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Author Topic: Adobe Stock Contributor Bonus 2025  (Read 3505 times)

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« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2025, 16:14 »
Question: now that the new minimum number of accepted assets is 150, where on my account can I see how many were accepted this year?

150 was the 2024 number. But if you look at your portfolio in the contributor Dashboard and sort it by Date instead of Downloads (dropdown on the far right), you can then count based on the upload date.

Click on a thumbnail and the file details are displayed, including upload date. There are 100 items per page, so you'll only have to count once you get to the transition from 2025 to 2024 (later in the year).

It isn't clear if the upload date or the approval date is the one that matters - once upon a time those would only have been a day or two apart - but don't cut it close.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2025, 16:17 by Jo Ann Snover »

« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2025, 16:24 »
my current plan expires February 19th.

the year before,my plan expired in April,I requested the code in advance in 2024 in February,and for 2 months I had 2 identical plans that were going on their own,with even double the generative credits available because they were running 2 identical plans at the same time,the old one which expired in April 2024 and the new one which expired in February 2025.

so no,from my experience it is possible that 2 identical plans with different deadlines are running at the same time.

now I don't know if they updated this or what,everything is possible,also because now each plan has a set number of generative credits.

However,I wait until the last day of the current plan that is still valid before requesting the new one.

If your plan expires in October,it's probably best to redeem the new one a couple of months before at least.

Of course,it would be useful to know if these free codes have an expiration date and what it is,because for example I could also think about taking a break and maybe starting again in a few months and requesting the new plan when I need it,but it is not known whether they must be requested in 6 months or a year or when.

This is very clear, and this is exactly what I experienced. And so did mike123.

It is possible that the plans has been updated to avoid adding the generative credits with two identical plans that run at the same time with 2 different deadlines.

In any case,I'm waiting for February,maybe even a week before,and I'll see what happens.


« Reply #77 on: January 17, 2025, 16:43 »
my current plan expires February 19th.

the year before,my plan expired in April,I requested the code in advance in 2024 in February,and for 2 months I had 2 identical plans that were going on their own,with even double the generative credits available because they were running 2 identical plans at the same time,the old one which expired in April 2024 and the new one which expired in February 2025.

so no,from my experience it is possible that 2 identical plans with different deadlines are running at the same time.

now I don't know if they updated this or what,everything is possible,also because now each plan has a set number of generative credits.

However,I wait until the last day of the current plan that is still valid before requesting the new one.

If your plan expires in October,it's probably best to redeem the new one a couple of months before at least.

Of course,it would be useful to know if these free codes have an expiration date and what it is,because for example I could also think about taking a break and maybe starting again in a few months and requesting the new plan when I need it,but it is not known whether they must be requested in 6 months or a year or when.

This is very clear, and this is exactly what I experienced. And so did mike123.

It can be confusing. Reading the post with the Adobe explanation insert may have jogged my memory a bit. I think what may have happened in my case last year is that the name/designation of the so called "Photography Plan" changed in some way which therefore triggered the Adobe plan management software to "think" that the new code was for a different style of "Photography" plan than my (at that time) current "Photography Plan" and that triggered it to set up a parallel plan (it thought the plans were different, even though they were both the "Photography Plan"). Very confusing. I think I will call up support before I redeem to get this years view.

« Reply #78 on: January 17, 2025, 17:02 »
So, forget all the Behance videos from Adobe or advice that Mat Hayward gave us about only submitting your best work. There is a new sherrif in town in Adobe city and they want all your crappy shootings because otherwise you will not meet the upload target next year.
It's like this 15 year old Italian guy said, it might be 200 (or 300 next year, couldn't follow exactly what he was saying) but count on a thousand.
And maybe even more because review times are so slow that even if you put in 2000, maybe only a 100 or so will be reviewed and accepted this year.
So no matter your sales and how much you earn for Adobe, get your upload numbers in order and send in all your  crap, AI or not.
Maybe even make it 5000, just to be sure  ;)

« Reply #79 on: January 17, 2025, 18:26 »

do you think I don't understand you?I know very well that letting a machine do a job that a person should do is a destructive thing.

I'm 49 years old and I too have seen many things that have changed for the worse,let's be clear,everything has really changed,I think that before true freedom really existed,today it is just a distant memory.

In my opinion your flaw is that you try too aggressively to fight something you can't fight,then the flaw that you can see in me or that I can see in you are just our points of view and nothing more.

"i don t know nothing at all" it's just a joking way of saying that you should never think you know everything because no one knows everything,this is the only certain thing,and having an "I know it all" attitude and then starting a conversation with an insult,you've already made a mistake,and even if you're right you end up being wrong only in the way you stand.

yes,the AI ​​have also changed the contributor bonus and much more as you know,and in my opinion you continue to make the mistake of going against something that cannot be stopped.

if you don't want to use AI,it's your choice,but you can't simply attack those who use AI,you're angry,I understand.

Anyway,I think that's enough,let's not digress too much from the bonus contributor,let's try to stay on topic!  :)

« Reply #80 on: January 17, 2025, 18:34 »
"The first 2,000 video contributors to have 300 videos approved or with $500 in earnings on video sales with a 50% or higher approval ratio will receive a one year full Creative Cloud membership."

If they did that now every single license would go to the mass text prompt AI spam from Pakistan/Bangladesh using their pirate versions of Topaz to upscale and stolen AI generator credentials.

« Reply #81 on: January 17, 2025, 19:10 »
I also have never been a high volume contributor. I have been a long time contributor.

I have qualified in downloads but I broke my arm last fall so I could no longer edit photos waiting to be uploaded.
That resulted in me missing the new upload requirements by 31.

There needs to be an in-kind benefit offered for all contributors with the required sales who are active and have uploaded something but fall short of the new number.

To be fair and equitable Adobe should offer at least the one app bonus for higher sales but lower uploads, just as the low sales contributors are given for uploading 150 images.

« Reply #82 on: January 18, 2025, 04:31 »

do you think I don't understand you?I know very well that letting a machine do a job that a person should do is a destructive thing.

I'm 49 years old and I too have seen many things that have changed for the worse,let's be clear,everything has really changed,I think that before true freedom really existed,today it is just a distant memory.

In my opinion your flaw is that you try too aggressively to fight something you can't fight,then the flaw that you can see in me or that I can see in you are just our points of view and nothing more.

"i don t know nothing at all" it's just a joking way of saying that you should never think you know everything because no one knows everything,this is the only certain thing,and having an "I know it all" attitude and then starting a conversation with an insult,you've already made a mistake,and even if you're right you end up being wrong only in the way you stand.

yes,the AI ​​have also changed the contributor bonus and much more as you know,and in my opinion you continue to make the mistake of going against something that cannot be stopped.

if you don't want to use AI,it's your choice,but you can't simply attack those who use AI,you're angry,I understand.

Anyway,I think that's enough,let's not digress too much from the bonus contributor,let's try to stay on topic!  :)

So, you are still young  ;)
Yes we have entered the era of mass reprogramming. We want to make people believe that certain values ​​were restrictive, when they were the safeguards that protected freedom.

I never thought I knew everything, since my steps have always progressed in doubt and conscious ignorance.
Apart from the insult, the tone of irony and sarcasm must still be perceptible, because I am not the type to insult. On the other hand, I have been given real insults twice on this forum.
Yes, I have a combative stance against AI, but it corresponds to the massive and majority support that I see here. No, an image generated by AI should not be called a photograph on the Adobe site which plays on ambiguity and does not distinguish the two enough, this is the heart of the problem of what reveals unfair competition.
We must (Adobe must) keep the nobility of real photography. I don't feel like I'm going against something that can't be stopped (I'm well aware of that), but it should be done with respect and preservation of the nature of something previous, original.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2025, 05:13 by DiscreetDuck »

« Reply #83 on: January 18, 2025, 06:10 »
true freedom,in my opinion,existed until the 80s and 90s

today we have become slaves to ourselves,the life we ​​live today is completely different from the life we ​​lived 30 years ago,and only less than 30 years have passed!

apart from the fact that today we live in a dystopian world... but that's a long story.

to stay on topic,in my opinion Adobe is doing as good a job as humanly possible.

It's easy to criticize,it only takes a second.

someone sees a word,an action,a fact,and criticizes that word,action,fact.

but then really understand the background and how we arrived at that word,fact,action,and a whole other story.

even the bonus contributor,it is easy to criticize that the minimum uploads have been raised to 150,or criticize Adobe for anything else,but then in reality you don't know the behind the scenes or the difficulties you may have in managing a difficult situation like AI,and all that entails.

However,I'm sure that Adobe appreciates criticism,because it also allows understand points of view and what they can improve.

« Reply #84 on: January 18, 2025, 15:27 »
So, forget all the Behance videos from Adobe or advice that Mat Hayward gave us about only submitting your best work. There is a new sherrif in town in Adobe city and they want all your crappy shootings because otherwise you will not meet the upload target next year.
It's like this 15 year old Italian guy said, it might be 200 (or 300 next year, couldn't follow exactly what he was saying) but count on a thousand.
And maybe even more because review times are so slow that even if you put in 2000, maybe only a 100 or so will be reviewed and accepted this year.
So no matter your sales and how much you earn for Adobe, get your upload numbers in order and send in all your  crap, AI or not.
Maybe even make it 5000, just to be sure  ;)

A better strategy, no longer bother ourselves with reviewing non-AI content. Therefore upload as many as you like, won't meet the target next year. By then, contributors of non-AI "need not apply".


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