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Author Topic: Removal of images from Pixmac and (FT and StockXpert affiliates)  (Read 22531 times)

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« on: January 15, 2009, 09:23 »
I have changed the title of the thread to something more useful and less offensive.
The old title was: "Very unprofessional behavior from Fotolia and Stockxpert".
I hope it doesn't confuse people here.

So I am trying to become exclusive at iStock so I deleted all of my images from all sites I SINGED IN with.

I clicked the exclusivity button and I just got rejected because I have some live files at PixMac:

I always despised the affiliate sites of fotolia since I never knew how many there are,...

But this is REALLY annoying!

Thank got iStock was pretty cool about it and they just told me to take care of it and then let them know.


Thanks a lot guys. If it weren't of this forum I wouldn't even know that it was fotolia.

See a reply below. I found also some of my files at (affiliated with stockxpert). Going exclusive with iStock turned out to be lot more difficult than I anticipated.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 11:48 by maco0708 »

« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 09:54 »
I would suggest trying to contact pixmac to get them to remove your portfolio from their end.

« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 10:03 »
I would suggest trying to contact pixmac to get them to remove your portfolio from their end.

That is a good idea Leaf. I just contacted the support at Pixmac. Thank you.

Anybody else had a similar problem when trying to go exclusive at iStock? I just want to make sure that I don't get rejected again.

« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2009, 10:55 »
Your image on pixmac is no longer there - maybe it's just that you didn't give them enough time.
Out of curiosity, how long did you wait between deleting your Fotolia images and applying to iStock?


« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2009, 12:02 »
Were you also opted into subs at StockXpert? I am still getting sales from & Jupiter with some files I deleted months ago.

« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2009, 12:13 »
So I am trying to become exclusive at iStock so I deleted all of my images from all sites I SINGED IN with.

I clicked the exclusivity button and I just got rejected because I have some live files at PixMac:

I always despised the affiliate sites of fotolia since I never knew how many there are,...

But this is REALLY annoying!

Thank got iStock was pretty cool about it and they just told me to take care of it and then let them know.


Thanks a lot guys. If it weren't of this forum I wouldn't even know that it was fotolia.

Same story here with pixmac,i contact them and they removed the thumbnails see a part of the email i got from them..If your files were deleted from fotolia they weren't available for sale see below....

Hi Yvan,
your portfolio has been deleted. The change will be visible tomorrow after

Just for your information - your pictures can´t be downloaded anyway, as by
pictures comming from Fotolia we do not have any hires. By each download we
have to send a request to Fotolia and if the pictures were deleted on
Fotolia, it is not possible to download them from our site :)

« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 12:21 by Yvanovich »

« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2009, 12:25 »
I would suggest trying to contact pixmac to get them to remove your portfolio from their end.

That is a good idea Leaf. I just contacted the support at Pixmac. Thank you.

Anybody else had a similar problem when trying to go exclusive at iStock? I just want to make sure that I don't get rejected again.

Also will you have to wait 90 days to re-apply,in case of rejection that is the rule,or if Istock will be cool about this..
« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 12:27 by Yvanovich »

« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2009, 19:22 »
Your image on pixmac is no longer there - maybe it's just that you didn't give them enough time.
Out of curiosity, how long did you wait between deleting your Fotolia images and applying to iStock?

I contacted both fotolia and Pixmac today and I guess they acted quickly because the files are gone. That's good.
As mentioned below, apparently the files were still in the system, but they could not have been downloaded because they ask for permission every time from fotolia. However, that doesn't really help me since iStock denied my application because of it.

I deleted all my files on Fotolia on Jan 10th (today is the 15th) so they did not remove it from Pixmac in 4 days. I am pretty sure that if I haven't contacted them, the pictures would be there for a while.
I honestly thought that waiting 4 days was plenty. Apparently not.

« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2009, 19:36 »
Were you also opted into subs at StockXpert? I am still getting sales from & Jupiter with some files I deleted months ago.

This is why I LOVE this forum. It is truly an indispensable resource.

SURE ENOUGH, I found some of my files for sale at I contacted both and

If anybody knows of any other sites please let me know.

« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2009, 20:14 »
Were you also opted into subs at StockXpert? I am still getting sales from & Jupiter with some files I deleted months ago.

This is why I LOVE this forum. It is truly an indispensable resource.

SURE ENOUGH, I found some of my files for sale at I contacted both and

If anybody knows of any other sites please let me know.
Have you called IStock support,so im my case i did and the person that i spoke to is willing to reset my application...because if you go on your account check your account status thre is a waiting period of 90 days to it your case!Wich is not mentionned in the email application rejection.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 20:16 by Yvanovich »


« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2009, 22:56 »
just curious ...
were you always this mad at FT and StockXpert?
or is it only now that you're going exclusive with IS that you're so pissed off?
did you make any sales with FT and StockXpert?
if so, were you this mad at them then?   ::)

« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2009, 23:40 »
just curious ...
were you always this mad at FT and StockXpert?
or is it only now that you're going exclusive with IS that you're so pissed off?
did you make any sales with FT and StockXpert?
if so, were you this mad at them then?   ::)

I never particularly liked fotolia because they rejected more of my images than any other site. I was pretty happy with StockXpert. I had decent sales at both places but lately a lot of my sales were subscription sales. I personally think that 30 cents for a large photo is not enough nowadays. That's why (and other reasons) I am going exclusive with IS.

I deleted my pictures and I wasn't warned anywhere that my images can be still showing up at other sites. My exclusivity application was denied because of this. Result is:
1.) I have to take care of it.
2.) I am losing the exclusivity bonus for sales that happened these days.
I think I have the right to be little aggravated.

The main reason why I posted this was not to bash the agencies. I wanted to figure out how to take care of it (party done) and find other potential sites that also did not delete my images (also done). Also, I think this thread will be beneficial for other people who want to go exclusive (with whatever site).

« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2009, 07:59 »
just curious ...
were you always this mad at FT and StockXpert?
or is it only now that you're going exclusive with IS that you're so pissed off?
did you make any sales with FT and StockXpert?
if so, were you this mad at them then?   ::)

I never particularly liked fotolia because they rejected more of my images than any other site. I was pretty happy with StockXpert. I had decent sales at both places but lately a lot of my sales were subscription sales. I personally think that 30 cents for a large photo is not enough nowadays. That's why (and other reasons) I am going exclusive with IS.

I deleted my pictures and I wasn't warned anywhere that my images can be still showing up at other sites. My exclusivity application was denied because of this. Result is:
1.) I have to take care of it.
2.) I am losing the exclusivity bonus for sales that happened these days.
I think I have the right to be little aggravated.

The main reason why I posted this was not to bash the agencies. I wanted to figure out how to take care of it (party done) and find other potential sites that also did not delete my images (also done). Also, I think this thread will be beneficial for other people who want to go exclusive (with whatever site).
Could not agree more on 30 cents for a large photo is not enough....

« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2009, 10:28 »
Hi maco0708,

What is your StockXpert username? You can PM it to me. I'll see what I can do about expiditing the removal of your images from and JIU, but it usually takes a few weeks for this to happen.



« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2009, 10:56 »
as sharplydone mentioned firsthand, you just need to give them time.
you're not the only contributor at Fotolia or StockXpert.  they have so many contributors to think of , you just cannot expect them to jump at your request just so you said that you are now going exclusive with IS.

if the shoe was on the other foot, and you ask this of IS, i am sure you would be as mad as hell with them as you are with StockXpert and FT.
but this is no way to burn the bridges.
you complain of unprofessionalism. you are too doing the same to them  8)

« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2009, 11:04 »
I was expecting a new scandal by reading the title of this thread. ;)

« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2009, 11:47 »
as sharplydone mentioned firsthand, you just need to give them time.
you're not the only contributor at Fotolia or StockXpert.  they have so many contributors to think of , you just cannot expect them to jump at your request just so you said that you are now going exclusive with IS.

if the shoe was on the other foot, and you ask this of IS, i am sure you would be as mad as hell with them as you are with StockXpert and FT.
but this is no way to burn the bridges.
you complain of unprofessionalism. you are too doing the same to them  8)

Well, I gave them 4 days. I think that is long enough. I think this process should be automated and the update should happen every night (it can't be that hard to implement).
But I agree about your comments and I apologize for my tone to FT and StockXpert. I have changed the title for that reason and also make it more useful in searches for people with the same problem.

On the other hand, I got a sale from StockXpert today (through or jupiter) so if iStock wouldn't catch it I would be directly violating the contract right now.
At least in the case of fotolia they claim that the images could not have been downloaded.

« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2009, 12:02 »
I see one big difference between StockXpert and Fotolia here:
At StockXpert you have to opt in to have your pictures offered on partner sites.
At Fotolia you don't even know where else they are offered... (and that is what I call unprofessional).

« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2009, 12:13 »
I see one big difference between StockXpert and Fotolia here:
At StockXpert you have to opt in to have your pictures offered on partner sites.
At Fotolia you don't even know where else they are offered... (and that is what I call unprofessional).

Good point.

However, as of right now, the fotolia issue (Pixmac) is solved for me. On the other hand I just got an e-mail from StockXpert that it can take couple of weeks to remove my files from JUI and Hopefully, Steve-oh can work some magic:)

« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2009, 12:16 »
Hi maco0708,

What is your StockXpert username? You can PM it to me. I'll see what I can do about expiditing the removal of your images from and JIU, but it usually takes a few weeks for this to happen.

This is well written on the StockXpert web site that it could takes up to 60 days to remove all the files from their reseller sites the day you claim your files.That's why in my case i deleted all my files from the site in early November.

« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2009, 12:38 »
I see one big difference between StockXpert and Fotolia here:
At StockXpert you have to opt in to have your pictures offered on partner sites.
At Fotolia you don't even know where else they are offered... (and that is what I call unprofessional).

Good point.

However, as of right now, the fotolia issue (Pixmac) is solved for me. On the other hand I just got an e-mail from StockXpert that it can take couple of weeks to remove my files from JUI and Hopefully, Steve-oh can work some magic:)

You know that the Pixmac issue is solved. Do you know if the Fotolia issue is solved? How many such sites are out there? Do you have a list? I don't...

« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2009, 18:24 »
Hi maco0708,

What is your StockXpert username? You can PM it to me. I'll see what I can do about expiditing the removal of your images from and JIU, but it usually takes a few weeks for this to happen.

This is well written on the StockXpert web site that it could takes up to 60 days to remove all the files from their reseller sites the day you claim your files.That's why in my case i deleted all my files from the site in early November.

Where does it say that? I briefly looked around but I could not find it. I am surprised that this wasn't mentioned in the "preparing for exclusivity thread". I wonder how many people actually knew about this. I wish I did. Oh well, I guess I will wait and try to bug them in my free time.

« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2009, 21:43 »

I have to agree with others posts that you should have considered a bit more time.  I would never expect sites being quick at something that means no advantage for them.  I found it however annoying that we do not know who are FT partners, except for some casual finding like Pixmac and that German print site.  DT and BigStock partners are also mysterious, so your images may be still around somewhere for a while.


« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2009, 21:54 »

I have to agree with others posts that you should have considered a bit more time.  I would never expect sites being quick at something that means no advantage for them.  I found it however annoying that we do not know who are FT partners, except for some casual finding like Pixmac and that German print site.  DT and BigStock partners are also mysterious, so your images may be still around somewhere for a while.


What do you guys think is appropriate time to wait? Every day can be very costly is someone like Yuri will ever want to go exclusive (for him it would be $1000 a day that he would lose in exclusivity bonus). This is an honest question.
I agree that there is no incentive for the sites to remove my images quickly (except that it is the right thing to do). I am still baffled what is the holdup, it's just a click of a button away (or they their software is poorly written).

« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2009, 05:47 »
Hi maco0708,

What is your StockXpert username? You can PM it to me. I'll see what I can do about expiditing the removal of your images from and JIU, but it usually takes a few weeks for this to happen.

This is well written on the StockXpert web site that it could takes up to 60 days to remove all the files from their reseller sites the day you claim your files.That's why in my case i deleted all my files from the site in early November.

Where does it say that? I briefly looked around but I could not find it. I am surprised that this wasn't mentioned in the "preparing for exclusivity thread". I wonder how many people actually knew about this. I wish I did. Oh well, I guess I will wait and try to bug them in my free time.
I don't have an account there anymore(3month ago),but it is somwhere in the affilate program...but i am not sure...Thre are some other reseller of StockXpert you should check they maybe have some of your images left, i think you will find this in the affiliate program,like, and of course


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