Agency Based Discussion >

Super long delay with disabling images


I want to disable two images in my DT port. So last night, I clicked the trash icon for each of the files but they were still visible afterwards. I refreshed my port page many times but the two images were still there.

And now, the following day, they are still there (many hours later.) How long would it take for these two photos to disappear from my port?

Uncle Pete:
Even though this is about close an account, I'm pretty sure the same applies.,disable%20the%20remaining%2070%25%20after%20six%20months%20pass.

You can disable all files approved more than six months ago at any time. You are allowed to disable 30% of files uploaded in the recent six months however 70% must be kept online for six months from their approval date. You can disable the remaining 70% after six months pass. Once the files are disabled, nobody is able to view/access them, except for you. The files will remain in our offline database for 12 months until all liabilities (refunds, potential copyright infringements, etc) concerning them are cleared off, then they are automatically deleted. The account cannot be closed until the above requirements of the contract expire.


Contributors are required to keep at least seventy (70%) percent of their portfolio online with for a period of at least six (6) months. You may disable all files older than six months from the date of review at any time. You will be allowed to disable a total of thirty (30%) percent of your total Media submitted within the past six (6) months. Media that was disabled and then enabled again will be counted as new submissions, no matter of their original upload date.

Yea I believe I read that before. I did request DT to remove a certain number of images from my port fairly recently. About 17 photos. At the time, my DT port consisted of about 600 image files (mostly photos and a few videos.) So those 17 files that were removed would have only made up a tiny percentage of my port. After that, I tried to disable two files myself (by clicking the trash can icon.) But a message comes up saying that I have reached my disable limit.

I got an e-mail from DT saying that I should be able to disable these two extra images and that's it's normal for there to be a delay. Now three days have passed since I clicked the trash can icon and those two files are still visible in my port.

Woops. I think I misread those quoted passages from DT. So it's 30% of your media that was submitted within the last 6 months. Not 30% of your port. Looks like I may have reached my limit. 


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