Agency Based Discussion > Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock has the best search and sorting algorithm
I must say that Adobe has best sorting and search algorithm amongst other players.
You get even 1 sale, the system starts to work on sorting it by moving it upwards. This drives more sales and is working well.
On the other side, other websites don't know how to do sorting and are still working on the old school model.
For me, no, Shutterstock's algorithm is much better for 3 reasons:
- It favors quality over quantity
- New photos sell more
- Best sellers continue to sell even after 5 years
On Adobe Stock, new photos sell less and best sellers stop selling well after 4 or 5 years. And, comparing my sales with those of other contributors, I see that large portfolios are favored.
I have over 15 years of experience, I work full time and I have a small portfolio (just under 6,000 images on both agencies) of high quality images.
For those with a portfolio of 20,000 medium quality images, Adobe's algorithm probably works better.
This month I sold three times as many images on SS than on AS. At the moment I am level 4 (30% pay rate) on SS.
Regarding new images (those uploaded in 2024, in my case 600 new images), my statistics tell me that in the month of January I have sold 148 images on SS and 44 on Adobe Stock to date.
As for my best sellers, in January, after 22 days, I sold 92 images uploaded between 2012-2015 on SS, while on AS only 48 uploaded in that period.
Same for me, SS sells like 3-4 times more than AS as numbers of assets, price per imagine its a different discussion, I'm close to level 5 on SS.
I think it is comparable, but it is true Adobe doesn't promote new images - or at least promotes them for a very short time. It's probably a good idea, but open for discussion.
Can't agree either. Adobe seems a lottery to me. Something takes off and becomes a bestseller based on sales for a very short time and otherwise it dissapears in oblivion.
With SS and IS photos have a longer period to been seen and bought somehow. Consequence is that on SS and IS a much larger part of my portfolio is getting sold and on Adobe only a relative small part. So, in all I prefer the algorithm more on SS and IS then on AS.
For the customer I can also imagine that they have less choice. Always the same photos on top because of the algortihm (when relevance is chosen). Almost nobody wants to go beyond page three obviously, if they make it already past page one or the first five rows that is.
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