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Author Topic: The blue bar is back! Adobe Stock bonus codes are available in the portal  (Read 28922 times)

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« Reply #100 on: January 13, 2023, 16:23 »
But requirements for 2021. were made in beginning of 2021. Requirements for 2022. were never made and 2022. has ended, so you know, it is not possible for AS to set rules for 2022. anymore and it is not possible for us to meet these rules because they don't exist.

Yes, AS people could theoretically be kind and give us codes because they like us  ;D (and not because they want us to upload, sell, earn money), but I don't think it is very likely.
of course it's still possible - all AS has to do is describe how they're going to select who gets the bonus. absolutely no reason they had to do it on 1/1/22

still waiting for any doom-prophets to make a $ bet on their 'knowledge'

Id put $20 down that its not coming back for this year, but what do I get if I win?
i'll take your bet - if AS doesnt give bonus codes this year i'll send you $20 by paypal

« Reply #101 on: January 14, 2023, 15:56 »
But requirements for 2021. were made in beginning of 2021. Requirements for 2022. were never made and 2022. has ended, so you know, it is not possible for AS to set rules for 2022. anymore and it is not possible for us to meet these rules because they don't exist.

Yes, AS people could theoretically be kind and give us codes because they like us  ;D (and not because they want us to upload, sell, earn money), but I don't think it is very likely.
of course it's still possible - all AS has to do is describe how they're going to select who gets the bonus. absolutely no reason they had to do it on 1/1/22

still waiting for any doom-prophets to make a $ bet on their 'knowledge'

Id put $20 down that its not coming back for this year, but what do I get if I win?
i'll take your bet - if AS doesnt give bonus codes this year i'll send you $20 by paypal

Wait a second, we gotta wait all year? I'll be hungry for some of the good ramen much sooner than 2024.


« Reply #102 on: January 15, 2023, 07:56 »
Where do you find the expiration date for the plan you are on?

« Reply #103 on: January 15, 2023, 08:39 »
Go to https://account.adobe.com/, maybe then click on "Manage your plans".


« Reply #104 on: January 15, 2023, 09:20 »
Go to https://account.adobe.com/, maybe then click on "Manage your plans".

Thanks, on the page at that address there is a "redeem a new code by 'date'". I think that's it.

« Reply #105 on: January 15, 2023, 09:23 »
Go to https://account.adobe.com/, maybe then click on "Manage your plans".

Thanks, on the page at that address there is a "redeem a new code by 'date'". I think that's it.

Yes, that's it!


« Reply #106 on: January 15, 2023, 16:31 »
I would put my money on pigsinspace. Time is well overdue and looking at the non-responsive posts of Mat I would be highly surprised if Adobe would come up with something. Like someone else sort of said here, bring positive news shouting but shut up when there is bad news to bring. The silence of Adobe and Mat (who is being paid to convey Adobe's corporate message) kind of tells you what the outcome will be, right?

« Reply #107 on: January 16, 2023, 03:51 »
I would put my money on pigsinspace. Time is well overdue and looking at the non-responsive posts of Mat I would be highly surprised if Adobe would come up with something. Like someone else sort of said here, bring positive news shouting but shut up when there is bad news to bring. The silence of Adobe and Mat (who is being paid to convey Adobe's corporate message) kind of tells you what the outcome will be, right?

I'm starting to think the same, which is such a disappointment. I haven't been able to use the codes in the past, as they've been one app codes, and I use several from the whole suite. This time I would qualify for the whole suite based on the previous year's criteria, (5000+ downloads), so it would be just my luck that it gets scraped just in time for me to miss out again.

« Reply #108 on: January 16, 2023, 15:23 »
But requirements for 2021. were made in beginning of 2021. Requirements for 2022. were never made and 2022. has ended, so you know, it is not possible for AS to set rules for 2022. anymore and it is not possible for us to meet these rules because they don't exist.

Yes, AS people could theoretically be kind and give us codes because they like us  ;D (and not because they want us to upload, sell, earn money), but I don't think it is very likely.
of course it's still possible - all AS has to do is describe how they're going to select who gets the bonus. absolutely no reason they had to do it on 1/1/22

still waiting for any doom-prophets to make a $ bet on their 'knowledge'

Id put $20 down that its not coming back for this year, but what do I get if I win?
i'll take your bet - if AS doesnt give bonus codes this year i'll send you $20 by paypal

Wait a second, we gotta wait all year? I'll be hungry for some of the good ramen much sooner than 2024.

ok, we'll give AS until end of March? (which is when my current bonus ends)

{thanks for getting me my payment sooner!?! i'll tell you how tasty the ramen was!}

« Reply #109 on: January 16, 2023, 20:49 »
But requirements for 2021. were made in beginning of 2021. Requirements for 2022. were never made and 2022. has ended, so you know, it is not possible for AS to set rules for 2022. anymore and it is not possible for us to meet these rules because they don't exist.

Yes, AS people could theoretically be kind and give us codes because they like us  ;D (and not because they want us to upload, sell, earn money), but I don't think it is very likely.
of course it's still possible - all AS has to do is describe how they're going to select who gets the bonus. absolutely no reason they had to do it on 1/1/22

still waiting for any doom-prophets to make a $ bet on their 'knowledge'

Id put $20 down that its not coming back for this year, but what do I get if I win?
i'll take your bet - if AS doesnt give bonus codes this year i'll send you $20 by paypal

Wait a second, we gotta wait all year? I'll be hungry for some of the good ramen much sooner than 2024.

ok, we'll give AS until end of March? (which is when my current bonus ends)

{thanks for getting me my payment sooner!?! i'll tell you how tasty the ramen was!}

Its a deal.


« Reply #110 on: January 21, 2023, 04:37 »
Checked my billing history with Adobe. In 2021 I was paying about 30/ month for all apps. now it's 51.98! a 70+% increase. LOL I guess we're the frogs that just get dumped straight into the boiling water.

« Reply #111 on: January 21, 2023, 04:52 »
Checked my billing history with Adobe. In 2021 I was paying about 30/ month for all apps. now it's 51.98! a 70+% increase. LOL I guess we're the frogs that just get dumped straight into the boiling water.

Wow!  :o

« Reply #112 on: January 21, 2023, 05:00 »
Checked my billing history with Adobe. In 2021 I was paying about 30/ month for all apps. now it's 51.98! a 70+% increase. LOL I guess we're the frogs that just get dumped straight into the boiling water.

As I know price about 50-60 eur/month for all aps is more then two years.. maybe you have used some discount code 🤔

« Reply #113 on: January 21, 2023, 14:04 »
Checked my billing history with Adobe. In 2021 I was paying about 30/ month for all apps. now it's 51.98! a 70+% increase. LOL I guess we're the frogs that just get dumped straight into the boiling water.

ignoring the urban legend about frogs,

 if you were paying that amt in 2021 you got a deal!  and w conversion rates you're still getting a better deal than US customers


« Reply #114 on: January 21, 2023, 17:01 »
Checked my billing history with Adobe. In 2021 I was paying about 30/ month for all apps. now it's 51.98! a 70+% increase. LOL I guess we're the frogs that just get dumped straight into the boiling water.

As I know price about 50-60 eur/month for all aps is more then two years.. maybe you have used some discount code 🤔

Really? I wonder how I swung it? I remember speaking to Adobe at one point but don't remember what it was about. I just looked back over my billing history and I was paying for individual apps (adding up to about 30) and then switched to the all apps 100GB plan. I was on the 30/ month all apps from then on.

I could have been better off not activating my codes! I'll eventually end up paying more than if they'd never given me the freebie (and I'd stuck to my special rate)  :o

« Reply #115 on: January 21, 2023, 17:05 »
Checked my billing history with Adobe. In 2021 I was paying about 30/ month for all apps. now it's 51.98! a 70+% increase. LOL I guess we're the frogs that just get dumped straight into the boiling water.

Cancel your subscription and you will get another deal (usually 30% off) in a few weeks as a max.


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« Reply #116 on: January 22, 2023, 00:21 »
Yeah, you probably got a deal for upgrading for the first 3,6, 12 months or something.

« Reply #117 on: January 27, 2023, 09:09 »
Any news on this Mat?  My free subscription runs out next week.
If not free, how about a deeper discount for contributors?

« Reply #118 on: January 27, 2023, 17:57 »
Any news on this Mat?  My free subscription runs out next week.
If not free, how about a deeper discount for contributors?

Reimar, I think we will have to accept that there will be no more free subscription.

That was a really nice extra that we have no right to if Adobe decides to do it that way.

But it's a shame they don't make an official statement about it, that would at least have been respectful and honest and would have spared us such (unworthy) discussions here. No big crap lying explanations, just we don't do it anymore would have been enough for me.

Because of the free usage, I put my other photo editing programs aside and put a lot of work and energy into Photoshop. The program is very good and I don't know what other program I could use to edit my photos in the way I'm used to. So I bit the bullet and pay for it from next month.

However, it is very disappointing that the suspension of the program takes place at a time when every cent counts for stock contributors.

In the end, the bland aftertaste remains that the agencies are not our partners - even Adobe.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2023, 18:19 by RalfLiebhold »

« Reply #119 on: January 28, 2023, 11:02 »
From an email received yesterday:

...We wanted to let you know that complimentary access to Creative Cloud All Apps in your Personal Profile will expire in 7 days, so youll need to move any business content over to your corresponding Business Profiles in order to continue working without disruption. Personal content can remain in your Personal Profile for both paid and free memberships....


« Reply #120 on: January 30, 2023, 12:19 »
Tick, tock, tick tock,
60 days before the bet between cascoly and pigsinspace ends.

So far, no news but bad news in peoples mailboxes from Adobe.

Is it safe to assume there won't be a 2022 equivalent as its already near November and no announcement?

I have no news to share at this time. I would not make any assumptions in either direction. You have my promise that as soon as I can provide an update, I will.

Thank you,

Mat Hayward

Adobe still doesn't know what they will be doing with these bonuses? Or are they just going to let it die without any further communication except the emails to individual contributors that they have to get the paid subscription?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 13:11 by SVH »

« Reply #121 on: January 30, 2023, 12:57 »
My subscription was listed as expiring on Feb 4.  My photoshop disappeared a week early.
Thanks a lot Adobe.


« Reply #122 on: January 30, 2023, 16:15 »
Just to be more clear.

After this first positive announcement:

Hi Everyone,

I'm pleased to inform you that the 2021 bonus codes have been applied to all accounts of contributors who qualified. Visit the Adobe Stock Contributor portal. If you qualified, you should see the banner with the unique URL that will take you to redeem your code.

Congratulations to everyone who qualified! We are so grateful to you for your contribution at Adobe Stock. Without you, there is no us.

Stay creative!

Mat Hayward

I would like to hear something like:

Hi Everyone,

I'm saddened to inform you that the 2022 bonus codes have not been applied to all accounts of contributors who would have qualified. Considering the economical environment and challenges within the microstock photography we are not able to prolong this program.

Condolences to everyone who would had qualified. We are so grateful to you for your contribution at Adobe Stock. Without you, there is no us. We need all profit to stay with us and not give away freebies to you contributors.

Stay creative!

Mat Hayward

« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 16:36 by SVH »

« Reply #123 on: January 30, 2023, 19:06 »
Im sort of lucky that due to timings my bonus packages wont expire until August.

Ultimately though i really can't see them coming at all this year now so preparations.

As others have said, the monthly fee for all apps is a lot.  A big chunk.  Is it worth it when i don't use most of the supplied apps?  Probably now.
Ultimately i tend to use LR/PS/Premiere and nothing else.

What i suspect im going to do is continue to pay for LR/PS as its "cheaper" at ~10 a month but the extra then for Premiere is over 20 so i'll ditch it.
Most likely i'll buy Resolve Studio as a one-off fee.  Its arguably more powerful as an editor (effectively Premiere and AE in one) and once ive bought that im not paying monthly for it.

Ive got a few months yet to decide and see what Adobe do but currently it looks like thats the most cost effective thing for me to do.  After about a year of that Resolve and Premiere have equalled in cost and from that point forward, assuming no more Adobe codes, im winning.

« Reply #124 on: January 30, 2023, 21:08 »
Just to be more clear.

After this first positive announcement:

Hi Everyone,

I'm pleased to inform you that the 2021 bonus codes have been applied to all accounts of contributors who qualified. Visit the Adobe Stock Contributor portal. If you qualified, you should see the banner with the unique URL that will take you to redeem your code.

Congratulations to everyone who qualified! We are so grateful to you for your contribution at Adobe Stock. Without you, there is no us.

Stay creative!

Mat Hayward

I would like to hear something like:

Hi Everyone,

I'm saddened to inform you that the 2022 bonus codes have not been applied to all accounts of contributors who would have qualified. Considering the economical environment and challenges within the microstock photography we are not able to prolong this program.

Condolences to everyone who would had qualified. We are so grateful to you for your contribution at Adobe Stock. Without you, there is no us. We need all profit to stay with us and not give away freebies to you contributors.

Stay creative!

Mat Hayward

It would indeed have been nice if Adobe had informed us about not prolonging the program or at least admit to it if asked directly.

However, as there never was a 2022 bonus program, there have been no contributors who qualified for it. The text you quote is about the 2021 program. So there is no need to apologies for not giving out bonus codes to people who qualified, as there are no such people.


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