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Author Topic: Editorial Video in Adobe?  (Read 16356 times)

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« on: March 02, 2019, 19:36 »
Hello, anyone knows if it is possible to upload videos for editorial use in Adobe Stock?

« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2019, 19:37 »
Hello, anyone knows if it is possible to upload videos for editorial use in Adobe Stock?
As far as I know, no

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« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2019, 23:44 »
Hello, anyone knows if it is possible to upload videos for editorial use in Adobe Stock?

Our editorial content is sourced through outside agencies at this time. We are not accepting editorial submissions from individual contributors.

-Mat Hayward

« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2019, 01:13 »

Our editorial content is sourced through outside agencies at this time. We are not accepting editorial submissions from individual contributors.

-Mat Hayward

And that is a shame because I estimate that close to half of my income comes from editorial content. Mainly photos but some video too. And I'm a full time stock photographer so I know there's a large market for it.

And since Adobe does not accept editorial, it's probably the most forgiving when it comes to recognizable people in photos. Images that would not be accepted on other agencies because of recognizable people, pass on Adobe. That could be a problem.

« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2019, 05:29 »
And that is a shame because I estimate that close to half of my income comes from editorial content. Mainly photos but some video too. And I'm a full time stock photographer so I know there's a large market for it.

Yep, me too...


« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2019, 07:05 »
Our editorial content is sourced through outside agencies at this time.

Still a newbie but i beleive that eng editorial sublects (from reuters and similar) as migrant crisis, politics, environmental issues, sports etc are a whole totally diferent world than stock editorials on local markets, walks, landmarks, whatever from around the world is classified as editorial but actually have no "news"worthy value.


« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2019, 07:19 »
Ok, thank you all.

Hello, anyone knows if it is possible to upload videos for editorial use in Adobe Stock?

Our editorial content is sourced through outside agencies at this time. We are not accepting editorial submissions from individual contributors.

-Mat Hayward

« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2019, 07:51 »
Please, please, please start accepting non-people editorial.  I understand not wanting to feed and encourage paparazzi but adding editorial places and things would be great for both AdobeStock and it's contributors. 

« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2019, 08:32 »
Our editorial content is sourced through outside agencies at this time.

Still a newbie but i beleive that eng editorial sublects (from reuters and similar) as migrant crisis, politics, environmental issues, sports etc are a whole totally diferent world than stock editorials on local markets, walks, landmarks, whatever from around the world is classified as editorial but actually have no "news"worthy value.


Exactly. There are a lot of places, like travel destinations or even shops or product brands, which have a lot of value in stock photography but do not classify as news worthy.

Not news but still editorial, not only because they include elements that are not released and cannot be Commercial, but even because they are essentially sought by the editorial press like magazines or newspapers, and not by advertisers.

As an example, I have a photo of a name of a Bank on a building which has been involved in an ongoing scandal for years now. It's far from my best seller but it regularly sells. Why? Because economy and financial sections of newspapers and magazines need images to illustrate an article about that bank.

When it comes to travel places and tourist destinations, then the sales multiply incomparably. I believe I could almost double my income on Adobe with the acceptance of my editorial portfolio. In fact, I believe it's the reason why I still sell about half of what Shutterstock gives me.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2019, 20:13 »
And that is a shame because I estimate that close to half of my income comes from editorial content. Mainly photos but some video too. And I'm a full time stock photographer so I know there's a large market for it.

Yep, me too...

20 to 25% but all Mat can do is report that we would really appreciate the ability to share our editorial content. I could sure use a boost.

« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2019, 20:43 »
Around the time I found out Adobe was buying Fotolia I was sent a question or survey by Adobe. I remember I was asked if I thought Adobe should start accepting Editorial Video. I had never made editorial footage and still haven't but have made and uploaded a lot of editorial pictures to many sites.
If Adobe had asked me if I thought they should start accepting editorial images I would have said YES! but, I wasn't asked that.
Now, seeing this thread, I do think Adobe Stock should start accepting from contributors footage as well as editorial images as soon as possible. I think it would be great because it's a great idea. There are so many editorial newsworthy things that local photographers and makers of moving images that business people are looking to buy/license and it can add quite a bit to the bottom line of Adobe and Contributors as well as contributing to the local news images and stories. Hopefully someone from Adobe Stock will see this opinion and please start asking for and accepting editorial images and footage from existing and future contributors. Thanks Adobe! :~)

« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2019, 20:50 »
I am amazed how well editorial video sells and some for very high prices.

You just need to look at the pond5 thread where people post sales results, a really superhigh percentage is editorial.

There are so many local festivals, daily life situations that professional suppliers cannot provide.

The world is a very large place, so please Mat, ask them to reconsider, at least for video.


« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2019, 09:18 »
I am amazed how well editorial video sells and some for very high prices.

You just need to look at the pond5 thread where people post sales results, a really superhigh percentage is editorial.

There are so many local festivals, daily life situations that professional suppliers cannot provide.

The world is a very large place, so please Mat, ask them to reconsider, at least for video.

True for stills as well!

« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2019, 14:32 »
+1 both stills (which account for a lot of my sales elsewhere since travel is a big part of my portfolio - but even pix of e.g. the NYC marathon from 2010 that I took as a bystander still sell regularly 9 years later). Wish Id taken video too. So Mat please let them know were interested. I think the lack of editorial is why my ports at SS, Alamy  & yes even dreamstime do better when Adobe should have an advantage. Thanks Mat

« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2019, 23:24 »
Indeed. We are not talking about newsworthy stuff just non released people and property. Also trademarks. That sells a lot in SS...

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« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2019, 09:14 »
Indeed. We are not talking about newsworthy stuff just non released people and property. Also trademarks. That sells a lot in SS...

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Thanks everyone for chiming in on this important topic.  Love the feedback and do know that we're always evaluating what can be done to make our service and our contributors more successful.

Out of curiosity, how many people here are talking about video vs photos?


« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2019, 09:21 »
Indeed. We are not talking about newsworthy stuff just non released people and property. Also trademarks. That sells a lot in SS...

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Thanks everyone for chiming in on this important topic.  Love  and do know that we're always evaluating what can be done to make our service and our contributors more successful.

Out of curiosity, how many people here are talking about video vs photos?

I'm talking about photos that contain non released property or people and also with trademarks. That would be a good thing for AS. Specially when AS Latinamerica is making a huge effort in marketing (I follow them on social media), they need to realize that many Central and South American countries are not "covered" in terms of trademarks or street photos with non released people/property. I sell a lot of those pictures in SS and iS, even if I'm not a professional.

Not sure about video or "newsworthy" assets.

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« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 09:57 by davidbautista »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2019, 09:28 »
Indeed. We are not talking about newsworthy stuff just non released people and property. Also trademarks. That sells a lot in SS...

Enviado desde mi ALP-L29 mediante Tapatalk

Thanks everyone for chiming in on this important topic.  Love  and do know that we're always evaluating what can be done to make our service and our contributors more successful.

Out of curiosity, how many people here are talking about video vs photos?


Myself, little or no video, all about Editorial photos. Mine are released media material, not public news or things without a release that get marked "Editorial".

I'm sure there are a variety of different ways that people here work. I'm actually restricted from taking video at many events as Television owns the rights.

« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2019, 11:17 »
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 16:20 by trek »

« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2019, 11:20 »

Both!  About 25% of my video and photo portfolios are travel editorial.  They sell nearly as well as the commercial shots.  I think journalists and bloggers don't want signs removed from cityscapes and streetscapes.  They want realism.  Accepting editorial would be beneficial for buyers, contributors and AdobeStock. 

« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 16:20 by trek »

« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2019, 11:46 »
+1 both photo and video


« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2019, 13:53 »
+1 for video :)

« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2019, 14:00 »
Both photo and video with frequent travels to European cities, covering the posibillity of direct fast uploads on the spot, in case of breaking news or public events that do not need press releases.

« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2019, 15:29 »
Indeed. We are not talking about newsworthy stuff just non released people and property. Also trademarks. That sells a lot in SS...

Enviado desde mi ALP-L29 mediante Tapatalk

Thanks everyone for chiming in on this important topic.  Love  and do know that we're always evaluating what can be done to make our service and our contributors more successful.

Out of curiosity, how many people here are talking about video vs photos?


Photo and video from me

« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2019, 21:13 »
Hi Dennis,
Both editorial pictures and editorial video would be a most welcome addition to what can be uploaded from current and future contributors that can be licensed on Adobe Stock. I have uploaded a lot of well selling editorial pictures but, I can see the potential in editorial footage and will start making editorial video next time I make editorial pictures.
Please open Adobe to accepting editorial pictures as well as editorial footage.
Thanks for your consideration.


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