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Author Topic: Would like some advice on Dreamstime. Thanks  (Read 17766 times)

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« on: November 06, 2020, 21:38 »
I have been a contributor for the past 15 years or so. I got my payment once when it was at 50.00 minimum. I can't remember.

In the last 10 years I have maybe made 3 dollars!

I have an illness which prevents me from enjoying taking pictures and my portfolio is now obsolete... so I wanted to close my account and move on. I have 42.00 in my account. They won't let me close my account and they won't give me my money! They already made money from me. I know in their terms they don't legally have to but still. I was a member of bigstockphotos and they were kind and let me close my account and I got my royalties and it was at 20.00.

What should I do? Should I give up and let them keep my money? Should I keep my account and wait my entire life to make that 100 dollars? Should I keep emailing them for an answer?

Thanks in advance.

« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2020, 09:55 »
Sadly this has always been Dreamstime's policy.  (payout was never as low as $50, you misremember)

You have several options:

1.  Just leave it there, and check on it from time to time to see if you have reached payout.

2.  Take possibly expensive legal action to obtain your money and close your account.

3.  Create new images to upload to your portfolio and revive it.  Re-edit your old photos, make collages, do illustrations. 

« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2020, 10:00 »
I just tried to look up your portfolio on Dreamstime...  I guess "cyclone" isn't your name there? 

« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2020, 15:07 »
Hi, Thank you for your reply. this is my portfolio on Dreamstime

chris_s is my portfolio name

Like I said I can't update my portfolio because of an illness. :(

It has been soooo long. at this rate its going to take 50 years and that's not sarcasm. This is making me depressed... I used to enjoy taking photos and this is like salt in a wound.

Thanks again.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2020, 07:25 »
Sadly this has always been Dreamstime's policy.  (payout was never as low as $50, you misremember)

I think you are correct, as far as I can remember, it's been $100?

I'm right at the point of thinking do I care about $12 or do I upload more, and wait until 2024?  ;D

I have been a contributor for the past 15 years or so.

In the last 10 years I have maybe made 3 dollars!

Will $3 $42 (I missed the actual number, when I read $3 in the last ten years, thanks for the correction) change your life? If not, then close your account, so you have control over your assets, and forget about it.

Ethically you are correct, but apparently DT doesn't care and can't see their way to let people leave. They claim to be a US company, at least the headquarters, which might work in your favor.

    Serban Enache
    Owner & Co-founder, CEO - Dreamstime
    Bucharest, Romania

Looks complicated. Complicated like, at $3 a year, you would have to wait 16 more years?

I'm taking one of alternative paths. Uploading more, hoping to make it to $100 and then say Thank You and Goodbye to Dreamstime.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2020, 08:00 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2020, 07:36 »
Chris has $42 in the account. For me, it would be an easy decision if it were just $3 or 5, but I can see your dilemma for $42. I think you are probably just going to be losing that money, unfortunately. As youve said, it will likely take you forever to make payout.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2020, 07:39 by cathyslife »

« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2020, 09:13 »
Hi, Thank you for your reply. this is my portfolio on Dreamstime

Oh.  Well, with only 34 images, yeah...

I understand how an illness might keep you from taking photographs.  However, I notice you are able to post on this forum.  You have some abilities.  Perhaps you can use them in some way to expand that portfolio. 

You might even find a friend who wants to try selling on Dreamstime and give them your account. 

That would be something, at least.  If they become successful, when they reach payout, they can give you your $42.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2020, 12:46 »
Hi, Thank you for your reply. this is my portfolio on Dreamstime

Oh.  Well, with only 34 images, yeah...

You might even find a friend who wants to try selling on Dreamstime and give them your account. 

Interesting idea, let me modify that a bit. Sell them the account for $40. Hey there's a plan.

After they pay, remove your images and everyone is happy.

« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2020, 21:25 »
Thanks everyone for the advice.

Yea I agree I don't have many photos on there. I was making money years ago (more then bigstockphotos) but eventually I was getting less and less sales as the years went by. Some photos were removed because they had been on there so long. They got moved to the free section..I think. I never did reach my goal of being successful with stock photos.

bigstockphotos seems like a great company. Never had any issues with them.

The $42.00 is actually 54.76 Canadian.

I do like your idea but I don't know anyone who would want to do that. Getting the payout probably  wouldn't change me life... My illness is a tough thing to talk about. But I think its the right thing for them to do.


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2020, 11:40 »
Thanks everyone for the advice.

Yea I agree I don't have many photos on there. I was making money years ago (more then bigstockphotos) but eventually I was getting less and less sales as the years went by. Some photos were removed because they had been on there so long. They got moved to the free section..I think. I never did reach my goal of being successful with stock photos.

bigstockphotos seems like a great company. Never had any issues with them.

The $42.00 is actually 54.76 Canadian.

I do like your idea but I don't know anyone who would want to do that. Getting the payout probably  wouldn't change me life... My illness is a tough thing to talk about. But I think its the right thing for them to do.


Well it was just a nutty sideways thought and idea, I hope you can work something out.  8)

« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2020, 14:32 »
I finally got a response from Dreamstime. Still no luck but here is what they said.

Hello Chris,


We understand you want to request payment before reaching the $100 mark. We have been making a one time exception for active contributors during this difficult time. If you uploaded files in the last 30 days, you should write back and we will enable you to request payment.

Please note that we cannot lower the payment threshold as we have the largest number of contributors in stock photography, hence such adjustment would increase the logistics and slow down payments, making the process slower and more expensive for all contributors. Ultimately, a larger portfolio will bring you more sales and you will reach next payment sooner.


Best Regards,

« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2020, 14:39 »
I finally got a response from Dreamstime. Still no luck but here is what they said.

Hello Chris,


We understand you want to request payment before reaching the $100 mark. We have been making a one time exception for active contributors during this difficult time. If you uploaded files in the last 30 days, you should write back and we will enable you to request payment.

Please note that we cannot lower the payment threshold as we have the largest number of contributors in stock photography, hence such adjustment would increase the logistics and slow down payments, making the process slower and more expensive for all contributors. Ultimately, a larger portfolio will bring you more sales and you will reach next payment sooner.


Best Regards,

So they pretend to do you a favor by saying they allow a one-time request during this difficult time, but then they take it away by adding a caveat. What difference does it make if youve uploaded in the last 30 days. You earned that money, and its a difficult time. Tossers.

« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2020, 04:16 »
They accept most images submitted so why not try to submit some and then ask them to pay you after they have accepted them?

$100 payout is ridiculous. My last payout was May 2018 and at this rate it will take me another six months. I do like Dreamstime but they just don't sell enough. I average two sales per month  :-\ Time for me to ditch them also after my next payout.


« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2020, 17:48 »
I seem to be on a regular "one payout per year" schedule. Ain't much, but then I don't put much time into it either.

I upload batches of images when I have them, and then process them in the DT system over the next several months, as I have time and think of it. Their processing is easy for me, so no big deal.

But it really would be nice to have either a lower threshold for payment or more sales. Not much motivation in $100 per year!

« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2020, 18:37 »
I average two sales per month  :-\ Time for me to ditch them also after my next payout.

why ditch them, it's passive income. At least you are making something.

Their approval process is pretty strict I found. Quite a few images were declined. Maybe I just suck. I'm not sure I have any images to upload... that would be approved. I have a few good photos but they are not good quality(noisy).

« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2020, 21:07 »
Edit: I just realize payment minimum is 100$ instead of 50$ so my advice will not work.

My advice... maybe illegal, maybe not... i don't know the legal status of what i am going to suggest...

Anyway... my advice, check payment rate per pic and ask a friend to buy some of your pics at DT... once you have your payout then you can give your friend the money back. By using this way you will not get a 43$ earining but maybe 20-25$... better that nothing.

But please, if you do this just check in deep what % you get per sale, i never understand this part in DT.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2020, 21:10 by Mrblues101 »

« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2022, 17:48 »
Hello sorry for the bump.
This issue still has not been resolved.
Contacted them again but just gave me a copy and paste answers ignoring what I said
I have made only one sale since my last post here

« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2022, 07:32 »
Hi, Thank you for your reply. this is my portfolio on Dreamstime

Oh.  Well, with only 34 images, yeah...

You might even find a friend who wants to try selling on Dreamstime and give them your account. 

Interesting idea, let me modify that a bit. Sell them the account for $40. Hey there's a plan.

After they pay, remove your images and everyone is happy.


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2022, 11:44 »
Hi, Thank you for your reply. this is my portfolio on Dreamstime

Oh.  Well, with only 34 images, yeah...

You might even find a friend who wants to try selling on Dreamstime and give them your account. 

Interesting idea, let me modify that a bit. Sell them the account for $40. Hey there's a plan.

After they pay, remove your images and everyone is happy.


I don't know if @Cyclone is pulling our leg. Only 34 images? What are the expectations for earnings from 34 images?

« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2022, 17:04 »
I am definitely not. Why would I do that?

Thats not the point. I was an avid photographer and spent lots of time with the photos that are already on there.

I want my money and close my account..

And some respect

« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2022, 12:34 »
I am definitely not. Why would I do that?

Thats not the point. I was an avid photographer and spent lots of time with the photos that are already on there.

I want my money and close my account..

And some respect

I don't know what your health problem is, and I do not need to know. But it sounds like something has happened to you recently.
I got pernmanently ill in 2017. I could improve a little, but most important was that I over time learned to live with my illness, shut some of my activities down, and change others, do things in another way - and I am now able to participate in some sort of stock photography again. Health issues have become a part of my portfolio, they were not before. Those things sells on DT. While I was in hospital I never thought I would be able to do that again.
DT is not a pixel peeping agency, and they pay us 35 cents for a subscription, who else does that - except AS if you've been there long enough? 

If you can not make new material for DT, then you just need to accept that these conditions were what you signed up for.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2022, 14:18 »
I am definitely not. Why would I do that?

Thats not the point. I was an avid photographer and spent lots of time with the photos that are already on there.

I want my money and close my account..

And some respect

OK I apologize if you thought that someone with only 34 images and nothing new in years, asking for when will they get paid, seemed a little odd. I mean there are people with thousands of images, asking the same question. Yes, unfortunate that you can't create more because of health issues.

The fact that you are up to $42 is a compliment that your images did attract some downloads in the past.

DT has fallen in popularity with buyers. Things are slower now than they were when you first wrote.

I agree with you that a reasonable solution would be, the agency should allow you to close the account and get paid the money they owe you. That's not in the contract but it would be a fair and considerate act on their part. Instead they have all kinds of people, including myself, that have money accumulated that we can't recover.

« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2023, 21:13 »
So it's been well over a year and not a single sale. Emailed them again. But same answer.

I don't work so it would be nice if I could get payed for the work I put into my photography in the first place!

I will keep trying...

May this be a warning to future photographers to check their policies before submitting!

« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2023, 22:21 »
I think DT might have a 100% royalty day about once per year - figure out when it is and put it on your calendar and then buy yourself up to $100 and cash out.

Or upload a lot more images that sell, or just write it off.

I agree that 100$ is a bit of a high amount with the rate of sales these days, and they should pay whatever balance remains when you close the account, but this is the way it has been at DT for as long as I can remember, so at least it isn't because they moved the goalposts.

« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2023, 15:11 »
I think DT might have a 100% royalty day about once per year - figure out when it is and put it on your calendar and then buy yourself up to $100 and cash out.

Or upload a lot more images that sell, or just write it off.

I agree that 100$ is a bit of a high amount with the rate of sales these days, and they should pay whatever balance remains when you close the account, but this is the way it has been at DT for as long as I can remember, so at least it isn't because they moved the goalposts.
If is good year with lot of sun and rain and no snow maybe twice :) 


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