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Author Topic: Account blocked - another story  (Read 17931 times)

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« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2023, 16:10 »
So the email restates the general prohibition, but does not specify which of your images violates this rule?

And they can't just rescind the approval of the images in question - assuming there are any?

Exactly. I think the email is just an intermediate information triggered by my urgent second email. I think (or better hope) that the process is still in the making - a positive interpretation of the phrase Your account will remain blocked until further notice.

Amazing. I've experienced EXACTLY the same sequence of events. On my second email marked "Urgent" I've got exactly the same response, signed by Diego Gomez. That was the only piece of communication I got throughout the whole time my account was blocked. The account was unblocked three weeks later without any "further notice". I am still waiting for the explanation...

« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2023, 16:16 »
So the email restates the general prohibition, but does not specify which of your images violates this rule?

And they can't just rescind the approval of the images in question - assuming there are any?

Exactly. I think the email is just an intermediate information triggered by my urgent second email. I think (or better hope) that the process is still in the making - a positive interpretation of the phrase Your account will remain blocked until further notice.

Amazing. I've experienced EXACTLY the same sequence of events. On my second email marked "Urgent" I've got exactly the same response, signed by Diego Gomez. That was the only piece of communication I got throughout the whole time my account was blocked. The account was unblocked three weeks later without any "further notice". I am still waiting for the explanation...
:) Mine was also signed by Diego Gomez  :)
Did they remove any images when unblocking your account?

« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2023, 16:57 »
I think Adobe should immediately cease all AI intake. It produces unsellable garbage and worse, it's accepted without inspection and it's diluting the asset collection.

And now contributors are punished for Adobe's own ridiculous AI policy. What a shame.

« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2023, 05:33 »
I think Adobe should immediately cease all AI intake

They have just launched Firefly for commercial use, so there is absolutely no way to do this.
What they have to do is to work on rules and reviewers, instead to involve contributors in consequence of their choice

« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2023, 12:54 »

Did they remove any images when unblocking your account?

I am wondering about it too. From the first glance I was unable to find any images missing.

« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2023, 13:29 »

I am wondering about it too. From the first glance I was unable to find any images missing.

So you dont even know which images where in question?

« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2023, 13:41 »

I am wondering about it too. From the first glance I was unable to find any images missing.

So you dont even know which images where in question?

No  :-\

« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2023, 07:28 »

I am wondering about it too. From the first glance I was unable to find any images missing.

So you dont even know which images where in question?

No  :-\
This is ridiculous, what's the purpose of the whole procedure if they didn't even make a point what was wrong or even if you were in the wrong at all. Just a random slap on the wrist and it will probably cost you thousands. For giggles...
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 07:30 by thx9000 »

« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2023, 04:58 »
Three weeks now and waiting . Direct damage well beyond 800$

« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2023, 08:46 »
I am so sorry. It is terrible that they treat their CUSTOMERS like this. We are not just producers and suppliers, we are customers.


« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2023, 08:54 »
Three weeks now and waiting . Direct damage well beyond 800$

This is definitely not acceptable!

« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2023, 10:06 »
Thank you for letting us know - and its outrageous youve been treated this way.

Adobe Stock has lost the plot on so many issues. Shameful.

« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2023, 13:02 »
When a builder makes an appalling mess of your house some owners have taken to locking their tools up to give an incentive to do the job prepaid for or rectify the mistakes. The law prohibits "removing access to the tools that someone relies upon to work and make an income"

Locking your copywritten images up and your earnings is going to breach some laws. Terms of use or terms and conditions do not constitute laws only a contract. You can't break lass to enforce a contract.

I suspect they're going to do this to the wrong person and then there will be trouble.

Laws have been created to protect actors from A.I. so it won't be long before Adobe jave their toys taken off them.

« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2023, 04:43 »
Today it will be four weeks - the damage is adding up... I had bestsellers appearing as number one in certain searches, this will all be over once my port gets activated again because they will be displaced by other images which sold in the last four weeks.

« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2023, 07:59 »
Again, I am so sorry.

I will never understand why a company the size of Adobe cannot devise a professional customer contact workflow for these situations.

« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2023, 10:41 »
A similar story... now I'll post my own.

« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2023, 13:34 »
Today it will be four weeks - the damage is adding up... I had bestsellers appearing as number one in certain searches, this will all be over once my port gets activated again because they will be displaced by other images which sold in the last four weeks.

Adobe Stock has completely and utterly effed up this process. It is a disgrace to treat an established contributor this way.

I am so sorry this train wreck continues for you - but thank you for updating the forum.

Adobe Stock does not care - or at least acts as if it doesn't care - about its contributors. You can't paper over this with Firefly training payments or the app subscriptions, assuming you decide to do those again.

If the corporate thinking is that they can soon just dispense with us pesky humans and survive on wholly owned AI generated content, I suggest you spend a long time looking at the current genAI collection and think again.

You can bulk up the collection size, but you can't force buyers to license things that aren't any use to them.

« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2023, 07:11 »
I am so sorry. It is terrible that they treat their CUSTOMERS like this. We are not just producers and suppliers, we are customers.
Dnde est Diego? This is terrible and they are slow.

« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2023, 07:26 »
Five weeks now without a verdict. I think I will switch from weekly to monthly reports here. Have sent another email to Diego/contributor support.
<sarcasm>Perhaps it takes longer to check a portfolio where you find nothing wrong</sarcasm>

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2023, 11:05 »
Five weeks now without a verdict. I think I will switch from weekly to monthly reports here. Have sent another email to Diego/contributor support.
<sarcasm>Perhaps it takes longer to check a portfolio where you find nothing wrong</sarcasm>

Here's a 👍 to both of those.

« Reply #45 on: October 20, 2023, 04:04 »
Estoy en la misma situacin.
Creo que es hora de dejar estos mercados tan tiranos y desprovistos de derechos con los colaboradores, que al fin y al cabo, trabajamos para salir adelante cada da.
La impotencia que sientes es absoluta.
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

I'm in the same situation.
I think it is time to leave these markets so tyrannical and devoid of rights with collaborators, who at the end of the day, work to get ahead every day.
The helplessness you feel is absolute.

« Reply #46 on: October 31, 2023, 04:33 »
OK, perhaps biweekly is the right pace to keep this thread up - toady it is 7 weeks (!) since my portfolio was deactivated by Adobe because of alleged problems with "in the style of" in my small AI related part of my portfolio (around 5% of all assets).

I still don't know which image/s might have caused a red flag since I had proactively deleted images which might have caused problems with the amended rules of AI submissions.

The direct damage has passed the 2.000 USD mark for sure. Not to speak of indirect damages by a portfolio ranked down in the search algorithms when/if it gets activated ever again. And not to speak of the seasons related images waiting on my harddrive which now surely will not make it in time.

No reaction from Adobe contrib support whatsoever on my proposal to just delete the AI related part of my portfolio, which I made two times.

PS: I saw examples of people reporting images in Adobe Stocks Discord channel as not ok which can be generated with the term "in the style of pop art". This does not relate to any specific artist - nevertheless the results can be close to Warhol oder Lichtenstein or whomever did pop art. So what now?? Are art styles also fordbidden?

« Reply #47 on: October 31, 2023, 15:48 »
You are missing the most important season of the year.

This is actually a good case for uploading ai perhaps only via wirestock. At least then your individual port will not be blocked, I am sure for the large producers they have a different system, otherwise they would be blocked all the time.

I don't understand this policy at all. It is so unprofessional to treat us, the producers and loyal customers of Adobe, like this.

I hope your sales in other places are extra good to compensate.

Thank you for keeping us updated.

« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2023, 13:19 »
I don't wish this on anyone,you lose sleep over something like that,I know it.

However,I read that Adobe previously gave you an answer as to why your account was blocked:

"You have submitted files that refer to famous artists,people,characters from popular culture,and/or other existing subjects such as video games in the image,title or keywords.We take intellectual property rights very seriously and your uploads are a violation of these rights and thus violate the upload guidelines"

I'm just wondering one thing that I really can't understand:

"given your considerable experience in microstock,didn't you realize that you were uploading content that violated the upload guidelines?"yes,you knew but you did it anyway.

As far as I know, accounts that in any way break Adobe's rules are suspended for a short period of a couple of weeks,and then are reactivated,if the problem is nothing serious,as far as I know.

from what I understand here we are not just talking about problems related to AI,it's not that you forgot to check the box for AI content,here we are talking about that you uploaded content that clearly referenced famous characters,people,artists.

now I don't know if you're right or if you're wrong,it's not up to me to judge,also because I'm not aware of the full version of the facts,as are you and Adobe,I don't know for example whether these contents had already been sold or not,I already think this makes a difference,and I certainly don't know anything else,regarding this sad matter.

in any case you have violated the upload guidelines,and did it intentionally,because you are a highly experienced contributor,and tried to delete the contents because you knew it.

I hope your portfolio will be restored as soon as possible,because we are all human and we all make mistakes,if this was your first and only mistake I think there is hope,Adobe usually takes this into consideration too.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2023, 13:22 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #49 on: November 01, 2023, 14:10 »

I'm just wondering one thing that I really can't understand:

"given your considerable experience in microstock,didn't you realize that you were uploading content that violated the upload guidelines?"yes,you knew but you did it anyway.

As I wrote I am not aware of any images in my current portfolio which would violate the upload guidelines for AI.


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