com/browse.phtml?f=view&id=21176351

Yea copyright issues my arse... graffiti is a public work since you draw it on a wall on a public building, and the kid had NOTHING like a logo or whatever text on his clothing.

As I said, I won't be surprised if my photos drop really down in DT searches.

Oh well.

« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2008, 15:35 »
From DT forum: http://www.dreamstime.com/forumm_148_pg3
Message posted at 10/19/2004, 10:44:37 AM by Achilles - member is an admin  Quote  Originally posted by Jmsetzler:
Quoted Message:
My first idea is that graffiti done in public like this would automatically become public domain. The wall itself is nothing but a wall. It's not a building or any other piece of 'architecture' that would normally require a release of any kind.

What would be your suggestion for me to properly document this photo with releases?

No, if it's outdoor is not public domain. Modern sculptures populate most parks and they are the work of another artist. I am not questioning if graffiti should be considered as art or not, people can protect anything they want nowadays.
My suggestion is to have the model within your picture sign a model release and mention that he also gives you all rights regarding the painting. 

End Quote
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 15:37 by RGebbiePhoto »


« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2008, 15:40 »


« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2008, 06:25 »
Well well well...

Achilles, let me make a few points here:
- to my knowledge, the date when the file was uploaded counts. Because it is assigned a place in queue, it happened so many times when I uploaded something, didn't have the time to finish uploading and did it just after 3-4 days and the file was almost instantly reviewed, faster than some other files that were finished uploading with a day earlier. So I think that if you didn't changed your system, then the date which counts is 22, not 24.
- posting "administrative" comments on my photos appears to me as rude. This feature, of writing comments has to be directly related to the photo in question. Maybe you should think about implementing something like site-mail or some similar method of contacting submitters, isn't it?
- about the refusals: Sorry if it offended you what I said few posts above. You do realise, being in the same country with me for a long time I guess (I'm 37) that this IS something that's happening. I'm glad if it's not the case here. And of course, it's not business wise.

Without turning this into a political topic, I must say that the freedom of speach is well misunderstood in our country. As it is the habit of "having the last word", which is truly exacerbated.

One after another, I salute your initiative to come and post here and appreciate it. You seem like a nice guy after all  ;D

Oh one more thing - "We are not tolerant with inaccurate data." - it seems you tolerate pretty well the ETR funny values. Just kidding  ;)

Errare humanum est.

« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2008, 09:36 »
Thanks for popping in here Achillies.

Since I feel that both sides have expressed their opinion and I am not sure we are going to get any further with more discussion - the thread will be locked.


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