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Author Topic: Adobe Stock announcing Pro Edition for Creative Cloud for Teams and Enterprises  (Read 35652 times)

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« Reply #100 on: April 19, 2021, 10:40 »
Don't these agencies realize the quality of stock photography will diminish greatly if photographers are only earning 10 cents an image which includes enhanced/extended licensing? Even the "new/pumped up generation" would probably not stay long at that royalty ...

Also, inflation is coming. They are reducing our pay while the cost of everything is going up.

They don't care and there are plenty of fools scrambling to get their images on these sites for pennies.

« Reply #101 on: April 19, 2021, 13:22 »
Has anyone actually seen a sale or payment or is this all pages of guesses and knee jerk reactions? No I don't expect I'll be "excited" and happy when I do, but people closing accounts, removing images and we haven't seen one bit of how much we actually will or won't get?

To alter slightly: "Microstock is no longer a viable professional option for 98% of contributors." And hasn't been for some years. Why is this a surprise?

You are right Pete, we don't know the impact yet. And if the claim of Matt is right - Adobe aiming for additional, new customers who need big volumes - and regular plans remain untouched and none of those customers jump to the unlimited plan, than the effect on your Adobe Stock earnings might even be positive. Already quite some "if's"
But your RDP will go down. And that's point. Again a devaluation of content.

Sure, if customers shift from Getty or Shutterstock to Adobe, those 0,02$ at Getty or 0,1$ at Shutterstock commissions might be worth 0,15$ or 0,25$ at Adobe. Maybe. Still pennies though. Or 0,01$, also possible. We don't know.

And that's why people get mad.
No transparency. Hope for the best while you are being played.
No control for the contributor on opting out content for subscription plans or partnerships. I know, they all do that, and I still find that a real d*ck move.
And also, no alternative anymore, as Adobe was more or less the last one standing in microstockworld.

Everyone has seen similar moves by agencies too many times before. Did it ever turn out positive in recent history?
I don't need to remind you the SS debacle a year ago. Some even claimed "I actually think my earnings will go up by this"
Meanwhile we know they didn't, unless you worked really harder better faster stronger.  8)

So yeah, against one's better judgement: let's see how it plays out.
Deep down we already know: "exciting".  :o



« Reply #102 on: April 19, 2021, 16:37 »
And that's why people get mad.
No transparency. Hope for the best while you are being played.
No control for the contributor on opting out content for subscription plans or partnerships. I know, they all do that, and I still find that a real d*ck move.
And also, no alternative anymore, as Adobe was more or less the last one standing in microstockworld.

Everyone has seen similar moves by agencies too many times before. Did it ever turn out positive in recent history?
I don't need to remind you the SS debacle a year ago. Some even claimed "I actually think my earnings will go up by this"
Meanwhile we know they didn't, unless you worked really harder better faster stronger.  8)

So yeah, against one's better judgement: let's see how it plays out.
Deep down we already know: "exciting".  :o


« Reply #103 on: April 20, 2021, 02:37 »
This "exciting" new plan has now been published, but is it already in use? I can't find any time-frame on when it will be introduced.

« Reply #104 on: April 20, 2021, 04:24 »
bwahahahaaahahaaaaaaaa, there it is... and matt selling it as a good thing, no different from any of the other vultures

exciting news everyone !!!

« Reply #105 on: April 20, 2021, 04:32 »
matt, since you have spent hours talking about this and you are monitoring the situation, can you give an example calculation of typical contributor with typical downloads for this new plan, so we can all see how this is going to benefit us, please, thanks.

not holding my breath for this one if you dont mind

« Reply #106 on: April 20, 2021, 04:42 »

Just joking, Mat is one of the good guys in this business!  :)

Without ever meeting Mat he seems like a very nice person and positive by nature... I very much enjoy and appreciate his presence on this forum.

... but do not forget he is still the Contributor Service Associate under employ for Adobe Stock and he too has his priorities and responsibilities like spinning this 'exciting' news off as rainbows and unicorns.

A few other agencies in the past did the very same thing with an almost cult like following. It works.

Trauma bonding 101.

he is a nasty back stabber as far as i know, during the whole dollar club fiasco with fotolia he was the one booting out fellow contribs for taking a stand, and he took that with him to adobe, and now he is happily defending another back stabbing event. make no mistake all these agency reps are rats, only working to increase their employers bottom line. ive been long enough in this business to know that they are literally all cut from the same tree

« Reply #107 on: April 20, 2021, 04:47 »
Funny how things work sometimes, but just tonight (a Saturday night), I got an email notice of a 60% royalty payment from Pond 5 for one of my exclusive videos there.

That one payment is more than I've been getting from Adobe Stock in a couple of months.

So, hey, that quickly improved my attitude toward microstock. A lot!  :D

Pond 5 also stabbed contribs in the back, but i guess one good sale makes you forgive and forget very quickly then

« Reply #108 on: April 20, 2021, 05:30 »
he is a nasty back stabber as far as i know, during the whole dollar club fiasco with fotolia he was the one booting out fellow contribs for taking a stand, and he took that with him to adobe, and now he is happily defending another back stabbing event. make no mistake all these agency reps are rats, only working to increase their employers bottom line. ive been long enough in this business to know that they are literally all cut from the same tree
I understand people want to be mad at someone rather than at something, but you are shooting the messenger here.
Sure. He preaches the word of his employer. What else did you expect?

At least he's reaching out to contributors on non official message boards like this, informs them and answers questions directly, within strict limitations of his role as an employee of the agency that pays him to do so. I don't see other agencies doing that, and certainly not on this level. So give the guy a break, will ya. I'm sure his personal opinion doesn't always match the strategy, policies or developments he's supposed to promote.

« Reply #109 on: April 20, 2021, 06:03 »
dont drink the kool aid - he used to be a contributor but chose to turn to the dark side, knowing what agencies cook up to screw over contribs
« Last Edit: April 20, 2021, 06:05 by Microstockphoto »

« Reply #110 on: April 20, 2021, 08:55 »
dont drink the kool aid - he used to be a contributor but chose to turn to the dark side, knowing what agencies cook up to screw over contribs

It's not the "agencies". It's the market.
There are too many of us, everyone's an artist these days, we are generating way too much content and that makes the offer exceeding the demand. By far.
So why are people surprised that the prices are going down? Beats me!  ::)

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #111 on: April 20, 2021, 10:27 »
Has anyone actually seen a sale or payment or is this all pages of guesses and knee jerk reactions? No I don't expect I'll be "excited" and happy when I do, but people closing accounts, removing images and we haven't seen one bit of how much we actually will or won't get?

To alter slightly: "Microstock is no longer a viable professional option for 98% of contributors." And hasn't been for some years. Why is this a surprise?

You are right Pete, we don't know the impact yet. And if the claim of Matt is right - Adobe aiming for additional, new customers who need big volumes - and regular plans remain untouched and none of those customers jump to the unlimited plan, than the effect on your Adobe Stock earnings might even be positive. Already quite some "if's"
But your RDP will go down. And that's point. Again a devaluation of content.

Sure, if customers shift from Getty or Shutterstock to Adobe, those 0,02$ at Getty or 0,1$ at Shutterstock commissions might be worth 0,15$ or 0,25$ at Adobe. Maybe. Still pennies though. Or 0,01$, also possible. We don't know.

And that's why people get mad.
No transparency. Hope for the best while you are being played.
No control for the contributor on opting out content for subscription plans or partnerships. I know, they all do that, and I still find that a real d*ck move.
And also, no alternative anymore, as Adobe was more or less the last one standing in microstockworld.

Everyone has seen similar moves by agencies too many times before. Did it ever turn out positive in recent history?
I don't need to remind you the SS debacle a year ago. Some even claimed "I actually think my earnings will go up by this"
Meanwhile we know they didn't, unless you worked really harder better faster stronger.  8)

So yeah, against one's better judgement: let's see how it plays out.
Deep down we already know: "exciting".  :o

I can't disagree with any of what you wrote. I expect that RPD will go down. I don't see anything that we have seen in history that says, customers will change or this will change our sales volume. We've seen this line over and over about attracting customers. None of that means we'll make more, if they do come to Adobe.

The person who said SS changes last year will increase income was Stan. (I didn't believe him then and now most of us know better.)  Some people are making more at SS with the new system. A small minority, and I'm sure not one of that group.

Yeah, just waiting for the exciting part to begin.  :-\

My only point is, wait and see. This has been since the first news from IS that they had plans to change the search. Two months before it went into effect, people were already seeing sales drops.  ??? Over and over, one of the agencies will announce some future change and before it's activated, some contributors are already feeling the negative effect. This one is no different. Anyone get one of these sales yet? When did it start?

If I was guessing and predicting, based on past events, I'd say, we'll make less.

But I don't understand reacting, accusing, calling names and attacking, until we see what really changed and how it actually effects us.

They don't care and there are plenty of fools scrambling to get their images on these sites for pennies.

That's right. Leaving changes nothing, staying changes nothing, removing best images, changes nothing except guaranteeing I'd make less. "They" don't really care about rewards for loyalty, upload volume or quality, and if any agency claims they did, that's a decade ago. Everything now is, how little can they pay us and how much volume can they turn, to make the most off the small percentages that are left.

Here's the way things have gone, from cuts for commissions unsustainable to unlimited downloads for minimal commission.

I think too many people can't read what I write without letting their emotional reaction, interfere with the facts and logical point.

Wait and see, let it play out, then decide.

Why is there anyone left who cares? Maybe that's why I'm not upset or angry in advance of the change. We've already been beat down to nothing and anyone who actually cares and wants income or needs the money, should have left and found something else years ago.

Microstock is not the answer, it's more like an incurable disease. At the very least, a terrible addiction that costs more than any future rewards for most people?

The free CC subscription for a small amount of effort and downloads is a nice reward that Adobe gave us. I appreciate that thoughtful offer.


« Reply #112 on: April 20, 2021, 10:39 »
I find this entire thing unsurprising. If it works out to our benefit, then wonderful. But evidence from other agency actions (from many places) across the board suggest otherwise. Pete is right, wait and see, but I am not hopeful.

As a mental health option (not kidding), I suggest to the long haulers (and anyone else) to consider places like Wirestock. They may take a cut, but they add all agency earnings together, making it way easier to reach payout. Plus I no longer check various agencies which truly does ease my stress levels. Pete has a referral link to them, as do I and a few others here. You can upload and forget about all of this. There are other pros and cons to consider as well.

Finally, for those of you who are ditching Photoshop or CC, just a reminder that to remove ALL of the AB stuff from your computers, you will need to do a lot more than simply uninstalling. Microsoft has a tool called "Autoruns" so that you can see all the stuff that is added and starts in the background, and cannot be removed easily. It is truly disturbing.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #113 on: April 20, 2021, 10:58 »
I find this entire thing unsurprising. If it works out to our benefit, then wonderful. But evidence from other agency actions (from many places) across the board suggest otherwise. Pete is right, wait and see, but I am not hopeful.

As a mental health option (not kidding), I suggest to the long haulers (and anyone else) to consider places like Wirestock. They may take a cut, but they add all agency earnings together, making it way easier to reach payout. Plus I no longer check various agencies which truly does ease my stress levels. Pete has a referral link to them, as do I and a few others here. You can upload and forget about all of this. There are other pros and cons to consider as well.

Finally, for those of you who are ditching Photoshop or CC, just a reminder that to remove ALL of the AB stuff from your computers, you will need to do a lot more than simply uninstalling. Microsoft has a tool called "Autoruns" so that you can see all the stuff that is added and starts in the background, and cannot be removed easily. It is truly disturbing.

Welcome back.  8) I'm not going to stump my link, just there in case someone wants to play and try them. I need the 2 cents...  ::)

For removing software, another one I've found useful and free is iObit uninstaller, that seems to do a good search of the system and the Registry for leftovers. You are right, sometimes Adobe software, just like Microsoft, is almost invasive and can be very difficult to get off the system. My worst was trying to get rid of PDF Architect. After it was removed, I still got update notices, on my computer, not emails.

I'm still happy with Elements but I do have Affinity on trial. I'm kind of stuck on what I know and what works. Change is difficult for Seniors.


« Reply #114 on: April 20, 2021, 11:04 »
Welcome back.  8) I'm not going to stump my link, just there in case someone wants to play and try them. I need the 2 cents...  ::)

For removing software, another one I've found useful and free is iObit uninstaller, that seems to do a good search of the system and the Registry for leftovers. You are right, sometimes Adobe software, just like Microsoft, is almost invasive and can be very difficult to get off the system. My worst was trying to get rid of PDF Architect. After it was removed, I still got update notices, on my computer, not emails.

I'm still happy with Elements but I do have Affinity on trial. I'm kind of stuck on what I know and what works. Change is difficult for Seniors.

Meh, stump it I say, everyone else is making money of us creatives, why not do the same.

And thank you, I take breaks for, as mentioned above, my own mental health. I am argumentative apparently (I don't believe it! lol) so short breaks help.

Affinity is awesome, I use it all the time. The learning curve isn't too steep even for me.

As for uninstalling, I was shocked when I had cancelled my subscription to PS and LR a couple years back, and then found out there was program after program that still started up every single time I turned on my computer. I was no longer a customer, so I have always wondered what info this stuff gathers. Perhaps Matt can speak to that?

« Reply #115 on: April 20, 2021, 13:53 »
If I understand what Matt says correctly, they want to leave the existing customer base alone and offer this unlimited nightmare only to new potential customers.

So, best case scenario: my download numbers go way up, because the new customers with the unlimited plans download unlimited images on top of my normal downloads. My RPD, meanwhile, goes down, because I make mostly zero from these unlimited plans. All in all, my bottom line stays about the same, and Ill try my best to forget that every one of those mostly-zero-money downloads is someone hoovering up extended licenses of my images

Worst case scenario: Adobe falls in love with the unlimited disease and extends it to existing customers. And after that there are no roses anymore. Not for anyone.


« Reply #116 on: April 20, 2021, 22:53 »
Funny how things work sometimes, but just tonight (a Saturday night), I got an email notice of a 60% royalty payment from Pond 5 for one of my exclusive videos there.

That one payment is more than I've been getting from Adobe Stock in a couple of months.

So, hey, that quickly improved my attitude toward microstock. A lot!  :D

Pond 5 also stabbed contribs in the back, but i guess one good sale makes you forgive and forget very quickly then

No, actually one good sale doesn't make me forgive and forget anything.

But it also doesn't hurt to have something lift one's spirits in tough times, does it?

Do you think we're all better off to be angry and grim and spitting mad about our poor, miserable, sorry lot in life?

I've lived long enough to know that life is waaay too short to get fighting mad over everything that happens to me.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2021, 22:56 by marthamarks »


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #117 on: April 21, 2021, 06:42 »
Don't these agencies realize the quality of stock photography will diminish greatly if photographers are only earning 10 cents an image which includes enhanced/extended licensing? Even the "new/pumped up generation" would probably not stay long at that royalty ...

Also, inflation is coming. They are reducing our pay while the cost of everything is going up.

I think they've realized quite the opposite. They can continue decreasing royalties and new contributors easily fill any losses. Unsplash has proven there is no shortage of gullible people who are willing to give free work away to ruthless businesspeople posing as philanthropists. They will keep decreasing royalties until they see a negative impact and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.


  • Eat, Sleep, Keyword. Repeat

« Reply #118 on: April 21, 2021, 06:51 »

I think they've realized quite the opposite. They can continue decreasing royalties and new contributors easily fill any losses. Unsplash has proven there is no shortage of gullible people who are willing to give free work away to ruthless businesspeople posing as philanthropists. They will keep decreasing royalties until they see a negative impact and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

Good point. You are right ... Unsplash has proven this.

« Reply #119 on: April 21, 2021, 10:28 »
As a mental health option (not kidding), I suggest to the long haulers (and anyone else) to consider places like Wirestock. They may take a cut,

Another middleman taking a cut? No thanks. I don't do a whole lot of agency checking anymore, anyway, so I don't see the use for Wirestock doing 'the work' for me.
It's yet another business model trying to take a piece of the already small pie. But that's just me.


« Reply #120 on: April 21, 2021, 10:48 »
Another middleman taking a cut? No thanks. I don't do a whole lot of agency checking anymore, anyway, so I don't see the use for Wirestock doing 'the work' for me.
It's yet another business model trying to take a piece of the already small pie. But that's just me.

Yup. As I said, pros and cons to it. Its not for everyone. :) For those who want to "fire and forget" it works quite well.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #121 on: April 21, 2021, 10:51 »
Funny how things work sometimes, but just tonight (a Saturday night), I got an email notice of a 60% royalty payment from Pond 5 for one of my exclusive videos there.

That one payment is more than I've been getting from Adobe Stock in a couple of months.

So, hey, that quickly improved my attitude toward microstock. A lot!  :D

Pond 5 also stabbed contribs in the back, but i guess one good sale makes you forgive and forget very quickly then

No, actually one good sale doesn't make me forgive and forget anything.

But it also doesn't hurt to have something lift one's spirits in tough times, does it?

Do you think we're all better off to be angry and grim and spitting mad about our poor, miserable, sorry lot in life?

I've lived long enough to know that life is waaay too short to get fighting mad over everything that happens to me.

Good thoughts and yes, I'll wait until they start reporting minimal credits and commissions, THEN I'll get hopping angry.  ;D

Waiting to see, being an optimist, maybe it won't be so bad? The realist side says, I've seen these plans before and they never mean anything good for us.


« Reply #122 on: April 21, 2021, 11:21 »
The realist side says, I've seen these plans before and they never mean anything good for us.

This is what my philosophy is for agency initiatives these days.


« Reply #123 on: April 29, 2021, 03:08 »
This hardly baffles me.
There are always school bullies.
Always were, always will be.
Tyrants and people who abuse their power.
That's all this really is.
But, it takes a tiny speck of light to up brighten up a dark room.

All it takes is for one small decent agency to rise,
Envato (was called Eden back then) uprising was due to the mistreatment of iStock towards contributors.
Collis, said it himself in an interview.
Then they did the same with their "Elements" ,
and now their forums are filled with complaints.
They are also increasing the size of their "Unlimited Downloads" every month.
They keep biting from their own profits and shooting themselves in the foot.
Staff is leaving left and right, contributors pulling their goods out of it every day.

So don't worry Mat or Adobe, just like Envato, Karma will get you too.
We aren't hating, we just letting you know -> this move will have repercussions.
No being is superior to the law of karma, and neither are you.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 03:23 by vectorblazer »

« Reply #124 on: May 18, 2021, 11:17 »
Just today I wanted to contact Adobe again, because I want to close my account after one year with NO SALES. But yes, already many months most of my images I uploaded to Adobe via wirestock and got some sales there.
But before I even could start writing Adobe about closing my personal account, I saw that I got an email from adobe: MY FIRST SALE on my personal account. RPD 23 Cent!!!!! Not 33 or something like that.
Hey, never get a sale, but now seems to be I got the first sale under new payment - see exciting announcement!
23 Cent is much more than I expected, but still not the 33 garant Cent from the PAST. YES! It starts now.

But that does not change my mind/decission: I will close my account and upload them to wirestock. But I am still curoius if I should leave Adobe totally now - even not submit to Adobe via wirestock????? Wirestock told me already, that they fall under the same payment announcement like every contributor. Lets see 1 or 2 more month. Then I might ask wirestock to delete all my images on Adobe there too.

Am I right!
The new chance for that bad sellers on adobe! Wow! I am happy!


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