Agency Based Discussion > Adobe Stock

adobe submissions

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I have a question for those responsible for Adobe Stock in the forum...

How long will we have to wait for an improvement in the ingestion process in Adobe?

Contributors waste a lot of time deciding which keywords are important and placing them at the top.

This process becomes slow and tedious. Isn't it time for Adobe to invest a little in modernizing all this?


Actually I find Adobe submission platform very good.  It is minimalist which is inline with overall UI design philosophy;  compare to convoluted iStock interface. 10 most important keywords concept is great; how would you want Adobe assist you with that?  Authors know what best describes their content. 

There are some bugs when you try to edit multiple images at same time, and AI generated suggestions sometime make no sense, but overall I don't think changes are necessary.

Jo Ann Snover:
There are a bunch of things it would be nice to have improved in the contributor interface to Adobe Stock - decent statistics, searching one's portfolio by keyword, etc. - but submissions work pretty smoothly for me.

I don't submit to Alamy any more, but they, like Adobe Stock, treated the first set of keywords as the most important. So for years now when I keyword (which I do in Photoshop, not on the Adobe site) I put them in order of importance. Thus it's no extra work at all.

As a contributor, keywords are a very close second behind the quality of your work in importance - rubbish keywords will leave you with rubbish sales most of the time. Think about what a buyer will likely find important in the image and write your keywords with that in mind.

Even with Deep Meta's assistance, iStock is a train wreck for submissions. Not to mention that they don't keep the controlled vocabulary up to date, so even if it was a good idea once, it's now too antique to matter.

Adobe's biggest keyword problem is that there is no policing of what contributors submit, so there's lots of spam

I just had an interesting experience when submitting images.
After clicking submit I got the verify box with 'pick all the images with cats'.
Did that & then it went to another page where it asked me to 'describe the above image'
Minimum 5 words required.
Is this being used to help train their AI?
Besides being a pain in the a$$ requiring another step - I do not want to help with their AI training in any way.
Don't think I will be filling in anything useful going forward.

Uncle Pete:

--- Quote from: PhotoBomb on May 28, 2024, 10:33 ---I just had an interesting experience when submitting images.
After clicking submit I got the verify box with 'pick all the images with cats'.
Did that & then it went to another page where it asked me to 'describe the above image'
Minimum 5 words required.
Is this being used to help train their AI?
Besides being a pain in the a$$ requiring another step - I do not want to help with their AI training in any way.
Don't think I will be filling in anything useful going forward.

--- End quote ---

Not AI training, it's to stop the Bots. The click the cats has been going on for months.


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