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Author Topic: After 3 years in stock I feel scammed  (Read 5720 times)

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« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2024, 07:36 »

I have to feed the beast daily because I'm sure that last upload date is part of the search algorithm, but even that doesn't help anymore...

I don't know what last upload date would have to do with anything, except you think they reward people for being active and punish people for not uploading often enough? Seems counter productive to providing the best images to buyers.

I read that as New Images have a boost in the search, which has been true from the start, and nothing to do with anything individual or personal?

I'm really not sure that new images get any kind of boost these days?

We've been through times when the search defaulted to 'new', and everyone was tripping over themselves to feed the beast, but as 'NEW' is now longer an option in the customer search filter, then it's not surprising that new content hardly ever gains any traction.

New is still an option in the search filter. I also still get near instant sales if the content arrives with the right timing and is needed.

The standard search is set to relevancy which has a good mix of old and new files.

The feeding the beast factor, that is probably valid

Then you are lucky to see this. In 3 different browsers I tried a search for 'tomato', and I only have the option to filter by Most Popular and Relevant. The 'new' option disappeared months ago.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 08:22 by kuriouskat »

« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2024, 08:44 »
That is very, very strange. Why would they do that??

I also search by new if I am looking for something.

For me the option is still there.

Perhaps Mat can give us an explanation??

So many people always look for the newest content, especially for new seasonal content with the latest styles and trends.

« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2024, 09:19 »
That is very, very strange. Why would they do that??

I also search by new if I am looking for something.

For me the option is still there.

Perhaps Mat can give us an explanation??

So many people always look for the newest content, especially for new seasonal content with the latest styles and trends.

Sorry - I should have been clear that I was referring to Shutterstock. The OP referred to Adobe, but conversation became more general after that.

New images sell OK at Adobe, but for some reason, Shutterstock have changed the search to filter many out before they get a chance. They seem to accept so much rubbish these days, which I guess is a way to cut review costs, but then bury most of it so that it never sees the light of day.

« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2024, 10:44 »
Ok, thanks for the explanation!!

Yes, maybe they are trying to hide the crap they take, but customers would certainly prefer to have that option.

Must be another reason why customers switch to adobe.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 11:12 by cobalt »

« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2024, 14:59 »
Ok, thanks for the explanation!!

Yes, maybe they are trying to hide the crap they take, but customers would certainly prefer to have that option.

Must be another reason why customers switch to adobe.

I'm sure. There are some shocking images on Shutterstock these days, and a big question mark over how many of them ever got past review.


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