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Workflow or software improvement: aftereffects

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Hi guys

Started video editing for stock and have just figured out a decent flow to it. Would love suggestions to improve this

- load up the 3 videos per session in AE
- make compositions for each and apply a premade set of filters
- start warp stabilizer let it work (takes a ton of time)
- drag vidoes to adobe encoder (this can only be done after warp stabilizer has finished)
- encode and upload using stock submitter

Would love to automate some of this. So that i can define settings and let it encode/stabilize overnight. Can't seem to find a way to do that. Advise please

Well, it depends on how much of a perfectionist you are.

I ALWAYS have to adjust filters/settings and stabilization for each clip, so automating it simply would not work. Every clip is different and if you want to maximize output quality, automation is not the way to go.

Perfectly agree, I never use presets, each clip has to be analyse individually and it does not take much time.
The workflow depends a lot on the power of your computer.
I agree, Warp stabiliser takes a lot of time, but it is not needed in every single clip

I just use the preset so i don't have to individually select and add all the filters. The settings are customized according to the clip.

The issue is the 2 waits, one after applying stabilizer and then moving it to adobe encoder and the other for the file to encode.

Need a way so it automatically movss the file to adobe encoder after stabilization and then encodes it

Help on this guys


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