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Author Topic: 9 Million+ AI generated photos - Stock Photography coming to end  (Read 46718 times)

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« Reply #125 on: August 04, 2023, 22:44 »
Please keep this up - its my morning dose of humour!


« Reply #126 on: August 05, 2023, 07:38 »
The month long waiting time for reviews is getting aggravating.

« Reply #127 on: August 10, 2023, 08:02 »
Just two weeks after crossing the 13 million mark, the genAI collection is now over 14 million - 14,062,823


« Reply #128 on: August 10, 2023, 08:26 »
Just two weeks after crossing the 13 million mark, the genAI collection is now over 14 million - 14,062,823

Amazing! What would be interesting to know is for those selling AI images as stock, how do the $$$ work out? In other words what is the net revenue selling genAI stock vs. the cost of "membership" to the genAI websites?

« Reply #129 on: August 10, 2023, 09:25 »
Just two weeks after crossing the 13 million mark, the genAI collection is now over 14 million - 14,062,823

Amazing! What would be interesting to know is for those selling AI images as stock, how do the $$$ work out? In other words what is the net revenue selling genAI stock vs. the cost of "membership" to the genAI websites?

On Midjourney it's 10$ (minimum) vs whatever you get from Adobe Stock and Dreamstime:
« Last Edit: August 10, 2023, 09:29 by alijaber »

« Reply #130 on: August 10, 2023, 09:27 »
AI optimists say that genAI images will keep getting better, but I'm not seeing much evidence of that - although genAI at Adobe Stock is light years ahead of SS's sad AI collection

Better with hands and fingers?

Better with staircases?

Better at important details of the real world? Such as supermarket aisles where one person can barely fit through, forget carrying a basket or pushing a cart...

Better at obeying the laws of physics? And this is part of a series of impossible turtle behavior.

Enough of the negativity! Halloween's not far away and there's a mass of genAI content of pumpkins and orange flowers decorating porches, patios and steps. Many of them seem to have forgotten that doors open and people have to walk down steps. Those pumpkins are disturbing...

I'll spare you the creativity gone wrong - ramen burgers, vintage clothespins and spooky coaches!

« Reply #131 on: August 10, 2023, 13:27 »
Every time I see some bizarre details and think..oh I will just leave that, nobody will notice...then I think: but wait!

What if Jo Ann finds it??

You are making me a better ai artist...:)
« Last Edit: August 10, 2023, 13:41 by cobalt »

« Reply #132 on: August 10, 2023, 14:36 »
Every time I see some bizarre details and think..oh I will just leave that, nobody will notice...then I think: but wait!

What if Jo Ann finds it??

You are making me a better ai artist...:)

 ;D ;D
I have the same fear... I'm afraid Jo Ann will scold me  ;D ;D


« Reply #133 on: August 10, 2023, 14:48 »
Just two weeks after crossing the 13 million mark, the genAI collection is now over 14 million - 14,062,823

Amazing! What would be interesting to know is for those selling AI images as stock, how do the $$$ work out? In other words what is the net revenue selling genAI stock vs. the cost of "membership" to the genAI websites?

On Midjourney it's 10$ (minimum) vs whatever you get from Adobe Stock and Dreamstime:

The plan pricing is confusing things like "3 jobs, 10 jobs waiting in queue". How does that translate into things like: "For $10 month, how many images can the user generate?"

« Reply #134 on: August 10, 2023, 15:46 »
Every time I see some bizarre details and think..oh I will just leave that, nobody will notice...then I think: but wait!

What if Jo Ann finds it??

You are making me a better ai artist...:)

I live to serve!! :)

I've been editing images for decades and spent oodles of time removing sensor spots, logos, numbers on sails, anything that could look like a number on a sail to an inspector, and so on. I have lots of scar tissue from lots of rejections but I learned what a clean stock image should look like. (Obviously you also need to have a decent composition to start with).

I'm mostly furious that the agencies have just abandoned so many of their standards and are accepting stuff customers can't possibly use. I'd love to scold the inspectors but I can't :)

Sorry if it comes off the wrong way.

« Reply #135 on: August 10, 2023, 16:10 »
Just two weeks after crossing the 13 million mark, the genAI collection is now over 14 million - 14,062,823

Amazing! What would be interesting to know is for those selling AI images as stock, how do the $$$ work out? In other words what is the net revenue selling genAI stock vs. the cost of "membership" to the genAI websites?

On Midjourney it's 10$ (minimum) vs whatever you get from Adobe Stock and Dreamstime:

The plan pricing is confusing things like "3 jobs, 10 jobs waiting in queue". How does that translate into things like: "For $10 month, how many images can the user generate?"

You can generate few hundreds, but many of these won't be good enough for licensing.

« Reply #136 on: August 10, 2023, 19:45 »
Every time I see some bizarre details and think..oh I will just leave that, nobody will notice...then I think: but wait!

What if Jo Ann finds it??

You are making me a better ai artist...:)

I live to serve!! :)

I've been editing images for decades and spent oodles of time removing sensor spots, logos, numbers on sails, anything that could look like a number on a sail to an inspector, and so on. I have lots of scar tissue from lots of rejections but I learned what a clean stock image should look like. (Obviously you also need to have a decent composition to start with).

I'm mostly furious that the agencies have just abandoned so many of their standards and are accepting stuff customers can't possibly use. I'd love to scold the inspectors but I can't :)

Sorry if it comes off the wrong way.

Do we know for a fact that it's humans and not algorithms approving/rejecting images?  I'm sure some "quality" rejections are automated but it wouldn't shock me if they tried to automate the rest of it too.

« Reply #137 on: August 11, 2023, 03:41 »
From what they take or decline I would think this was a human decision. Doesn't look automated to me.

« Reply #138 on: August 11, 2023, 17:57 »
Just two weeks after crossing the 13 million mark, the genAI collection is now over 14 million - 14,062,823

Yup, it seems that there's over 100k approved images that are AI-gen per day. That's.. a lot.

« Reply #139 on: August 12, 2023, 03:27 »
If you look at the stats below the forum we now often have over 2000 people online reading, although often just 20 active, registered users.

It used to be a few hundred, or maybe 500.

I think this is all due to ai. Millions of people trying to learn how to make and sell ai images.

Even if you just have a smartphone, you can be a great "photographer".

Can't blame them for trying.

They will soon realise that working with stock agencies is not as simple as the youtubers make it sound.

« Reply #140 on: August 12, 2023, 04:02 »
If you look at the stats below the forum we now often have over 2000 people online reading, although often just 20 active, registered users.

It used to be a few hundred, or maybe 500.

I think this is all due to ai. Millions of people trying to learn how to make and sell ai images.

Even if you just have a smartphone, you can be a great "photographer".

Can't blame them for trying.

They will soon realise that working with stock agencies is not as simple as the youtubers make it sound.

Interesting, never noticed the numbers...

« Reply #141 on: August 12, 2023, 10:44 »
Just two weeks after crossing the 13 million mark, the genAI collection is now over 14 million - 14,062,823

Amazing! What would be interesting to know is for those selling AI images as stock, how do the $$$ work out? In other words what is the net revenue selling genAI stock vs. the cost of "membership" to the genAI websites?

The content sells like any other content.

If you create something from a needed niche with the help of ai it sells just as great as if you had done a regular shoot.

If you upload stuff noone needs, you have no sales.

I have 637 accepted ai files on Adobe and 129 downloads. Made 114.83 USD so far with an rpd of .89. Most files have only sold once and only 1 file has more than 5 sales. None have 10. So no real bestsellers (yet).

But I have paid over 2000 dollars in credits for ai use (not using midjourney). Expect to reach 3k by end of the year. Includes 600 dollars from the last 4 years when I was just prompting for fun.

Next year I should spend a lot less, because my prompting is a lot better and because the prices to use ai commercially are coming down. Ideally I will work only with firefly, if the quality is good enough and if they offer producers a good deal (or maybe free use, with enough uploads).

It took me a lot of time to learn my way around ai. And every time I attempt a new series, I need a new set of prompts.

Prompts also "break down" frequently if I just change something simple, like pink instead of red or morning light instead of evening light. Suddenly I get unusable pixel mash.

I also post process my files a lot in photoshop, because so many details are broken when you zoom into 100%.

HoweverI think having ai content brings a lot of eyeballs to the port. I am certainly seeing a strong uptick in overall sales.

Midjourney probably gets you the best content with little post processing needs. Downsideeveryone is using midjourney and you run the risk of having just another "metoo" port.

I try to minimize that by checking the interesting files after prompting. If I see 10 other near identical uploads, I discard mine.

Hoping to have 1200 files from different genres by end of the year. But I am already slowing down the prompting and doing more normal photography and especially more video.

Because the other big downside is that at the moment only Adobe has a real ai collection, so I don't have enough content for the other agencies.

This is my experience.

The youtubers are all screaming how easy it is to make thousands of dollars a month with ai.

So either I am doing the wrong content or the wrong genres orstrangers on the internet are not telling the truth

« Last Edit: August 12, 2023, 12:49 by cobalt »


« Reply #142 on: August 12, 2023, 12:21 »
Thanks! very interesting to hear actual real world experience.

« Reply #143 on: August 12, 2023, 12:47 »
We all benefit from sharing real information.

Also working with ai has taken away the fear that ai will replace me. Maybe in 10-20 years, but not now. It is a tool I can learn to use. Nothing more, nothing less.

« Reply #144 on: August 13, 2023, 01:55 »
Made 114.83 USD so far
But I have paid over 2000 dollars in credits for ai use

If you are spending so much more than what you are earning that makes you a example how not to use AI for microstock.   :o

I've only spent $71.40 on AI and earned back a multiple of it. If I hadn't, I would stop spending money on AI.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 05:42 by Her Ugliness »

« Reply #145 on: August 13, 2023, 02:36 »
Made 114.83 USD so far
But I have paid over 2000 dollars in credits for ai use

If you are spending so much more than what you are earning that makes you a bad example how not to use AI for microstock.   :o

I've only spent $71.40 on AI and earned back a multiple of it. If I hadn't, I would stop spending money on AI.

My son spent the same exactly (71.4$) and earned 284$ in the last 5 months.

« Reply #146 on: August 13, 2023, 03:17 »
He uploaded a lot more files, didnt he? 2000? I have 630.

Plus a lot of my content is seasonal, for christmas and now starting with easter, so the sales will come later. But for a good harvest you have to upload at least 6 months in advance.

And with the Adobe delay, maybe 9 months early. Henceeaster now, not October.

Everyone who is using midjourney doesnt have my cost basis.

I am not recommending to do it my way.

But I am not planning to use midjourney and I will not upload too many files in one go.

I am building my port very slowly with intention.

But for sales it is exactly like I said. Upload needed content, you get sales.

Upload stuff just for fun, no sales.

Dont worry, I will get my money back.


unless you pay for the private room everything on midjourney is public. And we have an army of aggressive copycats on our heels.

and with ai files you will not be able to file a dmca takedown complaint. copycats are free to upload the exact same image, or with subtle variation without any consequences.

Everyone has to make their own decisions how to deal with that.

I have several thousand files good enough for processing and uploading. But I never upload a complete series in one go.

Not with photos or video or ai.

I would rather have a small port that is efficient.

But that is a personal choice.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 03:41 by cobalt »

« Reply #147 on: August 13, 2023, 04:28 »
He uploaded a lot more files, didnt he? 2000? I have 630.

Plus a lot of my content is seasonal, for christmas and now starting with easter, so the sales will come later. But for a good harvest you have to upload at least 6 months in advance.

And with the Adobe delay, maybe 9 months early. Henceeaster now, not October.

Everyone who is using midjourney doesnt have my cost basis.

I am not recommending to do it my way.

But I am not planning to use midjourney and I will not upload too many files in one go.

I am building my port very slowly with intention.

But for sales it is exactly like I said. Upload needed content, you get sales.

Upload stuff just for fun, no sales.

Dont worry, I will get my money back.


unless you pay for the private room everything on midjourney is public. And we have an army of aggressive copycats on our heels.

and with ai files you will not be able to file a dmca takedown complaint. copycats are free to upload the exact same image, or with subtle variation without any consequences.

Everyone has to make their own decisions how to deal with that.

I have several thousand files good enough for processing and uploading. But I never upload a complete series in one go.

Not with photos or video or ai.

I would rather have a small port that is efficient.

But that is a personal choice.

The big problem is that millions of images are added monthly to the Ai collection, so quantity may serve you better. You may create some great quality images that got lost in the huge Ai collection. So, I'm afraid that time goes against your strategy.
As I said before, I always warn my son that this domain is changing so fast and he should not put big hopes on its future.

« Reply #148 on: August 13, 2023, 04:50 »
I have been doing this for nearly 20 years. Agencies take 1-2 million PHOTOS every week. With your logic nobody would have any sales uploading photos. (Shutterstock used to publish weekly stats of how much they accept every week. They stopped publishing when we went into an upload strike, because you could see how the uploads have dropped)

I only have 2400 files in my port and have daily sales on Adobe. And took a ten year break of basically not uploading.

Stock is not a volume game. It is a USEFUL game.

Upload something useful and you will have sales, because you are only competing with the files in the niche.

Ice cream does not compete with spaghetti, empty rooms not with people.

100k ai files a week is very little, because it is spread over a very wide range of genres.

Adobe probably gets more uploads of animals or sunsets or flowers than ai in a week.

And how much of the uploaded ai content is really saleable and had trend research?

Mostly it is metoo material.

So, I will stick to my plan and enjoy my results :)

But of course, if someone wants to upload 1000 files a week, please do. But if you want sales, you have to make them useful for customers.

If I could generate 1000 files every week that are NOT similar to each other and come from completely different themes and need no post processing I would upload them.

But I cannot generate that many files from completely different themes so quickly because it takes a lot of time to analyze trends and what is already in the collections.


simple example - how many easter themed ai images are being uploaded RIGHT NOW. Because that cohort of files will be my competitors for the season.

Plus of course any other easter photos/illustrations being uploaded now.

Your files move in certain time batches. For optimal harvest you need very good quality, a useful, slightly different twist from what is already available and ...good timing. (for seasonal material)

You can of course prompt endless happy business people that sell all year round. But I would have to research that genre before I start prompting.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 05:05 by cobalt »

« Reply #149 on: August 13, 2023, 05:28 »
unless you pay for the private room everything on midjourney is public.

Isnt that the same with Dall-E?
And with Stable Diffusion (unless you run it on your own computer)?


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