Microstock Photography Forum - General > Flickr

Should I join Getty Images on Flickr?

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I have received an invitation to join the Flickr Collection on Getty Images.  According to the Contributor Agreement, all content would be on an Exclusive basis.  Normally, this would be an automatic "no" for me given that I am an indie on many MS websites.  However, most of my Flickr content is vacation/travel, etc, so most of it would not be content already on my MS websites.

The royalty rates are 30% for RM and 20% for RF.  However, I can't find a price list so I'm not sure what my average take would be.

Is this worth my time?  Any thoughts?



They want exclusivity so your image is locked. I sold one image in two years. You cannot selectively remove images, you have to cancel whole contract.

If you're not selling that content elsewhere now then you really have nothing to lose by giving it a try.  You can always get out of the contract in a year (unless they've changed those terms since I was with them).
Just be sure you don't have any similars on the MS sites.

Click Images:

--- Quote from: mlwinphoto on October 18, 2013, 14:10 ---If you're not selling that content elsewhere now then you really have nothing to lose by giving it a try.  You can always get out of the contract in a year (unless they've changed those terms since I was with them).
Just be sure you don't have any similars on the MS sites.

--- End quote ---

It's the similars that worry me.  When I travel, I might take a handful of my best shots for MS and the rest goes on Flickr to share with friends/family.  So there will most likely be similars on my MS sites.

Thanks for your advice.

There is absolutely no set amount to what you can get from Getty.
the iStock/Getty sales are dripping in now, and I have two sales from September - one netting me $6.25 and the other, $1.05 (I'm on 20%).
I've had better sales in the past, and too many months with 0 sales.
Don't hear the word 'Getty' and hear jackpot bells ringing, necessarily. There are 'deals' well below the published prices.


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