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Author Topic: Adobe Stock Creative Cloud Bonus Program  (Read 83772 times)

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« Reply #150 on: November 01, 2019, 08:32 »
I received an email for the Creative Cloud Photography bonus saying it is good for 12 months (Thank you!!). My email doesn't actually have a code, it has a "redeem now" button. I assume this is normal?
 (I won't click on the button yet, because I don't need to use the code yet...already subscribed this year).

« Reply #151 on: November 01, 2019, 13:34 »
I received an email for the Creative Cloud Photography bonus saying it is good for 12 months (Thank you!!). My email doesn't actually have a code, it has a "redeem now" button. I assume this is normal?
 (I won't click on the button yet, because I don't need to use the code yet...already subscribed this year).

When you click on Redeem Now, it takes you to the redemption page redeem.adobe.com and auto-populates your code. If you have the exact same Creative Cloud Photography subscription as you received via the bonus, you can redeem the code now, it will push out your next billing by 12 months. Also if you received a Photography plan bonus code for 2018 which is still active and you got another one in 2019, you can also redeem it now, these are stackable.
But if you have a different plan, such as a Creative Cloud All Apps plan and you redeem the Photography plan - both plans would run in parallel, which doesn't make sense. In this case it's better to wait with the redemption until your paid plan ends or comes up for renewal. More info in the FAQ: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/creative-cloud-bonus-FAQ.html


« Reply #152 on: November 01, 2019, 21:40 »
Thanks!, that explains everything! Think I will wait till my current code is almost expired, about a year from now. I assume that the start of the 12 month period (before expiration) is the date I received the email.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 21:42 by wds »

« Reply #153 on: November 13, 2019, 05:06 »
Once again - thank you Adobe and Matt.

I've just redeemed this year's code (last year's can wait till this one expires)
Everything worked brilliantly. I had been using CS6 and on opening PP2020 it warned me that the graphics driver was not up to the job. Luckily I was able to get a new driver (from Nvidia) that PP2020 is happy with.

I used the Adobe installer - and had a choice of which software and which version I wanted. As I have PP CS6, LR6 and PS5.5 I can keep them on the same computer side by side so can always go back to them in the future if the subscription gets too high or to use old projects as things are not backward compatible.

I might even dabble with Audition and AE

« Reply #154 on: November 13, 2019, 05:19 »

I have a weird problem. I have over 300 footages accepted, more than 50% acceptance rate and all uploaded this year, but I still haven't received the all app package. I contacted the support, and they replied that I'm not on the list and I have to upload more footages. Why is that? I'm pretty sure that I've already met the required amount.

Thank you!

« Reply #155 on: November 13, 2019, 07:47 »
I had the same issue.  Mat checked and said I was good, but I still havent received the code and the one from last year expires soon.

« Reply #156 on: November 13, 2019, 11:23 »

I have a weird problem. I have over 300 footages accepted, more than 50% acceptance rate and all uploaded this year, but I still haven't received the all app package. I contacted the support, and they replied that I'm not on the list and I have to upload more footages. Why is that? I'm pretty sure that I've already met the required amount.

Thank you!

Why didn't you ask them?

« Reply #157 on: November 18, 2019, 14:16 »

I have a weird problem. I have over 300 footages accepted, more than 50% acceptance rate and all uploaded this year, but I still haven't received the all app package. I contacted the support, and they replied that I'm not on the list and I have to upload more footages. Why is that? I'm pretty sure that I've already met the required amount.

Thank you!

Why didn't you ask them?

I did, but unfortunately still nothing.

« Reply #158 on: November 22, 2019, 17:57 »
Any suggestion? Thank you!

« Reply #159 on: November 22, 2019, 22:58 »
Im using a CC code from last year with no problem and have just received a new code for the next year.

My question is, if i redeem that code *now* will it extend my subscription by a further 12 months automatically (in which case i may as well do it) OR will it run in parallel so i'll effectively lose it (in which case, im better off waiting).

Its for an identical package (CC all apps).

« Reply #160 on: November 23, 2019, 01:49 »
It will extend it (move the billing date one year further). Mat has already answered it several times. So, I have my Photoshop for free until September 2021 :) It does not work that way if you have codes for different plans. In such a case, they run in parallel

« Reply #161 on: November 26, 2019, 13:27 »
Hello, I have well over 300 VIDEOS accepted (I only put videos and no photo), yet I received an email for the creative cloud photo and not for"any application"  :-\ ...

« Reply #162 on: November 26, 2019, 14:51 »
Hello, I have well over 300 VIDEOS accepted (I only put videos and no photo), yet I received an email for the creative cloud photo and not for"any application"  :-\ ...

Same here, support said it should take 2-4 weeks, but nothing here yet (I also got a Photo subscription only).

« Reply #163 on: November 26, 2019, 16:27 »
I received this email in the SPAM and especially antedated 2 months and marked as read, weird ... (I just managed to make 300 video so it's not a forgotten on my part) .. remember to check your old message read! ;)

« Reply #164 on: November 27, 2019, 07:14 »
I received my bonus code just now! In my spam folder as well. But glad I finally got it.

« Reply #165 on: November 27, 2019, 08:17 »
I have exactly 300 video files accepted 10 or so days ago. Approval rate about  90%. When should i expect code? I received photo plan month or two ago but i have 300 photos approved in february. Not in hurry, just wanted to know approximately.

« Reply #166 on: November 27, 2019, 09:04 »
I have exactly 300 video files accepted 10 or so days ago. Approval rate about  90%. When should i expect code? I received photo plan month or two ago but i have 300 photos approved in february. Not in hurry, just wanted to know approximately.

I received the all apps plan exactly 1 month after getting 300 videos...support said it would take approx. 2-4 weeks.

« Reply #167 on: November 27, 2019, 09:43 »
Thanks for the free spyware and again Adobe CC leaves so much junk running in the background it slows the whole system up.

If I have Lightroom & photoshop running forget running anything else.

Is it really necessary to have so much monitoring software running ???

I'd like to use this package but its unworkable.

« Reply #168 on: December 02, 2019, 12:18 »
Can the code I received for the Photography Plan (I've activated the All Apps code now) be given to someone else, say a family member?

« Reply #169 on: December 02, 2019, 16:19 »
Can the code I received for the Photography Plan (I've activated the All Apps code now) be given to someone else, say a family member?

Yes it can.


« Reply #170 on: December 04, 2019, 13:23 »
I had enough images uploaded, but still hadn't seen my code.  So, I checked my spam and there it was.  Thanks Mat and Adobe!  I love getting the free subscription. :)

« Reply #171 on: December 04, 2019, 17:38 »
I have received the email with the bonus code for all apps but the link is not working, I tried chatting with an Adobe assistant but they could not help me, how do I redeem my code? Who can I contact?


« Reply #172 on: December 05, 2019, 01:00 »
There is no way to check is there? I'm sure I met the criteria months ago but have not heard anything. My current subscription is ending in a week, so I'm a bit worried about waiting and not getting it.

« Reply #173 on: December 07, 2019, 08:17 »
There is no way to check is there? I'm sure I met the criteria months ago but have not heard anything. My current subscription is ending in a week, so I'm a bit worried about waiting and not getting it.

Just contact them via the link on the portal.  I had a reply within hours and all resolved.


« Reply #174 on: December 09, 2019, 01:48 »
all resolved

Hah! That's the plan!


Semi offtopic, i am trying to understand if Adobe suite and especially Pr and AE make use of over 4 cores, eg 8 or 12. Any documented answer would be highly appreciated as long as the web is full of all kind of opinions.


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