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Author Topic: Adobestock Review Time  (Read 36334 times)

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« Reply #325 on: December 18, 2024, 11:00 »
Smaller numbers of submissions must be going thru faster.

I just had 1 video reviewed in a couple days and a small batch of images took about a week.
I have 8 vectors that are waiting for 2 months now. Today I'm also having trouble uploading, a circle spins for a couple of minutes then I get a message there's something wrong with the eps file.

Did anyone give a reason for this long wait time?

« Reply #326 on: December 19, 2024, 09:52 »
They seem to be clearing the backlog and starting from newest first.  Ive had regular batches of 20-40 reviewed every few days off the top of my queue.

MOST has now cleared - even the 5 month old ones.  Ive got about 20 left from about a month ago still but the 500 or so others in the queue from then until now has cleared.

« Reply #327 on: December 19, 2024, 10:28 »
They must be using AI for approval curation to faster reduce the backlog.   But it's making a lot of errors.

A large percentage of my last image submission was not approved due to "Intellectual Property Refusal".
A house cat with small vaccination/ID tags hanging from its collar? Or boxes of whole pineapples or dragon fruit?   

No brands, logos, people, property, etc in the images.

An experienced human curator's eye would never reject them but AI isn't smart enough.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2024, 11:08 by PCDMedia »

« Reply #328 on: December 19, 2024, 11:19 »
Can't complain here. I have an acceptance ratio of 100% and get approx. 20 - 50 images / day approved.

Just focus on quality and don't spam too much with too similar content.

« Reply #329 on: December 19, 2024, 12:30 »
the reviewers are real people,not AI,and in my opinion they also do an excellent job from what I see.

My theory on the files left on hold is that either there is no imminent need for these files,they are nothing new,or enough of the same files have already been approved,or an already high overall number of files has already been sent,they are not to be rejected,the quality is ok,but they can be left waiting for a while.so are put on hold.

Personally,if from a batch of 50 for example,40 are approved and 10 are left waiting,after a couple of weeks of waiting I generally delete them from the queue,if not before,except in extraordinary cases,because in my opinion it means "ok,that's fine,there's no problem with the content,but you can do better"

as far as I'm concerned,the reviews make me understand better how I should behave,and what can I improve.

it may happen that something is missing,they are human too,but I also think that if there is an animal with an extra leg but the overall content is of quality,it passes the review also in light of the fact that customers can use generative edits.

in short,in my opinion if the content has no technical problems and does not break any rules,at most it is put on hold,but in the end it is approved.

regarding the uploading problem,I also encountered the "fake" problem.

it's a fake problem,because it makes you believe there is a problem but in reality there isn't,because the error red banner appears and the contents don't seem to be uploaded,but just close the page,wait 30 minutes maximum,even less,reopen the page and the uploaded contents are among the new uploads.

« Reply #330 on: December 20, 2024, 12:32 »
I thought the reason for the long review time might be that they are scrutinizing each upload to see if any AI generated images are trying to pass as real photos.


« Reply #331 on: December 20, 2024, 14:36 »
Review time for editorial can be less than 24 hours.
My only gripes regarding reviews is for non-editorial times can be very long (although that appears to be improving?).
Also, the non-specific rejections.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2024, 14:38 by wds »

« Reply #332 on: December 21, 2024, 22:40 »
Nothing improving here and rejections are getting ridiculous. Adobe's review process is the worst of all places I submit to. 

« Reply #333 on: January 27, 2025, 08:11 »
The videos have been under review for 3 months now.
 >:( >:( >:(

« Reply #334 on: January 27, 2025, 15:35 »
The last small batch I submitted in December took just over a month. A few days before that I'd had one item uploaded earlier that day (a transparent PNG) that was reviewed in less than 24 hours. I've had most accepted but the rejections - the meaninglessly generic "quality issues" - make no sense to me.

I continue to keep an eye on the collection growth overall, and at the moment I don't see any point, for me, in uploading anything new. At least to Adobe Stock.

Last week (Jan 21 to 27; Monday Jan 20 was a federal holiday in the US) the overall collection grew by just over 6.8 million items. 88.9% of those items - just over 6 million - were genAI.

In addition to volume, genAI fakes with titles and keywords claiming to be real cities, animals, birds, buildings, etc. are being accepted.

The over-saturated fakes don't look like the original but there it sits next to actual photographs of the real thing. London, Paris, Seattle, Austin TX, Portland ME, Grand Tetons. Places large and small.

Earlier there were rules about not labeling things as if they were real when they weren't, but I don't see that any more aside from IP issues (such as artists' names or styles).

As a contributor, it feels like totally unfair competition. A form of image & keyword spam.

From the buyer's point of view they have to be super careful to avoid embarrassing their company because they didn't realize a title of "Custom House, Portland Maine: Historic Landmark" didn't mean what it said.

I don't know what Adobe Stock's overall plan is for this huge influx of genAI content - this is about 300 million new items in a year. That was the whole collection in June 2022 - has the number of items downloaded grown anything like as fast as the collection?

I'm happy that there's currently a market for photographs, but the potential for return on time invested (given I have the equipment and don't pay models that's essentially my total outlay) seems really slim.


« Reply #335 on: January 27, 2025, 15:51 »
Jo Ann,

I get your points from a "numbers game" point of view (the flood of AI images), but as someone who hasn't really submitted much AI, I haven't seen any kind of drastic earnings reduction from all the new AI content....at least not yet :). I do still believe that a lot of the AI competes with itself in that any given tool tends to generate a lot of the same "look" and kind of competes with itself. I have no data to back this up, just a hunch

« Reply #336 on: January 29, 2025, 05:46 »
New record for me, I've some clips (not AI) in queue for 6 months

« Reply #337 on: January 29, 2025, 10:48 »
Do you guys continue to upload while you have pics in review or do you wait until they clear? Someone said that if there is only a few waiting the faster they get reviewed but I now have 3 pics waiting for around 3 months and I'm not sure if I should continue uploading or wait.

« Reply #338 on: January 29, 2025, 10:55 »
just upload something every day and then you gradually have a stream of daily accepted files.

waiting for months makes no sense and gives no advantage for review times.

fwiw, my old camera photos are selling well, even seeing a slight increase. I think uploading camera content is a good idea because as soon as a buyer clicks on that hide ai button you have very little competition.

my ai sales are also not slowing down.

inspite of millions of files beig added my january is already 34% more than jan 24.

so growth is still possible even for those who only upload 10-30 a day, sometimes just 5.

« Reply #339 on: January 29, 2025, 11:26 »
just upload something every day and then you gradually have a stream of daily accepted files.

waiting for months makes no sense and gives no advantage for review times.

Yes I do this! Images, both AI and non AI are usually reviewed in few days/weeks and I have few approved (or rejected) every day because I upload regularly
But video clips, I don't know why... I have about one hundred in queue, well distribuited in 6 months ago, 5 months, 4 months, 3 months and so on  ;D

Strangely few weeks ago I had a couple of clip batches reviewd in few days. But all others are floating in a limbo...
« Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 11:30 by derby »

« Reply #340 on: January 29, 2025, 12:28 »
I have some ai photos stuck for 4 months. rest off the series all accepted and selling.

Then two days ago I had 2 ai photos accepted on the same daythe others of the series are still waiting.

But as long as something goes live every day it is ok.

And for camera content there are other agencies with normal queues.

Adobe is building up a huge nearly exclusive ai collection. In addition they have the same indie content everyone else has.

And inspite of the huge influx, I have rising sales in a manner that feels very normal to me.

I dont feel any changes or threat from the high volume coming in.

« Reply #341 on: January 29, 2025, 14:49 »
And for camera content there are other agencies with normal queues.
Ok, so then it's ok for Adobe to have queues for months while other agencies review in days.
I don't think so.
It's a shame that Adobe who did before, as all other agencies, accept actual photos for their platform now suddenly has review times of months while it was days. I think it's totally unacceptable. If they wanted to do AI they should have hired more reviewers to do that work and not let it to impact the old normal flow of business. It looks like they are overwhelmed, don't know what they are doing and have no clue how to solve it.
There is no excuse and they don't even bother to make one.

« Reply #342 on: January 29, 2025, 16:27 »
they tripled their review team - not good enough?

they now accept one million files a day but my sales rise and I dont feel it. jan 25 is up 35% to jan 24. and my old camera content is also rising very well.

for many producers they are currently the most successful agency, even without ai.

looks like that is not what you want. then the logical thing to do is to focus on the companies that give you a better service.

it is a business, not a hobby.

my last camera content was approved in 11 days. but videos takes longer.

ai is from a few days to several months.

for me the main thing is sales. and volume to initial first sale is basically the same as before ai.

obviously if my sales were down, i would complain everywhere.


oh, look here, what is this? a file uploaded jan 22 that was accepted quickly and already has a sale.

Perhaps adobe is using ai to identify interesting content to push that first?

I have had this happen several times in January. Some file go live very quickly but also sell, others are now in the queue for over 4 months.

this was a photo ai file.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 00:21 by cobalt »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #343 on: January 30, 2025, 12:49 »
Do you guys continue to upload while you have pics in review or do you wait until they clear? Someone said that if there is only a few waiting the faster they get reviewed but I now have 3 pics waiting for around 3 months and I'm not sure if I should continue uploading or wait.

People can say anything they imagine, there's no need to believe them, just because they repeat it over and over.  :) One person says, if you have more waiting, you get faster reviews, another says less. Someone else says, delete and upload again, another says if you delete and upload again your rank will go down.

Here's my version, true or not, they review according to the type of content and the backlog. Video gets reviewed by video reviewers, AI by AI, Illustrations, photos, Etc. I have had an Illustrative Editorial fly through, while a photo sits and sits, and a composite image, got rejected in days, for "quality Issues" when the rest of the files, didn't get looked at yet. I had a release for an illustration, rejected in one day. I got the release adjusted and approved, and it's 17 days now, nothing. So somehow the system, knew the release was a problem, but now, I'm in line, waiting.

In other words, it's a hybrid system. Some computer review or AI or both, check the intake of files. That way the human reviewers don't get buried with things that are unacceptable, for obvious reasons. After that, the files sit, waiting for the human reviews. The reviewers also have tools and help on the files, it's not just their eyes. The software can guide them on image quality, things like contrast, sharpness, and showing a histogram.

There's no trick to jumping the line by uploading more or less or one a day. First in First out, but there could be software that reads the caption and keywords also, and pushes current "popular" or designated files, through the system, faster. Could Be?


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