Agency Based Discussion > Adobe Stock

Custom License as low as $0.29 now?

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A month ago or so, I started to see a lot of $0.30 downloads,

I was told "taxes are being withheld on your sales", my tax info is unchanged for the last year+ and I never had those sells before.

Today I suddenly see $0.29 sales, we Shutterstock now?

Injustice for all:

--- Quote from: bpawesome on April 22, 2024, 03:54 ---A month ago or so, I started to see a lot of $0.30 downloads,

I was told "taxes are being withheld on your sales", my tax info is unchanged for the last year+ and I never had those sells before.

Today I suddenly see $0.29 sales, we Shutterstock now?

--- End quote ---

Out of curiosity,do these lower than usual sales,come from content that has already sold enough,or from content that has made few sales in years?

Are these 0.30 or 0.29 sales coming from content you sell regularly?


--- Quote from: Injustice for all on April 22, 2024, 04:25 ---Out of curiosity,do these lower than usual sales,come from content that has already sold enough,or from content that has made few sales in years?

Are these 0.30 or 0.29 sales coming from content you sell regularly?

--- End quote ---

No, it's my regular, mid-selling content, nothing special about it, definitely not my low selling images

Got two 0.32$ sales today - that's a new low for me (also without tax withholding).
Now that I see people even get 0.29$ sales, that's really discouraging  :(. Hopefully Adobe doesn't go the way of Shutter.

Injustice for all:
I was thinking that it could be content that has temporarily become part of packages offered at special prices,perhaps content that hasn't been sold for a while,or not a lot in general.

Unfortunately there is a lot of competition,there are many microstock agencies,which is also why in my opinion it is important to contribute only to the best,as long as customers know they can find anything at any agency,Adobe Stock must remain competitive with the prices charged by other agencies.

I still have a couple of active ports in other agencies,but for almost a year I have only contributed to Adobe,also for this reason.

basically,I become Adobe Stock exclusive,if someone wants my contents they have to download on Adobe.


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