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Author Topic: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations  (Read 39504 times)

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« Reply #100 on: October 15, 2022, 16:51 »
Certainly I also have my own bias, but it is the product of more than 40 years experience in the industry.

David, don't tell him this! he claimed to be a great expert!

DT is what stock?

He knows well the agencies

people will go into your portfolio and see what you have

He deeply knows how the client search around, and how long they take time to analyze a single portfolio

And the more buyers buy something, the higher the portfolio rating.

He also knows everything about the search rating! And this is the reason for which he has so many thousand of unsold clips in Adobe

a fixed monthly price for unlimited downloads leads to an increase in income and stability.

Ah. Ok. I understand.
You're working for an agency.
Or you're trolling us.

« Reply #101 on: October 15, 2022, 17:07 »
Ah. Ok. I understand.
You're working for an agency.
Or you're trolling us.

Back to serious.

It seems the issue is going to be "free or not free".
I'm in the middle: the proposal has been tested with photos, and a lot of people was happy with it after one year. I'm one of them.
Giving to Adobe a small portion of still images for one year with reasonable amount in return was good for me, I see a good growth in sales, and I can think that this happened because a good free section has attracted new buyers in Adobe market.

Unfortunately, the video clip market seems to be very different: clip production can be much more expensive, and the produced clip can give much higher profit in return; 8$ a year for a free clip seems a very very low agreement. 5$ for still is really not comparable with 8$ for clip.

So for me the problem is the price, and not in general the "free against not free".
We all know that everything has a price (in normal market business I mean...). If Adobe should offer 40$ for one year free clip I'm sure a lot of us would change ideas about the answer.

Finally we have to admit that Adobe is transparent and never in any way forces contributors to partecipate, and this is fair and good.
It's an opportunity and everyone can take their conclusion.
This is the point we're talking about: the personal conclusion.
Apart from trolls
« Last Edit: October 15, 2022, 17:18 by derby »

« Reply #102 on: October 16, 2022, 03:29 »
DavidK, I've been selling my videos on subscription sites for years now, where people pay $16 a month and download my entire portfolio in any quantity. These subscription stocks give me my main income. And you think that $8 per video + ads is a bad option for me? :) I looked at everything that Adobe chose from me, I would have given this video for $ 2, and even for free :).

« Reply #103 on: October 19, 2022, 01:54 »
Free "slag" is very likely be preferred by many "buyers" as an alternative to paid quality stuff.
Free distorts the market and competition, because free is not used, but is abused
Your statement is very controversial and reflects only your opinion. You have no evidence or calculations.

"Slag" at Adobe may be selling well at other agencies.
No one is forcing you to participate in this program. The more people who opt out, the more my videos will end up in collections and the more money I'll get. :)

Very short-sighted.

Here are a few examples from my eligible clips:
1. AS: 0 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $199
2. AS: 1 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $391
3. AS: 1 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $562.55
3. AS: 1 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $143.91
4. AS: 1 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $371
.... and more

So, if I allow these clips to be given away for free, in exchange for 8 bucks, I'm not only shooting myself in the foot, but I may also shoot you in the foot if we both cover the same topics.

I can't comment with regards to footage but the images I nominated for the free collection had zero impact on how they performed at other agencies.

I can only presume this comes down to the fact that most people who acquire the images do so from their companies Adobe account. They are not paying for them directly for them themselves and therefore they value their time more which means they won't shop around because A) takes too long and B) they don't have the ability to create / setup a second subscription account with another agency

Sales volume and $ for me has increased significantly since the introduction off the free images. My weekly ranking still holds the same 150-800 depending on the time of year. The only logically explanation is they have gained more customers. This may well be at the expense of other agencies but as they are my No1 agency in terms of $ I don't have any concerns there either. The drop in $ at Shutterstock per month is more to do with their pricing structure than that of AS. Incidentally, they routinely license footage at $0.38 these days.

I feel there is no right or wrong answer here and each person needs to decide for themselves But I can say from experience, the free images at AS still perform at other agencies. That doesn't guarantee footage won't suffer but it also makes me think there is also a very good chance that it will continue to do well (or as well as it has done).

That said, I do feel the $ for the free footage is a little on the low side but I can see why given the the sub price at AS and especially at SS.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2022, 01:57 by HalfFull »

« Reply #104 on: October 19, 2022, 04:00 »
Free "slag" is very likely be preferred by many "buyers" as an alternative to paid quality stuff.
Free distorts the market and competition, because free is not used, but is abused
Your statement is very controversial and reflects only your opinion. You have no evidence or calculations.

"Slag" at Adobe may be selling well at other agencies.
No one is forcing you to participate in this program. The more people who opt out, the more my videos will end up in collections and the more money I'll get. :)

Very short-sighted.

Here are a few examples from my eligible clips:
1. AS: 0 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $199
2. AS: 1 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $391
3. AS: 1 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $562.55
3. AS: 1 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $143.91
4. AS: 1 sale - Total earnings across all agencies: $371
.... and more

So, if I allow these clips to be given away for free, in exchange for 8 bucks, I'm not only shooting myself in the foot, but I may also shoot you in the foot if we both cover the same topics.

I can't comment with regards to footage but the images I nominated for the free collection had zero impact on how they performed at other agencies.

I can only presume this comes down to the fact that most people who acquire the images do so from their companies Adobe account. They are not paying for them directly for them themselves and therefore they value their time more which means they won't shop around because A) takes too long and B) they don't have the ability to create / setup a second subscription account with another agency

Sales volume and $ for me has increased significantly since the introduction off the free images. My weekly ranking still holds the same 150-800 depending on the time of year. The only logically explanation is they have gained more customers. This may well be at the expense of other agencies but as they are my No1 agency in terms of $ I don't have any concerns there either. The drop in $ at Shutterstock per month is more to do with their pricing structure than that of AS. Incidentally, they routinely license footage at $0.38 these days.

I feel there is no right or wrong answer here and each person needs to decide for themselves But I can say from experience, the free images at AS still perform at other agencies. That doesn't guarantee footage won't suffer but it also makes me think there is also a very good chance that it will continue to do well (or as well as it has done).

That said, I do feel the $ for the free footage is a little on the low side but I can see why given the the sub price at AS and especially at SS.

if it was like you described it,what would be the abobe benefits to create a free collection if buyers keep on buying those image on other agencies?? adobe has the data,their goal is to gain new buyers and it brings to less buyers that buy elsewhere..this is math...
btw video is very different from photo...it's not oversaturated like photo and hasn't many free sites like unsplash yet...

« Reply #105 on: October 19, 2022, 09:03 »
Bringing new buyers from smaller agencies that are dying perhaps? I've seen a small drop in SS earnings, no change in volume, Increase in sales and $ at iStock but nothing close to that of AS. Nearly 3500dls in the last 30 days. All I can go off is my own data and it suggests that AS are making good decisions, as far as my port goes anyway! Also, I'd imagine he free images will bring in people who aren't signed up to any agency at all... new buyers to the market.

As far as saturation, as you say, images are far more abundant but so are the sales. Footage has dropped in $ a lot of late but the volume hasn't elevated to the point that it can make up for that drop. SS $0.38 basically treats footage the same as images. I stopped spending as much time with footage development as soon as I seen this drop and focus on what will earn me the most for X amount of time.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2022, 09:12 by HalfFull »

« Reply #106 on: October 19, 2022, 14:53 »
One of my clips requested for the free collection, was just sold today and I got $28.

Well done AS!

This is what I expect from you, instead of giving away good material for free!
Let's not shoot ourselves in the foot anymore!

« Reply #107 on: October 20, 2022, 05:07 »
Haha, $8 to give your nominated clips away for a whole year? Only short-sighted contributors might take that easy-money. But they're shooting themselves in the foot.
All you need is a single 28 sale to earn more than what you get for 3 years in the free collection.


« Reply #108 on: October 20, 2022, 05:20 »
Haha, $8 to give your nominated clips away for a whole year? Only short-sighted contributors might take that easy-money. But they're shooting themselves in the foot.
All you need is a single 28 sale to earn more than what you get for 3 years in the free collection.

Yet there are contributors singing the praises.

Giving their work away---> complaining about falling income--->giving their work---->complaining about falling income---> giving their work away---->

I can understand it for people that have only been at this for a few months/ couple of years where a few dollars can make a big difference to their overall income. They don't know about hitting the wall; but Ive seen some people literally cropping up ten years later singing the same tune. Even though it hasnt worked for them for ten years and their income has steadily declined! :o

« Reply #109 on: October 20, 2022, 07:31 »
All you need is a single 28 sale to earn more than what you get for 3 years in the free collection.
And we will sell it for $28, and we will get $8 for participation in the program. One does not interfere. Plus advertising portfolio.

« Reply #110 on: October 20, 2022, 07:57 »
The more people opt out of the program, the more money I get.  8)


« Reply #111 on: October 20, 2022, 11:24 »
I look forward to finding out how many of your clips get selected

« Reply #112 on: October 21, 2022, 03:10 »
I look forward to finding out how many of your clips get selected
This will stretch out a lot over time. Adobe picks up every month. It seems within a year, or half a year. But I'm also interested in whether there will be an increase in sales from this advertisement, I hope it will.

« Reply #113 on: October 21, 2022, 06:23 »
I look forward to finding out how many of your clips get selected

not so many seeing the desperate need of giving away his clips almost for free...adobe nominates only valuable clips seeing what they choose from my port...i mean they could choose unsold clips with low value just to fill the collection,they don't....

« Reply #114 on: October 21, 2022, 16:02 »
not so many seeing the desperate need of giving away his clips almost for free...adobe nominates only valuable clips seeing what they choose from my port...i mean they could choose unsold clips with low value just to fill the collection,they don't....

They monetize those videos . They have to pay 0 after those 8$. They will only select good sellers. If I would guess it will be 3 to 4x times more they would to pay in commissions to those acquired for 1 year files than if they had to pay a 35% for the sales they expect. Remember, they run the maths and they know exactly. ::)

« Reply #115 on: October 22, 2022, 12:19 »
not so many seeing the desperate need of giving away his clips almost for free...adobe nominates only valuable clips seeing what they choose from my port...i mean they could choose unsold clips with low value just to fill the collection,they don't....

They monetize those videos . They have to pay 0 after those 8$. They will only select good sellers. If I would guess it will be 3 to 4x times more they would to pay in commissions to those acquired for 1 year files than if they had to pay a 35% for the sales they expect. Remember, they run the maths and they know exactly. ::)
have you read the actual AS offer?? they DON'T select only good sellers! exactly the opposite!
they're choosing videos with at best a few sales in the last year!  no reason to believe ALL those accepted would suddenly be getting many more sales.

as far as making 3-4x more - unless you're Milo Minderbinder, it's hard to show a profit on FREE offerings. And after that year the artist still gets their commission

instead the free collection is a loss leader - attracting users who they hope will stay to buy something

« Reply #116 on: October 22, 2022, 12:55 »
instead the free collection is a loss leader - attracting users who they hope will stay to buy something
I don't think Adobe will attract new buyers. I treat this program as an advertisement for my portfolio, for which I am also paid money.

« Reply #117 on: October 22, 2022, 13:23 »
I don't think Adobe will attract new buyers. I treat this program as an advertisement for my portfolio, for which I am also paid money.

And it, unlike us, adobe conducts market research, and conducts appropriate policies. I trust adobe.

You think Adobe makes market research and you trust them, yet you believe they pay you money for videos to give away for free, but it doesn't attract new customers to their site, so they are just wasting their money without anything in return?   ???

So which one is it?
Make up yor mind.  Either Adobe knows what its doing and the free gallery is attracting new customers, or they have no clue what they are doing if they just pay contributors for images to offer for free and don't gain new customers.
If it does not attract any new customers, then all of this is nothing but a miscalculation by Adobe that harms the whole microstock industry.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 01:39 by Her Ugliness »

« Reply #118 on: October 22, 2022, 13:35 »
For $50 per clip I'm in. Can you pay me that much? ;)

« Reply #119 on: October 22, 2022, 16:37 »
I don't think Adobe will attract new buyers. I treat this program as an advertisement for my portfolio, for which I am also paid money.

And it, unlike us, adobe conducts market research, and conducts appropriate policies. I trust adobe.

You think Adobe makes market research and you trust them, yet you believe they pay you money for videos to give away for free, but it doesn't attract new customers to their site, so they are just wasting their money without anything in return?   ???

This is really becoming a funny show 😂
He doesn't even read the proposal from Adobe and he think that there will be a monthly add of this buying offer...
Let's back to serious 😉

Attract new buyers with free section it's the main target for Adobe and it's absolutely obvious,
« Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 16:42 by derby »

« Reply #120 on: October 22, 2022, 16:39 »
For $50 per clip I'm in. Can you pay me that much? ;)
This would be a reasonable amount for me too

« Reply #121 on: October 22, 2022, 18:01 »
I did this with photos and vectors but not gonna do it with videos. The pay isn't high enough for that.

« Reply #122 on: October 23, 2022, 02:35 »
So which one is it?
Make up yor mind.  Either Adobe knows what its doing and the free gallery is attracting new customers, or they have no clue what they are doing if they just pay contributors for images to offer for free and don't gain new customers.
If it does not attract any new customers, then all of this is nothing but a miscalculation by Adobe that harms the whole microstock industry.
Work is work. Work is not only a profit, but also a cost. I said my opinion. I think more about my profits than adobe's. Obviously adobe thinks it will attract outside buyers to the site, or maybe adobe wants to increase the amount of traffic on the site, which will lead to an increase in the overall ranking of the site and, as a result, will give better positions in Google.
There is no harm to the industry. Ask how Netflix makes money. Free collections, low subscription prices, and unlimited downloads are the future of stocks and is long overdue. And this can be seen from the daily howl on the forum of those dinosaurs who want to sell their video only for a high price, for 50 or more dollars, and do not have success in sales. I do not want to say that the sector of expensive sales will die, no, but in it the success will be more likely with professionals, who are very few in stocks.

« Reply #123 on: October 23, 2022, 02:49 »
Either way, participating in the free program will bring more existing buyers to my portfolio. And this is the main point!
And even if not, $8 for a lot of videos is a very profitable option. I agree to give Adobe half of my portfolio for $1 even.

« Reply #124 on: October 23, 2022, 04:22 »
« Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 06:55 by Pacesetter »


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