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Author Topic: Adobe AI content double standards  (Read 16333 times)

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« Reply #50 on: November 06, 2023, 08:05 »
I believe that tracing an AI output is allowed.
well ok if you wanna risk getting banned, but we all have lot at stake so maybe better not

I never said I'm doing it,and it's certainly not something I would recommend,better not to do it,because it's not clear.

I only reported the facts,the rules are those and acting in that way doesn't break any rules from what I read.

« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2023, 09:47 »

Accepting those files and not removing it from collection is enormous disrespect toward working people - illustrators , photographers videographers.


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2023, 15:02 »

However yesterday I took a look at Adobe Stock vector collection,and there are many AI,EPS,SVG vectors that are labeled as AI,so I believe that tracing an AI output is allowed.

I understand your point, but also: You must always click the "Created using generative AI tools" box, regardless of whether a release is required or not, for all content created with generative AI software. which Adobe says. What I mean is, if someone doesn't check the created with AI box, they are in violation of the guidelines.

I think that's pretty clear. The part about, if I generate an image, and then autotrace it and make a vector, is picking at a fine point, and I'm not so sure there's a difference, since the initial image is created with Generative AI tools.

And your point is, the vector image wasn't created with Generative AI Tools, it was created by someone editing the image in Illustrator.

But I'm going to argue against that, because the source of the image and the original image are AI. Just as if you take someone else's illustration and make a vector, it doesn't create a new transformative work, or different image, just because it has been traced.

Nope I'm not going to make some and find out.  :)

Do not submit generative AI vector images. If our policy changes on that, I will notify everyone here.


Mat Hayward

I don't know and the Adobe site, doesn't say specifically "don't do it" but Mat has tried to be helpful and warned us.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2023, 15:04 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2023, 19:07 »
The point is that there is nothing specifically written about this in Adobe's AI guidelines,this explains the existence of many vector images labeled as AI in the Adobe Stock collection.

I'm trying to make sense how the contributors reasoned,and why they are uploading these traced vectors,and the reason is that they don't directly break any rules.

that's why we're seeing these traced vectors,because the only thing clearly specified is that it is not allowed to create generative AI vectors.

a traced vector is not an AI generated vector.

the box to label the vector as AI is not yet available,otherwise these traced vectors would clearly be fully allowed.

and that's why we're seeing these thousands of traced vectors from AI outputs approved per day,even though they shouldn't be approved... or maybe they should? :D

however,the box to label vectors as AI will soon be available,someone tried to be smart and get ahead of the curve,taking a minimal risk in my opinion because I don't think it risks permanent blocking if it happens for the first time,since nothing concrete is specified about it in the guidelines.

don't try this at home! :D

« Last Edit: November 06, 2023, 23:20 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #54 on: November 07, 2023, 01:11 »
I believe that tracing an AI output is allowed.
well ok if you wanna risk getting banned, but we all have lot at stake so maybe better not

I never said I'm doing it,and it's certainly not something I would recommend,better not to do it,because it's not clear.

I only reported the facts,the rules are those and acting in that way doesn't break any rules from what I read.

Also...what rules says about multiple accounts ?
Of course that you can have multiple accounts with different assets, but if you check for example, that japan web reddish icons it is obviously same author from a 40+ accounts. What does it says ? That it is something legal or what ?

« Reply #55 on: November 07, 2023, 05:32 »
I believe that tracing an AI output is allowed.
well ok if you wanna risk getting banned, but we all have lot at stake so maybe better not

I never said I'm doing it,and it's certainly not something I would recommend,better not to do it,because it's not clear.

I only reported the facts,the rules are those and acting in that way doesn't break any rules from what I read.

Also...what rules says about multiple accounts ?
Of course that you can have multiple accounts with different assets, but if you check for example, that japan web reddish icons it is obviously same author from a 40+ accounts. What does it says ? That it is something legal or what ?

ok,that's another story,if that's the case and the accounts belong to the same owner,it's a serious violation and the owner of the "japan web" results risks big.

Yes,it is possible to have different accounts for different assets(video,photos,AI),only one account for AI content is allowed.

in this case it is double violation,because not only are they uploading AI content to multiple accounts,but also AI vector content that are not still allowed,to multiple accounts.

however I found something interesting in the terms of the account and submission guidelines:

"We dont permit multiple account creations to submit similar or identical content to inflate sales,or to bypass upload limits for generative AI content".

this is confirmation of my theory,that there are upload and acceptance limits for AI content.

this explains the reason for the numerous rejections that many are having,entire batches rejected,because they have already reached the limit.

is not specified what limit,but I think 500 or 1000 per month for AI content,but it's just my guess.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2023, 06:16 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2023, 06:40 »
Answered your other post but putting it here too:

I think it is already fairly well known that there are upload limits. If you join the Discord community you will probably be more informed about this. Newbies have a limit of 50 files and it goes up from there depending on factors that AS does not disclose.

« Reply #57 on: November 07, 2023, 06:41 »
This refers to the number of files in review at any one time.

« Reply #58 on: November 07, 2023, 22:52 »

this is confirmation of my theory,that there are upload and acceptance limits for AI content.

this explains the reason for the numerous rejections that many are having,entire batches rejected,because they have already reached the limit.

is not specified what limit,but I think 500 or 1000 per month for AI content,but it's just my guess.

I think its 1000 per month or more for established accounts.

I also think it highly depends from moderators who accept images. One of my batches of same style was completely rejected because of quality. Yet similar variation in different color was accepted and selling.

I think and hope the moderation time is better now. In July I had a whole month when nothing was accepted. Now its back to weekly acceptance. Sometimes 5 images, sometimes 90 at a time - dont know why, but Im grateful.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2023, 09:43 by Carmifornia »

« Reply #59 on: November 08, 2023, 07:24 »
Answered your other post but putting it here too:

I think it is already fairly well known that there are upload limits. If you join the Discord community you will probably be more informed about this. Newbies have a limit of 50 files and it goes up from there depending on factors that AS does not disclose.

I don't think it's very well known,given the number of complaints about rejections! :D

« Reply #60 on: November 08, 2023, 07:40 »
I think the upload limit,or it would be more correct to say the acceptance rate,is on an annual basis,there are several things that make me think this.

Yes I thought that from November the inspection situation would start to improve,because there were elements that made me think this and certainly from the new year things will be noticeably better.

but please don't read me,because I'm the one who always talks nonsense! :D

I go against the grain,I have never been a sheep and I never will be,I question everything and I don't take anything for granted!

common thinking is often the wrong one,when everyone thinks something is right,it is often wrong.

Anyway parenthesis closed,we're talking about something else here.

I had seen that the results for japan web had dropped considerably,so it seems that Adobe has worked quickly to solve the problem.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2023, 08:16 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #61 on: November 08, 2023, 18:11 »
Answered your other post but putting it here too:

I think it is already fairly well known that there are upload limits. If you join the Discord community you will probably be more informed about this. Newbies have a limit of 50 files and it goes up from there depending on factors that AS does not disclose.

I don't think it's very well known,given the number of complaints about rejections! :D

Sorry I didn't understand that you were talking about rejections. I thought you were talking about upload limits ie. the limit on the number of files that can be in review at any one time. There are upload limits in place of 50 files in review for newcomers, and higher limits for other contributors but Adobe hasn't disclosed how those are calculated.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #62 on: November 09, 2023, 14:08 »
I think the upload limit,or it would be more correct to say the acceptance rate,is on an annual basis,there are several things that make me think this.

Are you saying the upload limit is one number, but Adobe has an acceptance limit, that they don't tell us, on our number of files? Or am I missing something? Acceptance rate or acceptance numbers, isn't just by the quality of the images?

« Reply #63 on: November 09, 2023, 14:23 »
For sure acceptance fixed limit per user do not exist, this is so stupid that no one agency would limit themselves on that stupid way, but limit on each user based on previous reviews or potfolio sales history sounds real, although even that is pretty extreme. So, create unique content, quality content, strong conceptual, no similars and so on and your acceptance rate will be high. All this is clear from years ago. Don't be paranoid.

« Reply #64 on: November 09, 2023, 15:29 »
in the terms of the account and submission guidelines of Adobe Stock:

"We dont permit multiple account creations to submit similar or identical content to inflate sales,or to bypass upload limits for generative AI content".

this is the fact,judge for yourself,the limit is how much AI content can be accepted,and this probably extends to real content too.

the only thing I can be sure,after reading this sentence in the terms of the account and submission guidelines,is that there are limits to the amount of AI content that can be accepted.

what these limits are,whether they are on an annual or monthly basis,or whether these limits are also extended to real contents,I don't know,just as nobody knows.

I reported this because I saw that many complained about entire AI and non-AI batches being rejected.

I have never had any particular problems with rejections because I upload around 1000 content per year,and I have never had particularly long review waiting times.

I agree,quality beats number,but number is also important,and quality is also description and keywords, something that in my opinion is underestimated by many.

the truth of everything is that in microstock making money is not easy,you have to be good,you have to have patience,a lot of patience,you have to be informed,up to date,you have to try to be innovative...it's probably among the most difficult jobs in the world!

only if you really like it can you do this job,and if you are strong enough to reject all criticism!

the only thing that is certain is that it takes a long time to earn significant amounts of money,it is not something to choose if you want a profit in the short term.

then there are those who see microstock as a hobby and is fine.

and then there are people that break all possible rules,they don't care,they just want to make a few hundred dollars if they can before they get caught!

« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 04:48 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #65 on: November 10, 2023, 05:17 »

are you sure these aren't auto-traced vectors?

and please show some respect for those who are working,remember that Mat has rules to follow,he is working!

Auto traced vectors, and almost always in sets of four or less, similar images?  ;D  Did you look at them?


Side note, 13,455 results for "japan web" now, was "28,968 results for "japan web""

Now 2,408 left for japan web.

« Reply #66 on: November 12, 2023, 06:14 »
Yes, it seems that Adobe started those AI generated "vectors" removal.

Unfortunately....they do it just for files which are reported by contributors.
There is still HUGE acceptance rate for those fraudulent AI generated files. 

« Reply #67 on: November 12, 2023, 08:29 »
Yes, it seems that Adobe started those AI generated "vectors" removal.

Unfortunately....they do it just for files which are reported by contributors.
There is still HUGE acceptance rate for those fraudulent AI generated files.

Another reason to know the limit of acceptable AI content for sale by Adobe per account.

knowing this limit,which already exists but no one knows what it is,I think is important.

in this case,for example,knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or year can be a deterrent for the creation of multiple accounts in order to circumvent these limits which are currently unknown.

but this is only one of many reasons,officially knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or per year is important.

Mat,I repeat my proposal in case you missed it in the other thread:is it possible to know what these limits are so that people know it,and act accordingly,in order to adapt to these limits?

Do we all agree that knowing is better than not knowing?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 09:59 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #68 on: November 12, 2023, 10:42 »
Yes, it seems that Adobe started those AI generated "vectors" removal.

Unfortunately....they do it just for files which are reported by contributors.
There is still HUGE acceptance rate for those fraudulent AI generated files.

Another reason to know the limit of acceptable AI content for sale by Adobe per account.

knowing this limit,which already exists but no one knows what it is,I think is important.

in this case,for example,knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or year can be a deterrent for the creation of multiple accounts in order to circumvent these limits which are currently unknown.

but this is only one of many reasons,officially knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or per year is important.

Mat,I repeat my proposal in case you missed it in the other thread:is it possible to know what these limits are so that people know it,and act accordingly,in order to adapt to these limits?

Do we all agree that knowing is better than not knowing?
There is nothing that supports your idea that there's a acceptance limit on Adobe. The only support is your idea, reading between the lines, your personal translation, and coming up with a odd theory. There is an upload limit, but no invisible secret acceptance limit.

« Reply #69 on: November 12, 2023, 13:31 »
Yes, it seems that Adobe started those AI generated "vectors" removal.

Unfortunately....they do it just for files which are reported by contributors.
There is still HUGE acceptance rate for those fraudulent AI generated files.

Another reason to know the limit of acceptable AI content for sale by Adobe per account.

knowing this limit,which already exists but no one knows what it is,I think is important.

in this case,for example,knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or year can be a deterrent for the creation of multiple accounts in order to circumvent these limits which are currently unknown.

but this is only one of many reasons,officially knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or per year is important.

Mat,I repeat my proposal in case you missed it in the other thread:is it possible to know what these limits are so that people know it,and act accordingly,in order to adapt to these limits?

Do we all agree that knowing is better than not knowing?
There is nothing that supports your idea that there's a acceptance limit on Adobe. The only support is your idea, reading between the lines, your personal translation, and coming up with a odd theory. There is an upload limit, but no invisible secret acceptance limit.

so do you agree now that there is an upload limit?
ok this is the point, and I hope you will agree with me that it is better to know and quantify this limit if possible.

Maaaat!!hahahahhaha!! :D can you see that I'm already on the verge of madness?Please have mercy on me! :D
« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 14:37 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #70 on: November 13, 2023, 00:42 »
Yes, it seems that Adobe started those AI generated "vectors" removal.

Unfortunately....they do it just for files which are reported by contributors.
There is still HUGE acceptance rate for those fraudulent AI generated files.

Another reason to know the limit of acceptable AI content for sale by Adobe per account.

knowing this limit,which already exists but no one knows what it is,I think is important.

in this case,for example,knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or year can be a deterrent for the creation of multiple accounts in order to circumvent these limits which are currently unknown.

but this is only one of many reasons,officially knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or per year is important.

Mat,I repeat my proposal in case you missed it in the other thread:is it possible to know what these limits are so that people know it,and act accordingly,in order to adapt to these limits?

Do we all agree that knowing is better than not knowing?
There is nothing that supports your idea that there's a acceptance limit on Adobe. The only support is your idea, reading between the lines, your personal translation, and coming up with a odd theory. There is an upload limit, but no invisible secret acceptance limit.

'' the limit of acceptable AI content '' ? ? ?
 Please....change dealer.

« Reply #71 on: November 13, 2023, 07:48 »
Yes, it seems that Adobe started those AI generated "vectors" removal.

Unfortunately....they do it just for files which are reported by contributors.
There is still HUGE acceptance rate for those fraudulent AI generated files.

Another reason to know the limit of acceptable AI content for sale by Adobe per account.

knowing this limit,which already exists but no one knows what it is,I think is important.

in this case,for example,knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or year can be a deterrent for the creation of multiple accounts in order to circumvent these limits which are currently unknown.

but this is only one of many reasons,officially knowing the limit of AI content that Adobe can accept per account per month or per year is important.

Mat,I repeat my proposal in case you missed it in the other thread:is it possible to know what these limits are so that people know it,and act accordingly,in order to adapt to these limits?

Do we all agree that knowing is better than not knowing?
There is nothing that supports your idea that there's a acceptance limit on Adobe. The only support is your idea, reading between the lines, your personal translation, and coming up with a odd theory. There is an upload limit, but no invisible secret acceptance limit.

'' the limit of acceptable AI content '' ? ? ?
 Please....change dealer.

Guys,is it possible that you don't understand anything?

I'm really shocked!

How is it possible that no one here understands the importance of having an official limit declared by Adobe on the AI ​​content that can be accepted for sale per month?

this limit already exists,because it is written in the terms,and it is also evident given that the Adobe Stock AI collection grows by only about a million per week,it is evident that many AI contents are rejected.

then you Madoo,you come here to complain about the illegal multi-accounts that are created and that upload contents that are not allowed,I offer you a partial solution and you also row against me?

the point is that this limit perhaps cannot be declared,Adobe perhaps prefers not to set limits,and to have the freedom to act as it sees fit.

but the best thing for us contributors would be to have an official limit declared,and I'm more than sure that Adobe has at least thought about it.

Look,I don't care,I have better things to do than waste my time.

I proposed that a limit be decided and officially declared,to avoid many problems that I have already listed in the other thread,and which I do not intend to repeat again.

if they want to do it they do it,if they can't or don't want to do it,they don't do it,Adobe does as they want, I'm sure they know how to act for the best since they have the complete picture of the situation.

but my idea is valid,it's a good idea,I'm more than sure that it will at least be taken into consideration.

and that's enough,I've already wasted too much time and I don't intend to waste any more!

« Reply #72 on: November 13, 2023, 13:33 »
Injustice for all:
Useful Posts:+0/-0

 ;D ;D ;D
Sorry. Btw, this forum saves me more and more time, since I read it less and less. Life is outside from here, for better, or the best. 

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #73 on: November 13, 2023, 14:07 »
Injustice for all:
Useful Posts:+0/-0

 ;D ;D ;D
Sorry. Btw, this forum saves me more and more time, since I read it less and less. Life is outside from here, for better, or the best.

Since I already asked in the other thread on the same subject, sometimes I think something is lost in the translation and "Injustice" might be saying, there should be a acceptance limit and it should be published. Maybe not that there is some secret limit that's hidden from us? I don't know, but the last post seems to hint at that.

Simple fact is, since Microstock started, and there could be an exception, almost all agencies have had the one account per person limit. One exception was, someone could open a second group account and with others, all contribute to that. Something like Africa Studio and some others.  https://www.shutterstock.com/g/africa+studio
1,305,470 stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free.

Alamy, one account, many pseudonyms.

Can I share an account with someone else?

Your account may only contain your own work and cannot be shared
Per Shutterstock policy, there may only be one contributor for each account. Each account owner must wholly own full copyright to any content that they upload within their Shutterstock account.

Accounts cannot be shared between spouses or other family members. Accounts cannot be registered to the names of spouses or other family members if the content submitted is created by someone else. For example, if a husband and wife are both photographers who want to license their images with Shutterstock, they must each create a separate account. They cannot register an account just to the wife's name and submit content that was created by both of them into that portfolio.

Account ownership or payments can be shared if you have a Shutterstock business account.

« Reply #74 on: November 13, 2023, 18:09 »
Injustice for all:
Useful Posts:+0/-0

 ;D ;D ;D
Sorry. Btw, this forum saves me more and more time, since I read it less and less. Life is outside from here, for better, or the best.

Since I already asked in the other thread on the same subject, sometimes I think something is lost in the translation and "Injustice" might be saying, there should be a acceptance limit and it should be published. Maybe not that there is some secret limit that's hidden from us? I don't know, but the last post seems to hint at that.

Simple fact is, since Microstock started, and there could be an exception, almost all agencies have had the one account per person limit. One exception was, someone could open a second group account and with others, all contribute to that. Something like Africa Studio and some others.  https://www.shutterstock.com/g/africa+studio
1,305,470 stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free.

Alamy, one account, many pseudonyms.

Can I share an account with someone else?

Your account may only contain your own work and cannot be shared
Per Shutterstock policy, there may only be one contributor for each account. Each account owner must wholly own full copyright to any content that they upload within their Shutterstock account.

Accounts cannot be shared between spouses or other family members. Accounts cannot be registered to the names of spouses or other family members if the content submitted is created by someone else. For example, if a husband and wife are both photographers who want to license their images with Shutterstock, they must each create a separate account. They cannot register an account just to the wife's name and submit content that was created by both of them into that portfolio.

Account ownership or payments can be shared if you have a Shutterstock business account.

Pete,thanks for understanding.


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