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Author Topic: Adobe Reviewers Mistake Camera-Generated Photo for AI  (Read 515 times)

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« on: August 25, 2024, 16:55 »
I just had a camera-created image rejected due to "Missing Generative AI Flag".  The exact reason was:

During our review, we found that it is likely to be generated by AI and not labelled as such. We can't accept your image into our collection without the label declaring it is a generative AI image.

But the thing is, this image was NOT AI-generated.  It was created in-camera.

I don't want my account suspended due to such a misunderstanding, so I've decided to delete all pending photos and won't be submitting new images or illustrations until Adobe Stock handles such issues better.  The few shekels I get from a photo license isn't worth me losing my account.

This is a serious problem with Adobe Stock.  I think rather than the reviewer outright rejecting a questionable image, they need to push it back to "pending" with a checkbox for us to confirm this was NOT AI-generated.  Or, maybe ask for a property release to prove the image was camera-created.

Thoughts on how Adobe can better handle such an issue?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2024, 17:03 by Stockhome Syndrome »

« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2024, 18:33 »
don't panic!

just write them to explain & they'll usually let you re-submit - i've had this happen several times

« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2024, 18:52 »
just write them to explain & they'll usually let you re-submit - i've had this happen several times

Write to who?

« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2024, 02:32 »
just write them to explain & they'll usually let you re-submit - i've had this happen several times

Write to who?

The best way to contact support is to use the Contact Us link at the bottom of your contributor dashboard. Provide them with the file numbers that were incorrectly labelled as AI and they will sort it out.

« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2024, 06:52 »
don't panic!

just write them to explain & they'll usually let you re-submit - i've had this happen several times

The same thing has happened to me. I've emailed them with details and screenshots etc of the psb files. These things happen and provided the deal with it in a reasonable timescale then no real harm done.

However, regarding, "Being allowed to resubmit". If the review process was only a few days... even a week, then I'd go with that but as the review process is now 1-2 months, being allowed to resubmit seems more like a punishment for something that was no fault of your own.

Its hard enough to plan submissions for time critical events without having to factor in a possible "incorrect refusual appeal".... you would need to submit Christmas images in  April / May just in case you need to appeal, resubmit the file and still have the image available for buyers to buy, use and print jobs etc for clients :D

I think the sensible thing is to review the error.... and if it's deemed an error, approve the file so it can go on sale. It would also avoid the possibility of the resubmission being accidentally declined for the same reason!

« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2024, 09:45 »
Hopefully this will get through. The server for this forum seems to be on its last legs. Taking minutes for pages to load etc and often returning server errors.

Anyway, I wanted to persist in trying to post this. As I mentioned above, I also had a file declined for because I'd failed to flag the image as "AI Generated." when the image wasn't AI generated at all.

I emailed Adobe on the 24th and they've already responded and confirmed the image is now live. Given the 24th was a Saturday, this is a very fast turnaround. Mistakes happen but it's the way they are dealt with that is important and I feel Adobe have been spot on here.

Anyone else experiencing this problem should just use the "Contact Us" webpage referral. You'll receive an email that you can reply to so that you can chase up or provide attachments etc.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 09:48 by HalfFull »


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