Seen some of that snazzy airborne footage on YouTube? Well, its probably illegal, as according to UK laws regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority, consumer drones (classed as those that weigh under 20kg) must be flown no higher than 120 metres, and kept at least 50 metres away from people and private property, and 150 metres from crowds and built up areas.
Youre also required to keep your drone in your line of sight at all times, and be aware of designated no fly zones, which most notably include airports and prisons.
In addition, you need to register with the CAA if youre planning to use your drone for commercial purposes this may sound like it doesnt apply to you, but it extends to things like monetising your YouTube channel or personal blog, however meagrely.
you are selling you drone video so you must have a commercial permission, that you don't have clearly.